Being naked


Apr 19, 2006
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So I am looking into buying a house soon. One of the main reasons being privacy.

I've lived with both guys and girls and everyone seems to have their own quirks about nudity.

A little bit like that Seinfeld episode, everyone has boundaries.

Not everyone is the same though. Some people sleep naked, eat naked or even go so far as to book vacations dedicated to being naked. Mostly though we can't be naked all the time.

I'd say I do a fair bit of naked lounging, more so during warmer months.

For me much of the novelty of it has worn off. I'm not a nudist certainly, but if I'm in a private space and don't require clothes I don't like to bother myself to get dressed right away.

So for y'all is it a shower/bath only aspect of your life, or more?
Sitting around naked is gross...I bet you have fecal matter particles every where.
Sitting around naked is gross...I bet you have fecal matter particles every where.
Ah the Hype's resident puritan.

That would only be true if you never bother to clean your house or yourself.
As a stereotypical male, I only find it awesome when the women are more naked than us.
I like to wear boxers and a t-shirt around the house.
Taking showers and having sex are pretty much my only reasons for getting naked.

And the world is thankful for it.
I only do it when i'm in an out of the shower, otherwise no.
When I had my own place back in the day I never wore clothes! I have kids now so not so much. I don't really like wearing clothes so if I could I would mostly be in my birthday suit. Or a costume! :p
^Well, it depends on how you look nekkid. If you got rippling pectorials and ****, then you can stand to look at yourself in the mirror for long stretches. I'm like 5'5 and 130 lbs, I don't need to see that.
When I had my own place back in the day I never wore clothes! I have kids now so not so much. I don't really like wearing clothes so if I could I would mostly be in my birthday suit. Or a costume! :p
Back in college I had a single dorm Sophomore year, and I was basically the same way. Now I have roommates, and the layout of the house more or less confines me to my room if I want to be naked, and I have to put clothes on to go to the bathroom.

I go back and forth about my (hypothetical future) children.

Should I just not give a crap, and let the family be naked around each other whenever...because I don't really consider seeing a family member naked to be on the same level as a non family member. Yet, at the same time, you don't want to encourage them to be naked whenever they damn well please either.
Provided it's warm and the curtains are shut, I do not find it crude to be nude :word:
I like sitting around in my undies, and sometimes sleep naked.
Ive slept naked a few times. Otherwise not any other time besides the shower. Even if i lived alone i dont think i would just walk around naked. Id probably feel exposed
Ive slept naked a few times. Otherwise not any other time besides the shower. Even if i lived alone i dont think i would just walk around naked. Id probably feel exposed
I definitely do not feel exposed in my own dwelling. Even if someone looked in my window, well, sorry, it's my window.
you know, years ago when I was married, on the first week of being married, my ex-wife raised hell on me for walking about the house one day in just my boxers and just lounging about in them...

I asked her what's the big deal and she said that's not done and to put on some clothes... unbelievable...

right then and there, I KNEW there was gonna be trouble... never gave ANY indication until after we got married that this kind of sheeit was one of the things that I'd be dealing with from her...

needless to say, three years later... kiss my arse and goodbye...
Being naked all the time is gross...the amount of germs you spread is pretty bad if you really look into the science. You may as well just lay in your own filfth and call it good.
Ah the Hype's resident puritan.

That would only be true if you never bother to clean your house or yourself.

Who would want to come over and sit around on the same furniture your naked ass sat? That's the nastiest thing I have heard on here. Because I am sure you never fart or disenfect your crack after each crap. And, I am sure you deep clean and disenfect your chair all the time. I am sure a guy that sits around naked all day in his favorite chair has hygiene and cleanliness at the top of his noggin.

I bet your chair smells like farts and **** with a hint of febreeze hahaha.
Being naked all the time is gross...the amount of germs you spread is pretty bad if you really look into the science. You may as well just lay in your own filfth and call it good.

Watch out before he calls you a Puritan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who would want to come over and sit around on the same furniture your naked ass sat? That's the nastiest thing I have heard on here. Because I am sure you never fart or disenfect your crack after each crap. And, I am sure you deep clean and disenfect your chair all the time. I am sure a guy that sits around naked all day in his favorite chair has hygiene and cleanliness at the top of his noggin.

I bet your chair smells like farts and **** with a hint of febreeze hahaha.

Thats an easy answer, they dont give a shi*.. See what I did there :cwink:

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