It's funny because it's true. Try and dispute that
oh, and after visiting the TOS fan reaction link: Can I say those guys are pretty funny (in that you're a dork kind of way). I never understood the conflict b/w fans of both the new and old shows. The original BSG, by todays standards, is a piece of garbage, not only in visual quality, but also in portrayal and narrative. The acting is HORRIBLE, and the stories overly simplistic. But I will agree with them, that for the time the show aired, it was a masterpiece.
New BSG is truely a masterpiece. For those old fans that wanted a direct retread of the original series: it wouldn't work. Super tight pants, naive heros, over the top villains just wouldn't work today. The new Show is fantastic. If they'd get off their high horses, and enjoy the show, instead of constantly comparing it to the original (which is a totally different show conceptually), I think they might be a lot happier.
Basically, I hate the old school guys who hate the new show. The old show was good for its time, but it doesn't hold a candle to the raging inferno which is BSG2K