So I was playing Dark Souls a while ago and turned it off to get a bite to eat. I come back, turn on my PS3 and and the icon for Dark Souls isn't present. I eject the disc, put it back in, no icon. I do this a couple more times, same thing. I try a different game and a Blu-ray, same deal. I read online that you can fix this by unplugging the cables and removing the HDD. I do this, and...success! It worked!
I'm playing Dark Souls again, waiting in a church to be summoned to kick some gargoyle ass. At some point while waiting, I noticed the sound had been mostly cut out of the game. The ambient noise is still there but my guy isn't making sound of any kind. I then muted my TV and could hear the disc barely spinning, or even just trying to spin. exit the church and then things really get ****ed up. Missing geometry, no textures, etc. "Welp." I said, and then shut my PS3 off. I decided to give it some time to cool down, came back, turned it on, no Dark Souls game icon. Back to square one.
I'm playing Dark Souls again, waiting in a church to be summoned to kick some gargoyle ass. At some point while waiting, I noticed the sound had been mostly cut out of the game. The ambient noise is still there but my guy isn't making sound of any kind. I then muted my TV and could hear the disc barely spinning, or even just trying to spin. exit the church and then things really get ****ed up. Missing geometry, no textures, etc. "Welp." I said, and then shut my PS3 off. I decided to give it some time to cool down, came back, turned it on, no Dark Souls game icon. Back to square one.