Best Show? Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Boardwalk Empire?


Psychological Anarchist
Jan 25, 2008
Reaction score
Which show is the best?

If you watch and like them all, then please rank them also.
Breaking Bad is pretty much the best show out there right now, but down the ranking I'd include the others shows you have listed as well as some other ones such as Dexter, Supernatural, Sherlock, Person of Interest, Psych, Mad Men, Justified, The Newsroom(which I recently ran through the first season and LOVED), Homeland. I'm probably forgetting one or two, but off the top of my head, these other shows come to mind.
Breaking Bad obviously but I choose Walking Dead second because it just catches my interests :)
I picked Breaking Bad, but I'd rate The Clone Wars up there with it as the best thing on TV. The others are great shows as well. I also really enjoy Justified and Sons of Anarchy.
there's no debate. breaking bad is one of the best drama of all time. up there with the wire and the sopranos..
I don't think The Walking Dead deserves to be on the possible best tv show spot, the novelty factor is what made it be rated so high, and while Season 1 was strong, there were still some weird dialogue moments, Season 2 was bad and The governor's actions in season 3's finale were rushed and kinda weird.
Not only does he think The Walking Dead is one of the top four shows on television, but the list doesn't even include Mad Men. What the **** am I reading?


[BLACKOUT]Breaking Bad is the correct answer.[/BLACKOUT]
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones

I just can't get into the other two shows.
Ugh, this thread doesn't even deserve responses! Walking Dead isn't even a contender! And seriously Sons of Anarchy, Justified, Shameless and Homeland should all get mentions as well.
Oh yea duh and Mad Men. Still needa watch The Newsroom though. Hannibal, Ray Donovan and The Bridge will soon deserve to be on the list as well.
Ugh, this thread doesn't even deserve responses! Walking Dead isn't even a contender! And seriously Sons of Anarchy, Justified, Shameless and Homeland should all get mentions as well.

Oh yea duh and Mad Men. Still needa watch The Newsroom though. Hannibal, Ray Donovan and The Bridge will soon deserve to be on the list as well.

You think any of those shows had a chance at beating Breaking Bad?
Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Boardwalk Empire.

One of these things is not like the others. :o

And Breaking Bad, with GoT second, Boardwalk third, but all are great.
Ugh, this thread doesn't even deserve responses! Walking Dead isn't even a contender! And seriously Sons of Anarchy, Justified, Shameless and Homeland should all get mentions as well.

I agree Walking Dead isn't a contender, but no one would put Homeland above Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones either. At least no one sane. :o
No I don't think any of them have a chance up against Breaking Bad. Frankly, nothing does. But they are all contenders, at least for best currently airing series. No doubt about that
Isn0t Downton Abbey worth putting on this list too? I don't watch it but it gets a lot of good reception
Someone should make a 'Best show other than Breaking Bad' thread... Then we might actually get a varied response :p
^^^^^^ Seriously. Probably leave out Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire while we're at it cuz they'll just keep topping it too
Breaking Bad and Sons Of Anarchy are my personal favorites. This year, I'll have the pleasure of watching both in the same week. :yay:
Sons of Anarchy is grossly under rated. I feel like Shameless deserves a bit more recognition as well
I was about to say this poll was invalid without The Wire, but then I realized that these shows are all currently airing.

I have a hard time choosing between Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad.
Isn0t Downton Abbey worth putting on this list too? I don't watch it but it gets a lot of good reception

I think so. I really love it, but I get the impression a lot of people don't. :/
Someone should make a 'Best show other than Breaking Bad' thread... Then we might actually get a varied response :p

Don't worry, Breaking Bad ends for good in a roughly a month. It'll be over soon. :oldrazz:
Accepting the premise that these are the four best shows on TV (and I do not accept that premise), I'd say they rank in this order:

1) Breaking Bad
2) Boardwalk Empire
3) The Walking Dead
4) Game of Thrones

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