Digital Comics: Good for the Industry or Bad for the Industry?

Arach Knight

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Girl
May 18, 2008
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Much like other popular entertainment media, comic books are experincing a digital shift. For some, the thrill of a pull list on new comic book Wednesday and gathering in a shop to discuss the latest arcs is the purest way to experience the medium. For others, it simply comes down to a love of collecting and the materiality of a comic. After all, you can't get your favorite artist or writer to sign a digital book that can't be resold later.

Indeed, the material aspect of comic books is very important, from convention signings to business like the CGC. All of these are linked to the material nature of comics and would cease to exist (or restructure to be smaller) if comic books were no longer sold at retail.

Then there is the flip side. Comic shops are not as abundant as they once were, even in the 90s after the market crash. Some people drive thirty minutes just to find a shop. For others, there are no options at all. Digital books a are a remedy for this issue. Others still could care less about collecting or conventions and enjoy the expedient acquisition of their favorite books from the comfort of their home.

The question then, is how do you feel about this shift? Will it ruin the industry by putting so many locals and majors out of business (e.g. the close of Virgin Records amd Tower Records with the advent of iTunes)? Will it imorove the industry by being ale to serve a larger market through digital distribution? O will they co-exist and serve different customer types?
I love digital comics, it's the future and should be encuraged.
Show me the old school baby... :up:

I get why the new school exists... mostly for reasons that I cannot state in this forum... but I hate that it does and merely reinforces my opionions on modern man...

I get why the new school exists... mostly for reasons that I cannot state in this forum... but I hate that it does and merely reinforces my opionions on modern man...


I think you can still talk about it so long as you don't try to solicit or trade it or provide links to how/where you can get it. At least that's how I read the Hype rules on it, if a mod wants to clarify the rules for this thread because it's sure to come up.

But I agree with TMoB, the new school is there and it's nice and all but I think it's a feeble attempt to sell what folks what many are getting for free.

I think it was Mark Waid that said a while ago that Marvel and DC should have jumped on digital comics when piracy first started becoming huge. They missed the boat on that one.
I think they can co-exsist. Ther is no feeling like holding the comic in your hand and flippinh those pages, so digital would NEVER win for me, but I can see other people finding it more convienient. In the end , I could see the monthlies disappearing for the collected volumes format, or downloading. The printed page will always have a demand though.
I don't think comic shops have much to worry about. After the speculator bubble burst years ago, they've learned from it. At least at my LCS, they've adapted and have been surviving well. They guy actually bought out the space next door and expanded the floor space.
Lol my guy did the same thing! I don't think the LCS should or do fear the digital comics. I bet if anything, the people go looking for a real comic store after they download.
I call them comic shops out of habit but most of them are really considered hobby shops these days that sell various products.
Yeah, I usually say Comic Shop too. I don't know why Store came out? Maybe just generalizing for the public. ;-)

But people download music and movies, legally, and people still buy DVDs and CDs. Yes, there are fewer places to get them, but they are still available. People download books, legally, and people still purchase old school books too. Everything co-exsists. Comic books aren't going anywhere. Especially being the niche market that it is, there will always be a demand for it.
I'm someone who exists purely in the middle. I have an amazing comic shop that is just minutes from my office, so I go there every Wednesday and pick up new books. I look forward to it every week. However, I also buy a few books on ComiXology as well. The $1.99 price point (for DC Comics after a month) and the ability to maintain a decent collection without taking up physical space or spending money on boxes/bags/boards are a huge plus.

I physically collect the ones I REALLY want to own and display (I have a couple comic stands on my living room shelf that I swap out regularly with whatever issues I'm feeling at that time), and I digitally collect the rest. I've found a nice balance.
I physically collect the ones I REALLY want to own and display (I have a couple comic stands on my living room shelf that I swap out regularly with whatever issues I'm feeling at that time), and I digitally collect the rest. I've found a nice balance.

This is probably the route I'm going to go down eventually. I'll still physically buy the ones I've always collected like ASM, Cap and certain X-Men books and get other stuff digitally.

I guess right now I just can't let go.....:csad:
Show me the old school baby... :up:

I get why the new school exists... mostly for reasons that I cannot state in this forum... but I hate that it does and merely reinforces my opionions on modern man...


With a statement like that, you should feel obliged to at least explain your opinion of modern man.
I HATE them just like I HATE digital books. I loved the feel and smell of comics and/or books in my hands.

So with that, IMO digital comics are good for the comic industry BUT bad for the comic collector!
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I don't wanna insult anybody... :o


The internet is home to \b\, ebaums world and a host of other dubious web destinations. I'd dare say it is nigh impossible, if not improbable to be genuinely be iffended on the internet. It is inherently offensive by nature of the many opinions floating around the digital ether. Just don't use any names :p
Each have their advantages and limits, they can co-exist by going deeper into their uniqueness.

Comics are material, they should be pushing object books, ones that you want to have on a nice bookcase or showcase somewhere in your house, nice designed, different papers different printings, signed why not?

Just imagine Invisible Woman being represented as a varnish silhouette over matte paper, a fluorescent Human Torch, and a metallic Thing...

Digital comics can have countless pages and information, quick-link interactivity with possible non linear type story telling...

till now we've mostly seen comics made for paper turned digital and digital comics printed to paper... neither exploiting their specificity.
thumbs up
Honestly, if I were to guess, I'd say the future of comics lie in the weekly, 99¢ digital issues that have slowly become more and more popular in recent months.

With DC's large commitment to the format, paired with the creation of publishers like Monkeybrain comics, it really seems like its a very lucrative release type.

Personally speaking, I love digital comics. I haven't bought a hard copy comic since DC went all digital last year, and I don't miss them in the slightest. Not only are they cheaper (at $1.99 as apposed to $2.39 plus shipping), but the lack of having to sort, organize and store them is wonderfully.

Plus the ability to have any issue in my collection at my fingertips in seconds is great too. Then I can screencap it, archive it, share it, etc. with ease.
Plus the ability to have any issue in my collection at my fingertips in seconds is great too. Then I can screencap it, archive it, share it, etc. with ease.

So I guess they are downloaded and viewed with a 3rd party app? Wouldn't it make more sense for them to provide their own official app that will only connect to their own online library? This doesn't seem to be a good way for them to combat piracy while providing their product in the new age.
Comixology is the only 3rd party app in existence, and it's a extremely well developed app. Every publisher outside of Dark Horse (who has their own, subpar app) uses Comixology. They're like the Diamond Distributors of digital comics.

As far as I know, there's no real way to pirate it. Outside of taking screencaps of pages, which I'll do just for examples of art or quotes or whatever.
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I do kinda miss the smell of a new comic book. That's always kinda special.

I do not miss the damn flimsy covers getting bent every time you open them. :o

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