Burtons Riddler


Mar 31, 2004
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Lets imagine Burton had finished his trilogy, lets speculate what his riddler would have been like, following on from his uber gothic designs for Joker

(scary, psychopathic, almost intentionlly "tacky")

and penguin

(tragin, freakish, somehwta overly grand).

There are rumours Burton was going to hire Robin Williams or Brad Douriff and the the character would shave a question mark in his headm for instance.

so how do you think Burton would have done it?
Burton never approached Robin Williams for the Riddler. That was Schumacher.
from imdb:

According to a Playboy interview with Robin Williams, Jack Nicholson was offered the role of The Joker first. When Nicholson kept delaying his answer, Williams was offered the role. The producers immediately turned around and informed Nicholson that Williams was considering the offer, and Nicholson accepted. Williams has remained bitter about being "used as bait".

Robin Williams was approached for the role of the Riddler, but he refused to consider the role unless Warner Bros. apologized for its previous behavior in casting the Joker.
screech_turbo said:
from imdb:

According to a Playboy interview with Robin Williams, Jack Nicholson was offered the role of The Joker first. When Nicholson kept delaying his answer, Williams was offered the role. The producers immediately turned around and informed Nicholson that Williams was considering the offer, and Nicholson accepted. Williams has remained bitter about being "used as bait".

Robin Williams was approached for the role of the Riddler, but he refused to consider the role unless Warner Bros. apologized for its previous behavior in casting the Joker.

Never believe any trivia on the IMDb.

It is well known that Schumacher approached Williams, who changed his mind a number of times before turning it down.
anyone have any manips of williams as the riddler?
or lando as two-face :p
Sure, that is, if you have any that don't suck.
I heard that Brad Dourif was one of the choices to play Riddler
yeah, Riddler would of been Robin Willaims...

ironically, moviehole.net is reporting that Williams who worked with Nolan, might be the Joker in Begins2.
I can't see Robin Williams as the Riddler. Then again I couldn't see Jim Carrey either.
I think Robin Williams would have been a very smart TAS type Riddler under Burton's direction.
Robin williams would of been creepy and pyschotic just like the previous two films.
I cant see him as Riddler sadly maybe someone like....ok ya Jim Carrey did a grand job lol
This was a poster i made for some site before with my Batman 3 cast. I honestly think Billy Dee Williams would had made a great TwoFace under Burton's direction.
Williams, well just One Hour Photo or Insomnia....Riddler would have owned.


My Lando TwoFace was the best i could do, i think it looks good and what it probably would had looked like from Burton, real burns.
After reading this thread, it makes me wish Burton had done Batman Forever :(
Damn Cass lol.....i thought it was ok, not a masterpiece by far, but better then some **** i've seen, where they just plop Billy's head on Tommy Lee's TwoFace and vice versa with Williams/Carrey.

But hey, not everyone is a fan lol.

And yes, i to wish Burton had completed his triology
i think that having since seen Ohe Hour Photo that Williams could have played The Riddler very well. he was so intensely disturbing and creepy in that film he could have lent himself to Burton's Bat-World very well.
[/quote]I think he would've been great in a Burton Bat-movie. Darker, more serious, Robin can be serious in roles, and I think he would've done it right, not like Jim always hamming it up. And I remember hearing on some tv show or radio thing that Robin was gouing to be Riddler and then Jim got it, I was like, WTF?! I was so ticked off. Then Val was Batman, I was worried , then I saw it and wasn't happy, I like BF sometimes but it is so sad not to have seen Burton's part 3.

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