DirecTV vs. Viacom


Dealin' W/ Demons
Jun 14, 2006
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As I'm sure many of you are aware, DirecTV and Viacom are fighting. Basically, Viacom wants to raise it's current contract by 30%, or $1 BILLION!!

Now, I'm sure some of you are thinking, well, I'll just switch to Dish Network, or Comcast, or some other provider. However, there's more going on here than just two billion dollar companies fighting over money.

See, if DirecTV caves in and gives Viacom what they want, than what's to stop Viacom, or any other big network, from doing this same thing to another TV provider? If they can bend DirecTV over the barrel and force them to raise the rates of all their subscribes, they WILL do it to every other provider when their contracts run out, as well! This is a situation that every TV provider faces at some point. If the network raises their rates, provider's really only have two choices. Raise the rates of their subscribers or, drop the channels. They are really in a no-win situation.

On the other hand, if Viacom is forced to cave in to DirecTV's stance, then that actually helps all other providers out there. It shows companies like Viacom that they cannot act like a little kid and hold their content over our heads to get more money. I mean, Viacom is even blocking the free episodes on their websites! No matter who your TV provider is! Talk about childish!

What are your thoughts on this situation?
I hate when cable/satalite providers get into contract dispbutes. I perfer cable over satalite. But sucks for viewers loosing networks they enjoy. And I think its a foul move viacom is also blocking online viewing of its programs. That is a load of bull there.
**** Viacom.

All I pretty much watch is comedy central and they want to charge me 30% more? That's $50+ a year more. **** that. And their scare tactics are so ******. I stand by Directv on this one. If Viacom wants to lose 20 million be it.
I agree, **** Viacom. But, I can't stand by DirecTV if I don't get the channels I love. There's no point in paying for it if I'm not watching anything. I might have to go back to AT&T U-Verse.
And I think that is what Viacom is banking on. That enough DirecTV subscribers will jump ship, forcing them them to give in to Viacom's demands.

Sadly, Viacom is holding all the cards. They can get the 20 million customers back when they switch to another provider. It's going to be a lot harder for DirecTV to get back any subscribers they lose.
See, I really don't think Viacom is going to back down from this. That's unfortunate, because I just got DirecTV two weeks ago and it's going to suck to switch back to U-Verse so fast.
I hate when cable/satalite providers get into contract dispbutes. I perfer cable over satalite. But sucks for viewers loosing networks they enjoy. And I think its a foul move viacom is also blocking online viewing of its programs. That is a load of bull there.

F*** Viacom as well. The only thing that might come of this maybe higher rates or loss of some programming which in the end only hurts the consumer. :cmad:
I went thru this same bulls**t a couple of years ago when I was with Dish and they had a dispute that was settled two days later...

eventually, this past February, I jumped ship from Dish and went with Direc because I was getting a sizeable savings on my bill...

now THIS s**t happens... and I USED to be with cable about 10 years ago, but went with Dish because cable bills here went thru the roof, much more back then than what Dish or Direc were/are charging me NOW...

I know of the four or so channels that Direc announced that they lost, but in total they lost 19...

anyone know specifically and exactly what channels are now gone from Direc?
anyone know specifically and exactly what channels are now gone from Direc?

Nick Too
Teen Nick
Nick Jr.
Nick at Night
MTV,VH1,CMT and all their respective versions.
TV Land
Comedy Central
Last edited:
Nick Too
Teen Nick
Nick Jr.
Nick at Night
MTV,VH1,CMT and all their respective versions.
TV Land
Comedy Central


hmmmm, looks like for ME, the only major losses will be TVLand for the classic oldies and maybe Spike for the wrestling... no big loss on Spike though...

all the others, I don't really sweat losing...
See, I really don't think Viacom is going to back down from this. That's unfortunate, because I just got DirecTV two weeks ago and it's going to suck to switch back to U-Verse so fast.

Did you sign a contract where you have to agree to a certain # of years of service?
Did you sign a contract where you have to agree to a certain # of years of service?

Yes, but the contract's been violated with the removal of these channels which we were also paying for. We're calling them today, so we'll get it straightened out.
Yes, but the contract's been violated with the removal of these channels which we were also paying for. We're calling them today, so we'll get it straightened out.

They have a loophole for that. They retain the right to change the channel line up at any time with or without notice.
I was all ready to settle in and watch Batman:TAS marathon on the HUB network (that DirecTV has been providing as substitution for comedy central, mtv, etc...getting pulled) and then I find out that all those channels are back and HUB is gone! :cmad:

Well at least I have my B:TAS DVDs with me *hugs them tightly*
I work for a cable TV provider. I have to deal with DirecTV's crap almost daily.

Good news. I'm glad to see DirecTV didn't just bend over and take it.

LMAO... "Bend over and take it". That had me rolling when I read it. I agree!

Do you get free channels?
LMAO... "Bend over and take it". That had me rolling when I read it. I agree!

Do you get free channels?
Sadly, no. I work as an independent contractor so, I'm not entitled to the same benefits as a regular employee.
Am I the only one who finds these "so we can be together again" ads creepy?

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