anybody else notice the big delay between issue 2 and 3 coming out? that was a real momentum killer- i find it very easy to suspend disbelief, so i was along for the ride, till 3 came out so late and miller started making pro administration arguments in public in the wake of 9/11, announcing holy terror and revealing his proto fascist sympathies. not that miller's a tupac the admin should be afraid could start a revolution, although it Is funny to imagine..."All nerds Unite! Let's nitpick the admin on continuity errors till they give up and go home!"
it's kinda like how Nevermind was so brilliant whereas In Utero didn't Quite live up to the promise, at least in the eyes of the public. DKR and Nevermind weren't intended to change anything bigger, because the creators had no idea their voices would be so important to so many people. They just did what they felt and hoped for a sympathetic ear. Once established, they gotta feeling **** they said might actually affect something; both went even grungier and demanded the public follow. In Utero was better than DK2 cuz kurt never got as bigheaded and self-important as FM did; he saw what was coming and opted out (and i don't mean suicide, i mean recording one last real punk record, then disbanding nirvana to go record an acoustic film score with michael stipe- man didn't kill himself, he was murdered, not by the CIA for some larger reason, but b/c courtney was a greedy ho who caught on that her cash-cow hubby was about to bail on the gravy train and she knew the selling power of a dead rock star trumps even their greatest sales while living)
i know all this seems a little bit of a stretch, but FM's self importance got the better of him on DK2, whereas no one knew the impact DKR would have on the industry when they were creating it. i just use kurt as a comparison point because both guys unexpectedly shot to importance w/i their own communities and it inarguably affected their later work. i just know which one will have more lasting importance and influence, and i'll be listening to Radio Friendly Unit Shifter, Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle, and Rape Me long after I forget the details of DK2-
long live cobain (i Know this got way offtrack, but premise ain't wrong, and if u wanna drag the analogy further, when kurt finally gave in and sold out, at least he did it well; Unplugged holds up better than DK2)
again, that's my 2cents worth-