When do you think technology will be such that we can have a live action superheroe TV show that is done the right way... (and by that I mean the right way like X-2 and Spiderman movies)? Well-written, and not cheesy looking.
I haven't followed the Blade series, but the previews looked pretty cheesy. The previews for Aquaman looked cheesy as all he!!.
It took them forever to get the comic to movie conversion right (we all remember early 90's captain america and Dolph Lundgren as Punisher) When will they start to ge the comic to TV conversion right?
I have now put this in TV Series, but don't know how to delete the thread.
I haven't followed the Blade series, but the previews looked pretty cheesy. The previews for Aquaman looked cheesy as all he!!.
It took them forever to get the comic to movie conversion right (we all remember early 90's captain america and Dolph Lundgren as Punisher) When will they start to ge the comic to TV conversion right?
I have now put this in TV Series, but don't know how to delete the thread.