Do you wear glasses?


Jun 27, 2006
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Simple topic. Do you? How do you feel about it? Do you really care? Are they stylish?
I'm supposed to but dont. i cant see things that are far away so it dosent really matter. I would wear them though if i had a better pair...and if they wernt made by pepsi.....
I wear glasses just to perpetuate the stereotype of the nerdy Asian guy.

Da hoez lurve it.
Yes. For everything. My eye doctor said that my eyesight would be like a person with a 20/20 vision looking through a coke bottle. It's that bad.
Not yet. But my mother wears glasses, my brother wears them, all four of my grandparents wore them. My father however did not wear glasses, until he was around 45, and then he went straight to tri-focals. So, I'm sure I'll end up needing them at some point.
For me it's everything.
I went back to wearing glasses instead of contacts last fall.

While it is tough for me to find a good quality pair of clip on sunglasses to fit my frames, the frames I wear now are much more comfortable than what I could get for my prescription 11 years ago.
You guys a a bunch of four eyed geeks. Sheesh...get lasik already.
For others it could work. For me, it would be nothing more than throwing money away
Lasik is a waste for me too. :(

I have keratoconus and getting lasik would only degrade my vision more than it already is.
i should probably be wearing them more often, but i usually just wear them while driving, or going to the movies
I don't even wear sunglasses.
for me its sometimes

i never leave the house wearing them. just because i dont like them

i always always put on contacts before leaving the house
Just sunglasses, too much sunlight can harm your eyes.
I think after spending all this time on the hype it won't be long before I have to start wearing glasses.
I've had glasses since I was in the second grade. My eye sight has gotten so bad I think it's -375/20 :csad: I started wearing contacts when I was 14, but over the past year my eyes have been getting really bad with them on. It might be an infection or just that I have sensitive eyes. So I've been wearing glasses all the time since then. And I went to the doctor last month and he said I have a slight case of astigmatism.

I used to hate going out with glasses, I used to think girls wouldn't like me if i had them, but in the past year, all the girls I knew said they like me better with them and it makes me look smarter. But I still prefer contacts anyway. I see much better with them and don't have to worry about looking around frames.
No glasses, but my left eye keeps twitching like crazy. it's weird.
Yes. For everything. My eye doctor said that my eyesight would be like a person with a 20/20 vision looking through a coke bottle. It's that bad.

Lmfao. My vision is really freakin bad. I've tried typing without my glasses before..I can't even make out the letters on the keyboard & I'll just squint.
I wish I could get contacts though..:o Having glasses for some things all the time just sucks.:o
Lmfao. My vision is really freakin bad. I've tried typing without my glasses before..I can't even make out the letters on the keyboard & I'll just squint.
I wish I could get contacts though..:o Having glasses for some things all the time just sucks.:o

I convinced my mom to let me get contacts because my glasses always found a way to break in gym class. One time, after I already had contacts, I wore glasses just for one day and they broke when I was in gym. I really do prefer contacts though, they feel more natural than when you wear glasses.
I convinced my mom to let me get contacts because my glasses always found a way to break in gym class. One time, after I already had contacts, I wore glasses just for one day and they broke when I was in gym. I really do prefer contacts though, they feel more natural than when you wear glasses.
Lol. Geez. You have some bad luck then.:O I've worn several glasses throughout the years and none have ever broken.

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