Dark Sector

Electro UK

Can't all be for nothing
Dec 11, 2004
Reaction score
This is the big game this month I guess, along side Burount: Paradise and maybe Haze. It looks pretty good in my opinion, very similar to Resident Evil 4 with a hint of Gears of War, and an awesome glavie of doom thrown in to the mix.

Anyone else thinking of getting it?
You dissapoint on every level.
Seriously, Jamie....this game has a faint smell of something that I can't describe, but it's not a pleasant smell.
There's just something about the game that was always felt "off" to me, I can't quite put my finger on it.
If I'm wrong (which I doubt), I'll eat my words and play it....but I wouldn't hope for too much.
블라스;13749548 said:
Seriously, Jamie....this game has a faint smell something that I can't describe, but it's not a pleasant smell.
There's just something about the game that was always felt "off" to me, I can't quite put my finger on it.
If I'm wrong (which I doubt), I'll eat my words and play it....but I wouldn't hope for too much.

Yea im in the same boat. The last video i saw on it looked really lame. Cool concept, but im not holding my breath.
This is the big game this month I guess, along side Burount: Paradise and maybe Haze. It looks pretty good in my opinion, very similar to Resident Evil 4 with a hint of Gears of War, and an awesome glavie of doom thrown in to the mix.

Anyone else thinking of getting it?
Yeah, i´m interested when it comes out...in MARCH 25.
Let´s wait and see, i hope it´s good, at least, it has the potential for it.
But i´m more hyped for Turok then this one
March 25th!? You sure? Everywhere I checked said January 25th I think.

I checked and both Gamespot and IGN say that the release date is March 25th in the US, January 25th in Europe.

Looks it will arrive early for us :D
You being from the UK, me from Portugal
So I'm playing through dark sector and just wanted to know which guns were worth buying in the trade market? I'm getting close to affording the shotgun, so should I just hold out and buy that? And is it easy to switch to the shotgun with the glaive? I'm just debating if I should get the shotgun since you probably can't use it and the glaive at the sametime like you can the handgun. So maybe I should just buy the better handgun. Advice?
well I believe that there is a one handed shotgun ( I forgot the name) and is good but I've never used it. The other bad thing about those powerful handguns is that the ammo runs out quickly. So I'd say buy the sub-machine gun thats useable with the galive at the same time, if you know what I'm talking about. That helped me alot during the brutal difficulty.
Yeah, I ended up getting vekesk micro, the sub-machine gun you're talking about and the protecta shotgun. Probably the two best guns in the game.

This game has grown on me a little. I like it more now that I've gotten farther. And I wish there would have been some kind of disclaimer saying that you don't get a chance to get new weapons/upgrades until the fourth chapter. I was running around everywhere trying to figure out where to find the black market. Still not the best game in the world, but worth playing.
i made the mistake of buying this and viking at the same time and viking just blew this out of the water. Dont get me wrong i have enjoyed this to a certen extent just it didnt come out top. I can see the same thing is going to happen when I buy GTA on tuesday and Ironman on the friday. Gta winning ofcourse :yay:
yeah, I got GTA today and I was on the seventh chapter of Dark Sector. Looks like it will be a long time until I go back to it. As GTA is probably going to take all my attention. Ironman will have to wait for another day.

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