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Great to hear you got it!SouLeSS said:Put me down for the Ghost Rider one.
BTW; I got the first one in the mail today, thanks.
And the winners are:rodhulk said:Well, here we go into the third giveaway, this time, three from Marvel and one from DC.
As always, they're free so just post whatever issue(s) you want and your name will be added in for a free draw by next friday evening.
And something special this time, they're all #1 issues. They are:
1) GHOST RIDER #1 (vol. 2) May 1990
Ghost Rider reborn. Need I say more?
2) THE PUNISHER ARMORY #1 (vol. 1) July 1990
This isn't a comic with the Punsiher battling bad guys. Rather, it's a 'comic book styled' comic that details the Punishers: 1) Thoughts 2) Feelings 3) Weapons (alot of info and pictures on the weapons).
It also has 2 full pages of details and drawings of the Punisher's 'Battle Van.'
It is also written as if the Punisher is the narrator.
This is a really great and important issue that will be a goldmine of information to any Punisher fan who doesn't have this issue.
The two fight in Paris, France, in this one-shot issue.
.....and on the DC side of things.....
1) FLASH SPECIAL #1 1990
This is a 50th anniversary issue of the Flash that is 80 pages long. It features stories of the various Flashes battling the bad guys and at the end, it has description (bios) of the various Flashes and their powers. A great, great read.