Congratulations Invisible- Most Misleading Trailer of all time


Aug 29, 2004
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Warning: Spoilers for The Invisible.

While you may think that Spiderman 3 and Xmen TLS had misleading trailers, wait until you see this one. I really wonder if the marketing people even saw the movie. Because this trailer seems to be describing another film completely. Not only does the trailer make it look more like a thriller, it has a completely different plot than the movie itself. When you see the trailer, the story seems to be about a kid who is murdered by a mysterious killer and he can bring himself back to life if he finds his body. And he can also somehow talk to his girlfriend. While not that original, it seemed like an entertaining movie. When I put in the DVD, I almost checked the case to see if it was the right one. Wait a minute. So that isn't his girlfriend, but the killer? And he isn't dead? And he knows who killed him? And it's more of a drama? What the hell?!

Ok, so it wasn't a terrible movie. It was an entertaining distraction for 90 minutes. But wow, who the hell saw the trailer and sad it was a-ok for distribution? Really, is the movie industry so lazy and/or not caring about the audience to mis-market their movie just to get a few extra bucks? Or maybe they just made a different movie that never got to theaters. :o
watched this movie 30 minutes ago. and i agree 100%.

plus in the trailer there is a lot of deleted scenes and more dialoge.
This is the film with that chatwin guy who's playing Goku. I saw this movie just before the summer, I didn't think much of it.
I wasn't going to see the movie anyways, so i'm good :D
watched this movie 30 minutes ago. and i agree 100%.

plus in the trailer there is a lot of deleted scenes and more dialoge.
I don't remember the trailer very much,but I watched the movie awhile back just because of the main character. I'd give him a shot to see he had lead role potential after seeing him in War of the Worlds. It was an okay movie,nothing to special about it. Far as misleading? Not sure,if there was any misleading info..Lot of stuff u see in trailers just don't make the final cut(hence the word trailer trash) of the movie.
Just reread OP gripe. If u remember the movie,he was'nt actually dead,he was most likely in a coma. So,he was having an outta-body experience and so he was to find the people who did this so they can do the right thing and lead the authorties to his body before he expired. Far as them saying that girl was his girlfriend, i don't remember them insinuating that,but they may have.
I'm not sure what type of movie u thought this was gonna be? sci/fi,fantasy, it was a thriller/drama,though not very good one,but a thriller/drama imo..I didnt have high hopes for this movie,so I somewhat enjoyed it.
I agree that it was misleading. I thought walking into the theater that that chick was his girlfriend.
well not only did i have little interest in watching this movie but now that its been ruined for me i have absolutely NO interest in ever watching it.

forgive me justin =[
if he wasn't dead... was he dreaming the scene where he was in the classroom and no one could hear him??
well not only did i have little interest in watching this movie but now that its been ruined for me i have absolutely NO interest in ever watching it.

forgive me justin =[

I did...put a spoiler warning...:huh:
if he wasn't dead... was he dreaming the scene where he was in the classroom and no one could hear him??

No, he's in this state in between Death and Life. So instead of it being about him trying to find his killer, it's about him looking for his body because he's
not dead
I don't remember the trailer very much,but I watched the movie awhile back just because of the main character. I'd give him a shot to see he had lead role potential after seeing him in War of the Worlds. It was an okay movie,nothing to special about it. Far as misleading? Not sure,if there was any misleading info..Lot of stuff u see in trailers just don't make the final cut(hence the word trailer trash) of the movie.
Just reread OP gripe. If u remember the movie,he was'nt actually dead,he was most likely in a coma. So,he was having an outta-body experience and so he was to find the people who did this so they can do the right thing and lead the authorties to his body before he expired. Far as them saying that girl was his girlfriend, i don't remember them insinuating that,but they may have.
I'm not sure what type of movie u thought this was gonna be? sci/fi,fantasy, it was a thriller/drama,though not very good one,but a thriller/drama imo..I didnt have high hopes for this movie,so I somewhat enjoyed it.

It wasn't that. The trailer told a completely different story. So unless they cut out a huge subplot...yeah, it was pretty misleading.
And it did portray her as the girlfriend as in the trailer it says..."Nick Powell...Boyfriend" and he lays down next to the girl.
Have not seen the film but HAVE seen the trailer and remember it well .... really made me want to see the movie.

I recall that the trailer REALLY paints a clear picture of what this film will be like and what its about so to read your review is shocking.
Have not seen the film but HAVE seen the trailer and remember it well .... really made me want to see the movie.

I recall that the trailer REALLY paints a clear picture of what this film will be like and what its about so to read your review is shocking.


I'm actually tempted to watch this now, knowing it has nothing to do with the plot the trailer laid out, lol.
lol...Well, I didn't remember the trailer all too well, but I do remember the movie being pretty mediocre.


Warning: Spoilers for The Invisible.

While you may think that Spiderman 3 and Xmen TLS had misleading trailers, wait until you see this one. I really wonder if the marketing people even saw the movie. Because this trailer seems to be describing another film completely. Not only does the trailer make it look more like a thriller, it has a completely different plot than the movie itself. When you see the trailer, the story seems to be about a kid who is murdered by a mysterious killer and he can bring himself back to life if he finds his body. And he can also somehow talk to his girlfriend. While not that original, it seemed like an entertaining movie. When I put in the DVD, I almost checked the case to see if it was the right one. Wait a minute. So that isn't his girlfriend, but the killer? And he isn't dead? And he knows who killed him? And it's more of a drama? What the hell?!

Ok, so it wasn't a terrible movie. It was an entertaining distraction for 90 minutes. But wow, who the hell saw the trailer and sad it was a-ok for distribution? Really, is the movie industry so lazy and/or not caring about the audience to mis-market their movie just to get a few extra bucks? Or maybe they just made a different movie that never got to theaters. :o
I never watched the trailer before I saw the film but I agree with your point. And also, this film sucked either way so... it all adds up!
If a girl kicked my ass that bad, I'd be too embarrassed to come back to life.
I remember in the trailer there was this mysterious old man telling the main character how he can get back to life, the old man was all throughout the trailer...yet he wasn't in the movie at all. :confused:
David Goyer directed it so...uhm...yeah...

(actually, despite Blade Trinity I liked the first film he directed, ZIGZAG)
I don't know, I think it's a pretty good portrayal of the movie.

Really, the fact that he was actually still alive (barely) was a big twist in the movie, IMO. One they wouldn't want to give away in the trailers.

If I remember the movie correctly, for a while there he thought he was dead.

Also, if you pay attention to the dialogue towards the end of the trailer you hear them say "He's not dead." and "I'm dying.", which pretty much is accurate, right? It was a race to find his body before he really did die, and he had to figure out how to get people to find his body (and fast) because there was still a chance of him being found before he did die.

I liked the movie. Did it blow me away? Nah. But it was a good movie.

And the chick was hot. :D

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