Comic Book Artists Wanted!


Jan 7, 2007
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Hey guys,

I've got a new comic book idea i'm currently working on, and well, I wanna start getting some ideas down on paper. I'm a pretty good writer, who can write industry standard scripts (If such a thing exists!) but i'm a terrible artist.

So i'm throwing it out there, if you're a talented artist and fancy drawing something new then give me a PM or respond on here and we'll chat.

Oh, and before anyone starts anything, this is in *NO WAY* going to be paid work. At all. I have no publishing contract, I highly doubt anyone DC/Marvel wise will pick up this work or anything like that. This is just for fun.

So respond or PM for more details...
Not neccesarily, this comic is heavily influenced by DC comic folklore and has relevance in here.

However a mod may see it different and move it. We'll see.
That is always the toughie, isn't it? There was a time when I felt like I had a new comic idea every week, but never had an artist. I think I would have been better served by just taking a couple drawing classes. You might consider doing that. That way, you're fully in control, you don't have to rely on others, who have busy lives and other things to do, etc., etc.
Yeah, you need to go to the Fan Art forum. We just b***h about comics here, you're not gonna find anybody with any actual talent in this pit of despair. Unless you count ambidextrous *********ion....:o

There are quite a few good artists that hang out there. A few have actually managed to get published.
Sorry dude but this is the wrong forum. Go to the SHH section to the Fan Fic or Fan Art forums and post this there.

Now if only Elijya would get off his lazy ass and do something about this :o
Unless you count ambidextrous *********ion....:o

Nah I can already do that, got my action down and everything...

Thanks for the advice guys, I re-posted in the fan-art sections and i'll see what happens.

Oh, and thanks Aristotle but my drawings are just... Atrocious. Ain't no art teacher in the world gonna change that!
Oh, and thanks Aristotle but my drawings are just... Atrocious. Ain't no art teacher in the world gonna change that!
Denys Cowan got a job in comics. Trust me, if you can draw characters that look remotely consistent, you'll be fine. A drawing class or two could do wonders. You'd be surprised.
Sorry dude but this is the wrong forum. Go to the SHH section to the Fan Fic or Fan Art forums and post this there.

Now if only Elijya would get off his lazy ass and do something about this :o

Where is that Ben Franklin luvin hunk of meat?
No I mean that's my problem, seriously my drawings are not good. I could give it a go, but I could never do it at all like I wanted it, hence the advertisement for another artiste!

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