Part 9
The next morning Emma wakes clutching a pillow. Slightly embarrassed at her child-like actions, she quickly proceeds to get ready for the day at hand. She calls out to Hank telepathically to find out if there’s been any change in Bobby’s condition. Much to her chagrin, there hasn’t. She knows she should be resting, but she has classes to teach. She welcomes the distraction her classes will bring. The semester is finally underway and she doesn’t want to cancel any classes, especially the first day. At least for a while, she won’t be worrying about Bobby and she can bury herself into the normalcy it will bring. Emma styles her hair in a way that helps conceal the wound, yet is equally stylish. She also uses make-up to conceal as much of the bruising as possible. Once she’s satisfied, she heads down to get prepared before classes begin. Although she is still limping slightly, the pain has decreased enough that she can walk much easier.
As Emma approaches her classroom, she discovers another member of the X-Men about to enter.“This is my class Scott. Are you lost?”
“ I was just about to cancel it.”
“We didn’t think you were up to it yet. Thought you’d like a day or two to recuperate.”
“Thank you, but I am perfectly able to teach. Now if you’ll excuse me...” With that Emma walks past him and into her classroom.
Periodically throughout the day, Emma continues to telepathically check in with Hank for updates. Unfortunately, there still has been no change in Bobby’s condition. The next 2 days are the same routine. Between classes, she checks on Bobby’s condition by either asking Hank telepathically or listening to other’s conversations.
On the fourth day, long after classes have ended and most have retired to their rooms for the evening, Emma heads to the med-lab. She hasn’t been back to the medlab since the night she limped out. She wanted to come sooner, but most of the X-Men have been in and out to see him and she hadn’t wanted to come while anyone else was here. She doesn’t want to deal with them. Once inside, Emma finds Hank sitting next to Bobby’s bed.
“Any change?”
“I’m afraid not.” Hank says solemnly.
“Henry, you hardly slept since we came back.”
“I haven’t been able to.” Hank says wearily, checking Bobby’s vitals on the screen.
“Why don’t you get some rest this time? I’ll stay. It won’t do to have you in this condition when he does wake. You can hardly keep your eyes open as it is.”
“Reading my thoughts?” Hank asks teasingly.
“No,” she says flatly. “Your body language says plenty.”
Hank looks slightly embarrassed about his accusatory comment. He wants to apologize, but Emma continues before he can.
“Get some rest Henry.”
The tiny smile Emma gives him lets him know she isn’t offended by his joke. He smiles back and rises from the chair.
“Thank you Emma. And you’ll alert me if anything changes in his condition?”
“Of course.”
With that, Hank checks to make sure everything is operating properly before leaving the lab to get some much needed rest. Despite the faint humming of machines, the lab is eerily quiet. She’s hesitant to get closer at first, opting to remain where she’s standing for a few minutes. She realizes how stupid she’s being and walks over to his side. Tubes are still protruding from his body, and his wounds are concealed behind new bandages. The scratches on his face have started to heal but his skin is still very pale. Despite all this, he looks as though he’s only in a peaceful sleep. She reaches out to push stray hairs from his forehead, but recoils at the last second.
Emma’s not good at this. She hates hospitals and places that remind her of them. She hates seeing Bobby lying in the bed, fighting for his life, unsure of when, or if, he’ll wake. Even worse, she hates how helpless she feels right now. Just like with the Hellions, there is nothing she can do. All she can do is wait. This time however, she promises to be here when he wakes up. She wasn’t there when the Hellions met their demise. Even though she was in a coma, she still feels the guilt. She won’t make that mistake again.
With that in mind, Emma sits down beside him, the chair still somewhat warm from Hank. And she waits.