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deleted the crappy intro lol
glad you like it! i'll post another part in a jiffy
TKing said:
I really like this! Keep it up. :up:

thanks alot! you can read further into the story on fanfiction.net

here's a link


be sure to drop a review over there if you stop in and read it, and if you have a fanfiction.net account, i'll check yours out.
ComicChick04 said:
thanks alot!

be sure to drop a review over there if you stop in and read it, and if you have a fanfiction.net account, i'll check yours out.

No prob.

Yeah, I've read all what you've got so far and left a comment. Great stuff. Though I won't spoil it for these guys here. :)
TKing said:
No prob.

Yeah, I've read all what you've got so far and left a comment. Great stuff. Though I won't spoil it for these guys here. :)

thanks for taking the time to read my story and i'm so glad you liked it.

thanks a ton for leaving a review, cuz it seems like no one wants to ever leave them. i always try to write one when i read something that someone has wrote.
anyone know where i can find a possible beta or something? i like to talk x-fics but i dont know of anyone else that does.

i have the next few chapters mapped out, but i'm not sure how i want them to go.
Later that night, Emma slowly regains consciousness. She squints from the brightness of the room until she becomes accustomed to it. She feels groggy and weak and remains still as she collects her bearings. Her last memories are of using her telepathy in the sewer to give Bobby the escape route. Her surroundings reveal that he was able to get them out.

She tries to swing her legs over the side of the bed, but the action causes her pain. Instinctively she places her hand over the source of her pain in her leg and feels the bandages. She recalls the gunfire and remembers more of the events that took place. She carefully brings her other hand up to her face and feels the bandages, tracing their path with her fingertips.

“Ah Emma, I see you’ve rejoined us.” Beast says coming over.

“It would seem so.” she says, her voice slightly hoarse.

“How are you feeling?”

“Wonderful,” she says sarcastically. “I’ve felt better.”

“Any headaches?”

“Nothing too bad. I can manage.”

“You have a slight concussion. Luckily the wound wasn’t too deep. It only required some minor stitching. Thanks to the Shi’ar technology, after a week or so, you won’t be able to tell.”

“Fantastic. How is Robert?”

Hank looks away from her, pretending to be preoccupied with the monitors. “Perhaps you should get more rest.”

“Henry, as you’ve said, I have a concussion. Please don’t make me use my telepathy.”

Hank sighs before turning back to Emma and delivering the news.

“He’s been shot four times. He has a punctured lung and he’s lost a great amount of blood.”

“What?” Emma says in disbelief. “He didn’t seem injured before.”

“Which form was he in when you saw him last?”

“Ice.” Emma says, not entirely seeing the importance.

“He stayed in his ice form to slow down his injuries. He remained that way until we were able to get back here.”

“I want to see him.” Emma says flatly. Her face is expressionless, but her eyes seem to convey as sense of urgency.

“I don’t think-“

”Again I ask, don’t make me use my powers.”

With a sigh, Hank helps Emma off the bed and over to Bobby’s. When Hank pulls back the curtain, Emma gasps. It is a not a sight she is prepared to see. Bobby is lying motionless with various machines hooked up and beeping around him. IV tubes are pumping the necessary liquids into his system, and blood bags are pumping blood through his body. His entire torso is a cocoon of bandages. In some places, blood has seeped through, marring the whiteness of the gauze. One of his arms is in a sling. His skin is ghastly pale and his face is adorned with the bruises and scrapes inflicted on him by the FOH members the night before their escape.

“I’m afraid he is comatose.” Beast says sadly. “I hope the Shi’ar technology will help rouse him soon.”

“I’d like to stay with him. He saved my life after all.”

“He’s going to be out of it for quite a while. Why don’t you go clean up, get something to eat? Perhaps some sleep Emma? He won’t be waking anytime soon.”

“Alright.” Emma finally concedes, her weariness outweighing her desire to be stubborn. “You’ll inform me of any change?”

“Of course.”

Emma turns and leaves the medlab, limping slightly. Once she is out of eye sight, she limps more dramatically. She is too proud to let Hank see how much pain she is actually in. With each step of her injured leg, the pain is enough to make her knees want to buckle. Now that no one is around, she can put more weight on her other leg to alleviate some of the pain. She slowly makes her way up the stairs and to her bedroom. Once inside, she goes straight to the bathroom and looks in the mirror. Her hair is disheveled and most of it is covered in bandages. A bruise colors her cheek and fades into her hairline. She slowly removes the bandages and runs her finger along the scratch on her face. Carefully she follows its trail into her hair, feeling the liquid stitches and dried blood. She knows she’ll have to be careful washing her hair, and proceeds to undress. She takes off the bandages on her leg and finds more blood and bruising.

As she turns on the shower, the water is both refreshing and excruciating. She bites her lip as the water hits her leg and clamps down even harder as she washes her hair. After she showers, she quickly dresses, finding herself too weak and exhausted to go for food. Instead she lies down in her bed and immediately her thoughts drift back to the last time she’d slept in it, when he rescued her from the nightmares. She closes her eyes and can still smell faint traces of him on her pillow. The past two days have been too much for her concussed mind to handle right now. All she can think of is the man in the medlab who saved her life, struggling to hold onto his, and prays on everything that he makes it through. It isn’t long before her weariness overcomes her and she drifts off to sleep.
Part 9 http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3244500/9/

The next morning Emma wakes clutching a pillow. Slightly embarrassed at her child-like actions, she quickly proceeds to get ready for the day at hand. She calls out to Hank telepathically to find out if there’s been any change in Bobby’s condition. Much to her chagrin, there hasn’t. She knows she should be resting, but she has classes to teach. She welcomes the distraction her classes will bring. The semester is finally underway and she doesn’t want to cancel any classes, especially the first day. At least for a while, she won’t be worrying about Bobby and she can bury herself into the normalcy it will bring. Emma styles her hair in a way that helps conceal the wound, yet is equally stylish. She also uses make-up to conceal as much of the bruising as possible. Once she’s satisfied, she heads down to get prepared before classes begin. Although she is still limping slightly, the pain has decreased enough that she can walk much easier.

As Emma approaches her classroom, she discovers another member of the X-Men about to enter.“This is my class Scott. Are you lost?”

“ I was just about to cancel it.”


“We didn’t think you were up to it yet. Thought you’d like a day or two to recuperate.”

“Thank you, but I am perfectly able to teach. Now if you’ll excuse me...” With that Emma walks past him and into her classroom.

Periodically throughout the day, Emma continues to telepathically check in with Hank for updates. Unfortunately, there still has been no change in Bobby’s condition. The next 2 days are the same routine. Between classes, she checks on Bobby’s condition by either asking Hank telepathically or listening to other’s conversations.

On the fourth day, long after classes have ended and most have retired to their rooms for the evening, Emma heads to the med-lab. She hasn’t been back to the medlab since the night she limped out. She wanted to come sooner, but most of the X-Men have been in and out to see him and she hadn’t wanted to come while anyone else was here. She doesn’t want to deal with them. Once inside, Emma finds Hank sitting next to Bobby’s bed.

“Any change?”

“I’m afraid not.” Hank says solemnly.

“Henry, you hardly slept since we came back.”

“I haven’t been able to.” Hank says wearily, checking Bobby’s vitals on the screen.

“Why don’t you get some rest this time? I’ll stay. It won’t do to have you in this condition when he does wake. You can hardly keep your eyes open as it is.”

“Reading my thoughts?” Hank asks teasingly.

“No,” she says flatly. “Your body language says plenty.”

Hank looks slightly embarrassed about his accusatory comment. He wants to apologize, but Emma continues before he can.

“Get some rest Henry.”

The tiny smile Emma gives him lets him know she isn’t offended by his joke. He smiles back and rises from the chair.

“Thank you Emma. And you’ll alert me if anything changes in his condition?”

“Of course.”

With that, Hank checks to make sure everything is operating properly before leaving the lab to get some much needed rest. Despite the faint humming of machines, the lab is eerily quiet. She’s hesitant to get closer at first, opting to remain where she’s standing for a few minutes. She realizes how stupid she’s being and walks over to his side. Tubes are still protruding from his body, and his wounds are concealed behind new bandages. The scratches on his face have started to heal but his skin is still very pale. Despite all this, he looks as though he’s only in a peaceful sleep. She reaches out to push stray hairs from his forehead, but recoils at the last second.

Emma’s not good at this. She hates hospitals and places that remind her of them. She hates seeing Bobby lying in the bed, fighting for his life, unsure of when, or if, he’ll wake. Even worse, she hates how helpless she feels right now. Just like with the Hellions, there is nothing she can do. All she can do is wait. This time however, she promises to be here when he wakes up. She wasn’t there when the Hellions met their demise. Even though she was in a coma, she still feels the guilt. She won’t make that mistake again.

With that in mind, Emma sits down beside him, the chair still somewhat warm from Hank. And she waits.
Part 10

Sometime during her vigil over Bobby, Emma had fallen asleep in the chair beside the bed. As her eyes adjust to the lights of the medlab and she becomes accustomed to her surroundings, the beeping of various machines fills her eardrums once again. She proceeds to check on him and looks at the screens, disappointed that there appears to be no change in his condition. Despite Bobby lying on the bed before her, she feels alone. Feeling alone is nothing Emma isn’t accustomed to, but being in a place like this alone is not something she is completely comfortable with. It only seems to prompt memories she’d much rather forget.
Emma can always leave, but despite all the negatives, one positive gives her the strength to stay. The unconscious body fighting for his life means more to her than she’s willing to admit. More than she’d admit to herself. It’s been a long time since Emma has let anyone as close to her as Bobby, and even longer since she’s had feelings like this. The emotions Emma isn’t used to having are fighting with her. They are demanding to be dealt with when all Emma really knows how to do is push them away.

Instead of trying to deal with the thoughts in her head, she decides to go find a book from Hank’s private library to distract herself for a while. She’s not ready to deal with her thoughts and emotions right now, so she is looking for a book to take her away from them. Amongst the clutter in Hank’s office, Emma finds a book suitable for her tastes. As she returns to her seat at Bobby’s side, she’s already thumbing through the pages, refusing to look anywhere else.

“Got any Dr. Suess?”

The voice hardly registers as a whisper, but it startles Emma so much that she nearly drops the book.

“How long have you been awake?”

“Not long.” his voice is low and raspy.

“How do you feel?” Emma asks.

“Like Juggernaut used me as a hackey-sack.”

“Do you realize how stupid you are?”


The abrupt change in Emma’s tone catches him off-guard. Her whole body language has completely changed. She stands before him arms crossed and with a look that would make Wolverine back down.

“You didn’t tell anyone you were hurt. You didn’t say a word for quite some time after you got here.”

Bobby just shrugs, though the action causes more pain than he anticipated. The action seems to make Emma appear more mad, if that is possible, so Bobby hides his pain as best he can.

“You almost died and all you can do is shrug?” Her posture and the look in her eyes as she looks down at him makes Bobby feel slightly intimidated.

“But I didn’t.”

“You could have died.”

“But I didn’t.”


”But I didn’t.” Bobby interrupts her. “I’m alive. I made it.”

Emma just sighs in frustration and her body language softens.

“How are you?” he asks, starting to cough slightly.

“I’m fine.”

“That looks painful.” He tries to lift his arm to point to her face, but he doesn’t have the strength to lift it that high.”

“I’m fine.”

“I’m glad.” Bobby says, managing a small smile.

Emma stares at him, her face still reflecting some of the anger she felt before. She looks away briefly and her eyes soften.

“I was worried.”

“Sorry I worried you.”

“Tell anyone and I’ll-“

”I won’t.”

Mustering what strength he can, he reaches over and grabs her hand. Her instinct is to pull away, but he won’t let her.

“I’m ok. I’m alive. I appreciate you staying with me to give Hank a break. I bet he hasn’t left the lab since we got back.” He lets her hand go before continuing, his voice still quiet and raspy. “Thanks for sharing your concern. Even though I know you have no problem telling me when I’m stupid, I do appreciate your concern.”

She smirks at his comment and asks “Would you like me to get Henry?”

“Nah. Let him sleep. I’m tired again. Ha. Feels like I’ve slept for days, but I’m still tired. You don’t have to stay. You can go get some sleep or something too.”

“You have been sleeping for days. I’ll stay until you fall back asleep.”

He smiles weakly and closes his eyes. She sits down in the chair and resumes her reading until he falls back asleep.
Part 11

The next morning before she leaves, Emma stops by the med-lab to say goodbye. As she rounds the corner, she finds the bed Bobby’s been using clean and empty.
“He’s gone.”

“What?” Emma says with more shock and surprise in her voice than she means. She whips around so fast it makes her slightly dizzy. She clutches the wound on her head to try and alleviate the sudden dizziness.

“My apologies Emma, let me clarify. I simply meant that he was gone from the supervision of the med-lab.” Beast clarifies.

Her body language clearly softens. “You startled me Hank.”

“Again I apologize Emma. I did not know you were so invested in our resident prankster’s well-being.”

“My interest in his recovery is none of your concern,” Emma says flatly, void of any emotion. “I simply do not wish to see the person who saved my life, lose theirs.”

“My apologies again Emma,” Beast says looking slightly embarrassed. “I believe he is in the rec room catching up on his cartoon intake if I am not mistaken. I’ve ordered him on strict bed rest, but he’s chosen the couch as his bed.”

“Thank you.” And with that Emma spins on her heel and walks out of the lab.

As Beast said, Emma finds Bobby in the rec room. He is propped up on the couch, one arm in a sling, the other propped on a pillow with the remote in hand. The couch has been moved so that he is fully facing the television.
“Already back to destroying your brain cells, I see.”

Bobby’s head turns to the direction of her voice. “This is high-quality television Emma. You’ve been missing out.”

“I’m sure.” Emma says sarcastically. “How are you doing?”

“Eh, I feel ok I guess, all things considered. Arm’s really sore, and it hurts real bad when I get short of breath. Other than that, and some aches, I’m fine. I’ll be back to my old self in no time.”

“Whether that is a good thing or not, has yet to be determined.” Emma teases.

“Ha ha, very funny.”

“How did you convince Henry to let you leave the med-lab so soon?”

“Well...,” Bobby says with a grin. “There’s a Transformers marathon on later that I know he’s dying to watch. I only convinced him that by letting me stay on the couch, he could not only enjoy the marathon, but keep an eye on me and my progress. According to all those fancy charts, I’m doing a lot better than expected, which is a definite plus.”

“When will you be able to return to active duty?”

“Don’t know yet. Hank wants me to take it easy today and not leave this couch. I got Rogue to turn it for me. He said tomorrow we can discuss and possibly begin physical therapy and stuff, depending on my progress.”

“I see.”


“I’m sorry to cut this conversation short, but I have a flight to catch.”

“Where to this time?”

“A wonderfully boring conference in Chicago. I’ll be gone for the weekend, and then I’ll have some small business to take care of once I get back.”

“Have a safe trip.”

“Thank you. Enjoy your ‘high-quality television.’”

“I will. Goodbye Emma.”

Emma turns and heads for the door. Bobby watches her walk away until she disappears around a corner and then repositions himself on the couch for maximum comfort and delves back into his cartoons.

The rest of the day is boring and uneventful for Bobby and Emma. While Bobby’s recuperating body is utilizing the down time and lack of action, Emma is dreading the lack of action at her conference. The past few weeks have been very eventful for her, and the lack of excitement isn’t something she’s accustomed to as of late. The conference does not need her attendance, but she doesn’t want anyone else to represent her or her company. So she sits and listens to the monotonous voices of other CEO’s and representatives while her mind is elsewhere.

Emma forces herself to concentrate when the most random things begin to remind her of a certain prankster hundreds of miles away. She catches herself staring at the ice cubes in her drink, imagining manipulating them in various ways. When one of the executives plays a Queen song to accompany his presentation pitch, it reminds her of the night in Bobby’s car, when everything started. She remembers teasing him about his driving, and events of the night play in sequence before her.

Emma wonders what it would be like had she declined his offer that night. She and him most certainly would not be the friends they are now. She also doubts that she would have a bullet wound and deep bruising on her thigh and a stitched cut on her face that she is masking with the help of makeup and her telepathy. She thinks back to the night of her nightmare when he came into her room. Emma recalls how embarrassed she was that he’d found her like that and how much it had meant to her that he didn’t judge her. She hasn’t told him that while she was cleaning up her nose bleed, she was secretly scanning his surface thoughts to see what he thought of her. Expecting him to be thinking bad things of her, it shocked her to find that his thoughts were only of concern for her and making her feel comfortable.

It was not the first time that Emma Frost had a nightmare. It was not the first time Emma Frost woke up in tears. It is however, the first time that someone has seen her in that state. This was the second time that Bobby had seen her cry. No one else can make that claim. Each time she expected ridicule for showing weakness, like when she was younger, but each time Bobby surprised her by only offering comfort. The comfort he brought her is what made her swallow her pride and ask him to stay with her that night.

Emma shakes the memories away and tries to listen intently as the young man before her delivers his speech. Emma takes a long sip of her drink, resisting the urge to telepathically speed things up.

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