Waverider is all about time travel.
There's also the Linear Men, who hang out at the end of time and police the timestream.
Hourman recreated Amazo from a piece of the original and that Amazo absorbed his powers, so there's an Amazo (sometimes called Timazo by Snapper Carr) with all the powers of the Worlogog (the source of Hourman's time travel abilities). Hourman's series ended with him fighting Timazo across the timestream and Hourman appeared later, implying he won, but Timazo could still be out there somewhere.
Zoom II could technically be considered a time traveler. His super-speed comes from his ability to manipulate his own personal timeline.
Wally West (and his alternate dimension counterpart Walter West) had the unique ability among Flashes to travel through the timestream under their own power.
I'll come back if I think of more.