Buying airline tickets online


Jul 7, 2007
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I'm thinking of going to Hawaii this summer to visit a bud. Anyone had any good experiences with any of those supposedly cheaper services like priceline or do you go straight through an airline?
Go to the airline websites? Some gives one time deals but you have to keep a eye on them. That's how I get good deals on flights to Vegas
Go to the airline websites? Some gives one time deals but you have to keep a eye on them. That's how I get good deals on flights to Vegas

I've been doing that and they seem more expensive than going through one of those sites. It might be since I'm not that close to any huge airports. Hopefully they'll go down since my friend said Hawaii isn't big with tourism in the summer since it's so hot.
I've been doing that and they seem more expensive than going through one of those sites. It might be since I'm not that close to any huge airports. Hopefully they'll go down since my friend said Hawaii isn't big with tourism in the summer since it's so hot.

Is your friend from Hawaii?? Because that sounds ridiculous.
Is your friend from Hawaii?? Because that sounds ridiculous.

He's lived there for two years on Maui. Said it's loads busier before/after the heat of summer. Maybe he's just tryin to keep my hopes up for finding a good deal. I didn't really believe him either.
I've been using Expedia over the past year or so. It's convenient and really easy to use, so I just stick with it.
He's lived there for two years on Maui. Said it's loads busier before/after the heat of summer. Maybe he's just tryin to keep my hopes up for finding a good deal. I didn't really believe him either.

When I worked at a passenger terminal, I remember the busy periods to Hawaii were during the summer time. Families are able to take their kids who are on summer vacation and retired couples are were all over the place.

What's your price range for an acceptable flight and what state are you traveling from?
I've been doing that and they seem more expensive than going through one of those sites. It might be since I'm not that close to any huge airports. Hopefully they'll go down since my friend said Hawaii isn't big with tourism in the summer since it's so hot.

Really? weird, I know my friend gets them like that but have no ideal which company/site he finds them
When I worked at a passenger terminal, I remember the busy periods to Hawaii were during the summer time. Families are able to take their kids who are on summer vacation and retired couples are were all over the place.

What's your price range for an acceptable flight and what state are you traveling from?

Yea I can see why it would be busy. I'm in Iowa City Iowa and am looking to spend no more than $800 including fees sometime in June.
Really? weird, I know my friend gets them like that but have no ideal which company/site he finds them

Yea it's makin me mad. It's cheaper to go that way to Vegas but when I'm looking for Maui it gets more expensive than those sites.
Travel on a week day and in the morning should bring it down a bit.
Yep, that's why I get mine 2 to 3 months before the flight
That's why I'm trying to get them now! I had no idea it'd be this expensive. Damn summer travel.
Yeah, not too surprising since it's Hawaii.
That's why I'm trying to get them now! I had no idea it'd be this expensive. Damn summer travel.

Airlines really jack up thier prices 21 days before the flight, so that is the latest you should leave it. Up until then you can get decent deals.

You could always try travelling on standby. It can be a pain, and mean a LOT of connecting, but it can get you there cheap. Just call the airline and get a standby ticket for the day you want to travel.

Also try chartered companies rather then the big commercial airlines (united, us airways, etc). Um I am unsure of chartered airlines in the States, so if anyone has some suggestions that may be better.

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