Well, I sometimes look around for certain celebrities and wonder what they would look like if they resembled certain superheroes, so I manipulate (not very well, mind you) their pictures on photoshop. Usually I do XMen ones, but I might move onto other ones in the future.
Does anyone else do these? I thought it would be neat to make a thread where people post any type of superhero/celebrity manip they've made. To start off, I made Amy Adams (probably most known as her role in Junebug or the Wedding Date) as Blink from the Marvel XMen comics.
Yes... she is wearing a stripey shirt. hehe. Im not the greatest at manipulating outfits, just hair color/eye color and anything else.
So... anyone else got anything?
Does anyone else do these? I thought it would be neat to make a thread where people post any type of superhero/celebrity manip they've made. To start off, I made Amy Adams (probably most known as her role in Junebug or the Wedding Date) as Blink from the Marvel XMen comics.

Yes... she is wearing a stripey shirt. hehe. Im not the greatest at manipulating outfits, just hair color/eye color and anything else.
So... anyone else got anything?