Diddy's MAKING THE BAND: Season 4- part 2.


The Return of the O.G
May 19, 2003
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I caught the premier yesterday on MTV ( a channel that i usually avoid) and i must say, i'm hooked already! This seaon has the guy band from last season plus Danity Kane, all living in the same house! As you can guess when guys and girls get together..there's sexual tension and drama brewing already! :up:

Aubrey seems to be the biggest freak of them all....


I think Monday at 10pm EST is the regular day.
This season is going to be bad ass! Danity Kane second album is going to be great but I don't know about the boy band, they don't seem that great to me. I really don't know about Donnie except for the fact that he is going to end up doing Aubrey.
I don't know about anyone else, but in a way I believe that rumor about Aubrey and Diddy having something going on.
I don't know about anyone else, but in a way I believe that rumor about Aubrey and Diddy having something going on.

Looking back, you can kinda see some sort of sexual tension. I wouldn't put it past Diddy. And Aubrey is kind of his golden girl of the group.
Well from the season premier, she seems to be very 'hormone' driven, if you can't my drift. So i wouldn't be surprised.
Do any of yall have any b^tch assness in you?! Lol.
Shannon is the Best lookin girl on that joint period. She does'nt even need make-up to look good.
Seems to me that most guys like Aubrey because she's the one who shows the most skin and shake her ass the most.
This season is going to be bad ass! Danity Kane second album is going to be great but I don't know about the boy band, they don't seem that great to me. I really don't know about Donnie except for the fact that he is going to end up doing Aubrey.

Talentwise them dudes>>>> Danity Kane
Shannon is the Best lookin girl on that joint period. She does'nt even need make-up to look good.

I agree. Plus she seems to be the one who conducts herself with some common sense...so it seems.
Dear Aubrey,
You are not that famous. You need to get over yourself. :o

I thought it was pretty funny when Dawn found out Q was 19. Plus my sister told me he has kids! No way.

Ehhh Wanita's hair is horrible. But Aundrea is cute as always.:up: Plus Dawn and Shannon's new hair is really cute too.

I think the boys are going to win.
I hate the way Aubrey keeps bragging about being part of Danity Kane like they're the ****ing Beatles. I can't honestly say i've heard any of their songs getting regular rotation on the radio in DC where i live.....
Do any of yall have any b^tch assness in you?! Lol.

Haha, I loved how Diddy created his own word. "B****assness." I'm going to start using that one.


Btw, I had no idea that Danity Kane's album went platinum. :o

With the exception of D. Woods (Wanita) during some shots, I think all of Danity Kane are fine as hell. Shannon is my favorite, though. :heart:
I hate the way Aubrey keeps bragging about being part of Danity Kane like they're the ****ing Beatles. I can't honestly say i've heard any of their songs getting regular rotation on the radio in DC where i live.....

Seriously when they were in the limo and she was like "Do you guys realize you're in a limo with f****** Danity Kane?!" :whatever:

Showstopper got alot of airplay in Detroit.
Wasn't "Showstopper" the only single off the album? :o
The should have just kept this season as them following the R&B male group from last year (pause) as they start making and promoting the album....
Hahaha, Diddy asked Robert if he had any "b***h-assness" in him. Hahahaaha
Why not, Im sure he oughta be asking himself the same thing in the mirror every morning.
This season would have been even more crazy if Diddy somehow got Da Band back together to join all of them.
This season is gonna be off the chain. DK is gonna win, but I wish Donnie and the boys luck too. I wonder what their name is gonna be...

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