Don't Hurt Tom Hank's Testicles!!

I've decided that I loiked my lunch, and am not going to watch this in case it makes me sick! LOL
The Amazing Lee said:
American humour like this does nothing for me. :(


I didnt laugh once during Monthy Python and the Holy Grail. Infact I couldnt even watch all of it. :(
The Amazing Lee said:
American humour like this does nothing for me. :(
This from the guy who said about pissing Mexicans, "When they got taco, they got tacO."

Oh boy.
Holly Goodhead said:

I didnt laugh once during Monthy Python and the Holy Grail. Infact I couldnt even watch all of it. :(

:eek: !!!!


Did you like Napolean Dynamite?

cause Holy Grail is far superior.
Learn to use punctuation correctly. It should be ..Don't Hurt Tom Hanks' Testicles
Immortalfire said:
Learn to use punctuation correctly. It should be ..Don't Hurt Tom Hanks' Testicles
Yeah:mad: and only ONE exclamation point!:mad:

Also, you forgot to put quotation marks around "Don't Hurt Tom Hanks' Testicles." when you corrected him.

I didn't want to overload his brain too much. I'm no teacher.
Immortalfire said:
Learn to use punctuation correctly. It should be ..Don't Hurt Tom Hanks' Testicles

Why do you have to turn a thread about testicles into something ugly? :(
Edit--Last name is Hanks, I get it.
The testicles in quesion are in a state of belonging. One does not add an extra S to a word that ends in S, when referring to the belonger (is that a word?). His last name is Hanks. The title of this is written Hank.

Thus, one should write "these are Tom Hanks' testicles", or in this case "Don't hurt Tom Hanks' testicles".
The Amazing Lee said:
American humour like this does nothing for me. :(

it also probably has something to do with the fact that you didn't grow up during the 90s in America
That's Tom Hanks from a recent SNL appearance.
Holly Goodhead said:

I didnt laugh once during Monthy Python and the Holy Grail. Infact I couldnt even watch all of it. :(

Why correct non english spelling? It's not like their wrong because they're not American. :(
8Ball2/JanG5 said:
Why correct non english spelling? It's not like their wrong because they're not American. :(

But only America is right you commie bastard.:mad:
Lackey said:
it also probably has something to do with the fact that you didn't grow up during the 90s in America
And for that, may the Lord make us truly grateful.
Wilhelm-Scream said:
This from the guy who said about pissing Mexicans, "When they got taco, they got tacO."

Oh boy.

That's british humour. :o
Holly Goodhead said:

I didnt laugh once during Monthy Python and the Holy Grail. Infact I couldnt even watch all of it. :(

I think you'll find it's humour. :o
Hahaha, that's awesome if you know what SNL was like in 1991.

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