Cliffhanger Sequel?

Hunter Rider

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Oct 24, 2004
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Date: February 18, 2008

By: Ryan 'The Rican with the Irish name' McLelland
Source: Dark Horizons

Cliffhanger rocked. The movie should have been Sly Stallone's big comeback film but it seemed like every movie he did in the nineties was a 'comeback film' including Daylight, Cop Land, Demolition man, and Cliffhanger. I think it was the Y2K bug that hit Sly and had him churning out crappy movies.

Then Rocky Balboa hit and I believed a man could climb back in the ring to throw some punches. Rambo came and I believed that Sly could take on an entire nation's army and win.

So when I hear Cliffhanger sequel I first go, "Wha?" followed by, "Alright...I'm down with that."

Dark Horizons is reporting that Sylvester Stallone wants to revisit his rock-climber character Gabe Walker. There was a sequel planned originally to the flick but it was 86'd when Stallone's box office $$$ began to shrink.

I'm down with it Sly, make it happen!!! Hopefully this one will turn out to be more fact than fiction.
i guess i wouldnt mind it if they made this...
rambo and rocky balboa turned out pretty good...maybe he can get lucky with this too...
Yeah, I've been very entertained by Stallone's films as of late, so I would likely check out a Cliffhanger sequel if it ever materializes. However, I doubt my anticipation for the flick would be as high as it was for Rocky Balboa and Rambo.
That's Stallone's way of clinging onto his last few years of the spotlight, making sequels he avoided when he had a career.

Atleast Arnie only did T3.
Any word on a sequel to Over the Top? :up:
I still haven't seen the first one and have no desire to see a sequel.
Well, I'm sure Renny Harlin won't direct this, he's now busy doing *****ty Sony Screen Gems and WWE movies... come on... poor guy...
Stallone is going to start wearing thin on people REAL soon if this keeps up... dammit... when is Arnold out of office? Those two need to do something together... it doesn't even have to be action... other than that I ain't interested in cheap sequels...
Tango and Cash 2 FTW!

But really he should just retire now while he is on a roll
for rambo and rocky he use a small budget.but you can not do this with a small budget.

plus rambo and rocky made so much money because they are F.... Rambo and F.... Rocky.

plus rambo and rocky made so much money because they are F.... Rambo and F.... Rocky.

Exactly. I don't exactly recall anyone asking for a Cliffhanger sequel in the fiteen years since it was released.
We can only hope that one day he will grace us all with a COBRA sequel.
I'd rather see a Demolition Man prequel that showed how much of a badass Spartan was before he confronts Simon Phoenix for the first time.
Cliffhanger is one of my favorite action movies ever. if he can recapture the feel and intensity then i'd love to see it. if he does a sequel though, they need to bring back Janine Turner as Jessie. she was a hottie...and still is for a 45 y/o.
This is just getting sad. Stallone should take cues from Eastwood and just get behind the camera while working on other people's scripts.
This is just getting sad. Stallone should take cues from Eastwood and just get behind the camera while working on other people's scripts.

He'd need to be a good writer for that to be an option :(
Sometimes I'll watch Cliffhanger when it's on cable but the real exciting scene doesn't feature Stallone at all and that's the scene when John Lithgow and his crew are hijacking the plane in the beginning.
I guess I could fall for this sequel. It was a decent movie,it was'nt great but entertaining.
Ya, I would love to see a Cobra sequel as well. I think it would be better style of movie to work with at his age.
it's a crime that Sly hasn't made "STOP! or my grandma will shoot" a sequel to his blockbuster hit "Stop or my mom will shoot"

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