Breaking the ice at parties?


Krakoan native
Oct 31, 2006
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A problem occurs.

Like alot of people we're having a Christmas party this year. For the first time it will be opened up to the entire floor rather than just our pod including the slightly obnoxious people who work next to us and act boorishly.

The boss has stressed that we must be very sociable.

So I walk in, standing in the corner with the people I like is not an option, what do?
Don't stress about it. Everyone else is in the same boat so they'll expect a little awkwardness. Walk up to people, ask how they're doing, make water cooler chat, be nice, professional, etc. If certain people act like jerks it'll be their problem with the boss, not yours.

Though that's ridiculous your boss is demanding you be sociable.
Walk around the office in a circle saying hi to everyone and then go back to your corner.
Drink lots of alcoholic beverages, and make sure every one else does, too.
Got any examples on water cooler chat?
I don't have anything specific, but you could try bringing up talk on recent films, things on television, topical news items.

The trouble is that as you are on here, you may have tastes that are outside "the norm", much like myself!

I hate parties and other social events for this very reason. I find small talk extremely hard to do and to be honest it is boring.
Got any examples on water cooler chat?

"So how bout dem Cowboys?"

Jk. If it were me I'd try asking someone what they are looking forward to in the next year. This will give them a chance to talk about something they enjoy instead of work which they might hate, or sports/television etc. when they may have no interest in those things.
"So I don't see a ring on that finger, and I got your mistletoe right here."
Just walk around asking if people know where Harvey Dent is...

or they're is the classic - going up to someone and saying "Fat Penguin" and when people ask what you mean/why you said that you reply that it breaks the ice.

I'm quite shy around new people I haven't met before so I find small talk awkward some times... just ask them what their new years resolution will be and what they hope to get for xmas or if they like their job/do they wanna do anything else... just general cliched/easy things like that lol.
Just walk around asking if people know where Harvey Dent is...

or they're is the classic - going up to someone and saying "Fat Penguin" and when people ask what you mean/why you said that you reply that it breaks the ice.

I'm quite shy around new people I haven't met before so I find small talk awkward some times... just ask them what their new years resolution will be and what they hope to get for xmas or if they like their job/do they wanna do anything else... just general cliched/easy things like that lol.

If you see a slightly overweight woman ask if she is pregnant
Tell everyone you meet how many posts you have on
Just talk to people in a Latverian accent the whole night. They'll think that you're foreign and the women will want to get into your pants.
Though that's ridiculous your boss is demanding you be sociable.

It's not so bad. It's not like he's asking me to sleep with them or anything. I get his point

Walk around the office in a circle saying hi to everyone and then go back to your corner.

That's not a bad idea. Thanks!

Got any examples on water cooler chat?

I have devised a list...

1. Seen Skyfall yet?
2. I'm seeing the Hobbit at Imax!
3. Hear about that ikea monkey?
4. My what hot weather we're having lately!
5. What do you actually do here?
6. I'm heading to London in the new year
7. Got any plans for New Years?

That should do I guess

Just walk around asking if people know where Harvey Dent is...

You sir are a genius.
A problem occurs.

Like alot of people we're having a Christmas party this year. For the first time it will be opened up to the entire floor rather than just our pod including the slightly obnoxious people who work next to us and act boorishly.

The boss has stressed that we must be very sociable.

So I walk in, standing in the corner with the people I like is not an option, what do?
Walk in and stand in the corner with the people you like.

Frankly, I'd be insulted if I were asked such a thing, and as a boss I wouldn't see it as my place to inform you to be sociable.

Screw him, and enjoy the party how ever you want to.
Pretty simple solution: get mauled by a bear and then call in sick. Nobodies gonna make you got to a Christmas party after a bear mauling.
I have devised a list...

1. Seen Skyfall yet?
2. I'm seeing the Hobbit at Imax!
3. Hear about that ikea monkey?
4. My what hot weather we're having lately!
5. What do you actually do here?
6. I'm heading to London in the new year
7. Got any plans for New Years?

That should do I guess

Geez man don't plan this. Just be natural. Quit trying to force interactions. Everyone can tell when you try to "plan ahead".

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