Batman's worst nightmare

batmans worst nightmare would be that the writers realize that he is just a human unable to acomplish those imposible feats that they have writen about him and that finaly they put some sense into their writng and then every time he fights he would get owned. LOL Ex. Spiderman can own him, Superman can, Hulk, flash, wolverine, GL, WW, Martian Manhunter and i could go on and on but i would get bored. Hey its batman, BORING!!!!!
el sensei said:
batmans worst nightmare would be that the writers realize that he is just a human unable to acomplish those imposible feats that they have writen about him and that finaly they put some sense into their writng and then every time he fights he would get owned. LOL Ex. Spiderman can own him, Superman can, Hulk, flash, wolverine, GL, WW, Martian Manhunter and i could go on and on but i would get bored. Hey its batman, BORING!!!!!

Well your a killjoy.:)
That's what happens when you merge the multiple earths. :(
CConn said:
That's what happens when you merge the multiple earths. :(

It would be hillarious having current Batman and Adam West Batman teaming up.
your all wrong...

The Dark Knights worst nightmare is...BARNEY!:eek:

Picture it now...Batman swings down into a dark alley after hearing a noise...he sits in the darkness....waiting....waiting....and suddenly it happens....

I love you you love me we're a happy Family....

Batman screams

its downright scary I tell ya.:D

Shadow out
el sensei said:
batmans worst nightmare would be that the writers realize that he is just a human unable to acomplish those imposible feats that they have writen about him and that finaly they put some sense into their writng and then every time he fights he would get owned. LOL Ex. Spiderman can own him, Superman can, Hulk, flash, wolverine, GL, WW, Martian Manhunter and i could go on and on but i would get bored. Hey its batman, BORING!!!!!

Thats why batman owns all of them.
Batmans worst nightmare is...

finding out too late that his Batsuit has been startched.


Shadow out
el sensei said:
batmans worst nightmare would be that the writers realize that he is just a human unable to acomplish those imposible feats that they have writen about him and that finaly they put some sense into their writng and then every time he fights he would get owned. LOL Ex. Spiderman can own him, Superman can, Hulk, flash, wolverine, GL, WW, Martian Manhunter and i could go on and on but i would get bored. Hey its batman, BORING!!!!!


I honestly don't think its all that difficult to believe that Batman can accomplish incredible feats. He's more than just a man. He's a modern day Achilles. Or even Hercules.

I know you were kidding, but there's been a lot of this going on lately.
Batman's worst nightmare = Jumping into action.....and realizing that he forgot to put on his Utility Belt.

Shadow out
el sensei said:
batmans worst nightmare would be that the writers realize that he is just a human unable to acomplish those imposible feats that they have writen about him and that finaly they put some sense into their writng and then every time he fights he would get owned. LOL Ex. Spiderman can own him, Superman can, Hulk, flash, wolverine, GL, WW, Martian Manhunter and i could go on and on but i would get bored. Hey its batman, BORING!!!!!

Quick! Someone call n00b control!
That video will give me nightmares when I sleep tonight even tho I'm adult...:o
That video is..................seriously disturbing.

::shudders::: Make it stop.......please??

Shadow out

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