Best Villain Tournament

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Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score
Not taking anymore nominations. Sorry.:O
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Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)

Lan Di (Shenmue)

Katherine Marlowe (Uncharted: Drakes Deception)

The Illusive Man (Mass Effect 3)

Frank Jaeger (Metal Gear Solid)

Shao Khan (Mortal Kombat)

Big Smile Lee (Sleeping Dogs)

Darth Malak (Knights of the Old Republic)

Nemesis (Resident Evil 3)

And last but not least,


My villain list is made up of both who i think are just cool characters (Big Boss and Gray Fox) as well as the ones i just really wanted to punch in the face (marlowe and lan di)

Big Boss and Frank Jaeger count as bad guys right?
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Aw yeah. New tournament!

Lan Di (Shenmue)

Excellent choice. :up: I was going to put him on my list too, but since you already nominated him, there's no need for me to.

Here is my list, in no particular order..

Volgin - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
The Sorrow - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Psycho Mantis - Metal Gear Solid
Shadow the Hedgehog - Sonic Adventure 2 (The only time I ever liked the character)
Dr. Robotnik - Sonic the Hedgehog (series)
Wario - Super Mario Bros. (series)
Axel - Kingdom Hearts II
Tron Bonne - Mega Man Legends
Slig - Oddworld (series)
The Great Mighty Poo - Conker's Bad Fur Day
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[*]Try not to be too obscure. I would love to put Forrest Kayson on my list, but I'm not going to because I'm betting I'm one of maybe two people on here who knows who that is.

I'll know when the PS3 version of Deadly Premonition releases :(
Surprisingly tough one to think about, really. I'll go fooooor...

Akuma - Street Fighter
Scolar Visari - Killzone
Ganondorf - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Dr. N. Gin - Crash Bandicoot
Gravemind - Halo
Ornstein and Smough - Dark Souls
Revolver Ocelot - Metal Gear Solid
Pyramid Head - Silent Hill 2
Mecha-Hilter - Wolfenstein
Gary Oak - Pokemon
Giygas - Earthbound
Creeper - Minecraft
GLaDOS - Portal
Master Hand - Super Smash Bros.
Goro - Mortal Kombat
Dr. Fetus - Super Meat Boy
Kefka - Final Fantasy 6
Ridley - Super Metroid
Ghosts - Pac-Man
Bowser - Mario Kart (I named my cat after Bowser because he's my favorite racer not because of his villainy in the Super Mario series.)
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII/Crisis Core)
Nemesis (Resident Evil 3)
Kain (Soul Reaver Series)
Kefka (Final Fantasy VI/Dissidia)
Illusive Man (Mass Effect 2/3)
The Boss (Metal Gear Solid 3)
Kessler (inFamous)
Vile (Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X PSP)
Arkham/Jester (Devil May Cry 3)
Wesker (Resident Evil: Code Veronica X)
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Illusive Man (Mass Effect 2/3)
Edgar Ross (Red Dead Redemption)
Pyramid Head (Silent Hill 2)
Wesker (Resident Evil series)
GLaDOS (Portal 1/2)
Liquid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Sander Cohen (Bioshock)
Cyberdemon (Doom)
Darth Traya (KoTOR II: The Sith lords)
Sarah Kerrigan (StarCraft series)

I would love to put Forrest Kayson on my list

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Nemesis (Resident Evil 3)
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
Revolver Ocelot (MGS)
Dr. Hugo Strange (Arkham City)
Al-Mualim (Assassin's Creed)
Shao Kahn (Mortal Kombat 2 & 3)
Agnus (Devil May Cry 4)
Obidiah Stane (So? What if the Iron Man game is arse? He was still translated nicely from the movie)
Oda Nobunaga (Onimusha)
Captain Cross ([PROTOTYPE])
  • Try not to be too obscure. I would love to put Forrest Kayson on my list, but I'm not going to because I'm betting I'm one of maybe two people on here who knows who that is.
So no one from Merry Gear Solid
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1. Vergil (DMC3)
2. Nemesis (RE3)
3. Poseidon (GOW 3)
4. Kessler (InFamous)
5. Lazarevic (Uncharted 2)
6. Shao Kahn (MK3)
7. Sigma (Megaman X)
8. Dracula (Castlevania Symphony of The Night)
9. Robotinik (Sonic)
10. Bowser (Mario)

Simply good villains that I loved to fight against and bring good memories.
Vergil dmc3
Kessler infamous
Volgin mgs3
Sephiroth ff7
Liquid ocelot mgs4
The boss mgs3
The dormin shadow of the colossus
Ganon/ganondorf from twighlight princess
Lazarevic uncharted 2
Makarov mw2-3 yea that's right (I hated that sob and wanted to kill him so badly, especially after soap died)
Bowser-Super Mario Bros.
Mother Brain- Metroid
Gannon- Legend of Zelda
G-Man- Half-Life
Constantine- Thief: The Dark Project
SHODAN-System Shock
Psycho Mantis-MGS
Arcturus Mengsk-StarCraft
The Guardian-Ultima series
It seems odd that you of all people wouldn't include Solidus on your list. :p
Expecting much MGS2 love in Soapy's much-anticipated list now.
It seems odd that you of all people wouldn't include Solidus on your list. :p

LOL I figured that there would be enough MGS villains on here since there are tons of great ones. So I figured I'd pick one from different franchises.
I hope I didn't spoil anything for you. :/

I actually wasn't going to make one. Maybe I will though.

You are a man of experienced gamingness. I would like to see your list.
Wario from Super Mario Land 2, Rival from Pokemon, Giovani (also from Pokemon), Vizier from Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Guilty Spark from the Halo series, G-Man from Half-Life, and Pain from Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, that game had some very original boss fights:
I LOVE the boss fights in Ninja Storm 2. Best QTE I've seen in a game so far.
Do they have to be bosses/characters, or can we include mindless henchmen types as well?
M. Bison
The Illusive Man
Dr. Robotnik
Vile (Mega Man X)
Dr Wily
Shao Kahn
I LOVE the boss fights in Ninja Storm 2. Best QTE I've seen in a game so far.
Yeah, i couldn't decide which boss to nominate, Kakuzu's fight was one of the few that made me rage over a video game boss, in the end i decided to nominate the boss of them all. But DAMN, those bosses were really epic.
Methinks we've gotten all the nominations we are likely to get.
Mecha-Hitler - Wolfenstein 3D
Psycho Mantis - Metal Gear Solid
Darth Malak - Knights of the Old Republic
The End - Metal Gear Solid 3
Nemesis - Resident Evil 3
GlaDos - Portal
Dormin - Shadow of the Colossus
Wesker - Code Veronica
Dracula - Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Liquid Ocelot - Metal Gear Solid 4
1. Shao Kahn.(Seriously, screw that guy)

2. Ganondorf

3. Big Boss

4. Albert Wesker

5. Liquid Snake/Ocelot

6. Kessler (Infamous)

7.Heiachi Mashima

8. Night terror (Soul Calibur)

9. Oragami Killer(Heavy Rain)

10. Ulysses (Fallout:NV)
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