Chain Letter - WTF?


My name is Stefan, sweet thang
Mar 8, 2004
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Foursome Sends Chain Letter
Source: The Hollywood Reporter
November 27, 2007

Nikki Reed, Noah Segan, Keith David and Saw III and Saw IV lead Betsy Russell will star in Chain Letter, the story of a maniac who targets teens when they fail to forward chain mail.

Saw producer Mark Burg and Roxanne Avent are executive producing the horror feature, which introduces the chain-wielding killer Chain Man (Michael Bailey Smith). Matthew Cohen, Cody Kasch, Michael J. Pagan, Cherilyn Wilson, Reed and Segan play his targets. Clifton Powell will play their high school coach, and Russell and David will play the police officers on the killer's tail.

Director Deon Taylor is writing and producing the film with co-star Pagan through Deon Taylor Enterprises. Steve Cubine is co-executive producing.
I hope we don't get any copycats from this ****. :o Because I never forward chain letters.
This is a comedy, right? Cause I laughed. :huh:
F**k. This means all those stupid f**king tweens responsible for internet chain letters win. It makes me sad that Keith David is in this. Has he sunk that low?
F**k. This means all those stupid f**king tweens responsible for internet chain letters win. It makes me sad that Keith David is in this. Has he sunk that low?

That brings tears to my eyes that Keith David would have to resort to a film like this...:csad:
Making threads only spreads the exposure for this movie...
so...they did The Ring with a website, The Ring with a video game, The Ring with text messaging, and now they're doing The Ring with chain letters...I'm still waiting for The Ring with smoke signals, and The Ring with going over to your friends house personally. Also, I think The Ring with a bike messenger could be a fun, whimsical romp :o
This is no laughing matter a friend of mine got a message last year that told him if he didn't forward it he would die... that night a fire caught in his house and he didn't get out alive!!! The firemen never found the source of the fire it was considered to be a freak accident. So this is no fcking laughing matter!!!
so...they did The Ring with a website, The Ring with a video game, The Ring with text messaging, and now they're doing The Ring with chain letters...I'm still waiting for The Ring with smoke signals, and The Ring with going over to your friends house personally. Also, I think The Ring with a bike messenger could be a fun, whimsical romp :o

LOL. But seriously...this sounds like a movie that should have been made YEARS ago. Maybe it was and I'm just forgetting about it. :huh:
so...they did The Ring with a website, The Ring with a video game, The Ring with text messaging, and now they're doing The Ring with chain letters...I'm still waiting for The Ring with smoke signals, and The Ring with going over to your friends house personally. Also, I think The Ring with a bike messenger could be a fun, whimsical romp :o

Haha. :up:

I laughed when I read the synopsis. Honestly, I think we have our newest Razzie winner.
When I get a chain letter from a friend that says I'll die if I don't forward, I wonder what kinda freakin friend are you to put me at risk like this!I have never forwarded any of these and up to this day I havent di.....AAAARGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( sound of a choking dead man)
I love those chain letters that puts a picture of ???, then says "If you really believe in God, you will forward it," or "You are evil and have no soul if you ignore this, and don't forward it."

I'm like, "Ok, yeah..." :rolleyes:

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