Drunk Hyping


Sep 15, 2005
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Ok, I'm just wondering how many of us have done this? God knows there's been many a time where I've come home from the bar, drunk, but not ready to sleep and gone on the hype.....

How many of you guys have done the same?

I have no idea how to change that...
I've done it before, but I was just as boring as usual.
No. I have fun when I'm drunk.

...or cry.
I don't think I would notice a difference if people started drunk hyping.:huh:
I did it once, said some stupid things, got over it, wouldn't do it again.

If I'm going to be drunk, the last thing I should be doing is be on my damned computer.

I'd just come back and it was on.
A few times. Unfortunately one of those times was the first time I saw the Catwoman outfit for Halle Berry, and I just went into a psycho fanboy rant.:o
A few times. Unfortunately one of those times was the first time I saw the Catwoman outfit for Halle Berry, and I just went into a psycho fanboy rant.:o
Thats understandable.

For me, I was kinda in a upbeat mood after seeing Catwoman. Not because of the flick, but because I handed over one of those 'free movie tickets', and not only got an admission, but also $6 bucks as well (ticket had $12 on it, and tickets ran $6 at that particular theater ...). :p

Never got on Hype drunk, BTW.
Yes...there can be repercussions if not done properly. :(
I've typed while buzzed, but I've never gotten drunk before. I always want to be able to make it home from whatever party I'm at without assistance.
Yes...there can be repercussions if not done properly. :(

Still, you gotta admit it was fun while it lasted.

As for me, I don't drink. It sorta sucks to see I'm the only person on the poll who's sober 100% of the time. :csad:
I'm drunk 100 % percent of the time . I've been warned about the dangers of drinking and typing but i'm too busy self destructing to care.
I've done it a few times.
Let me get this straight, after going to a Bar I come home unable to sleep and you think I'll get on my computer?

When I get home from a Bar / Club I have a good hot shower first to get rid of perspiration and cigarette smoke. Then, if I'm unable to sleep, I do something to work up more sweat ;) (and if you need me to explain what you can do to work up a sweat after a shower, well then you're too young and will learn it when you're older)
I've done it occasionally but there are usual much better things I could be doing
I've never done drunk posting, Though last night 'till 5 a.m. Monday morning I was hyped up and high and babbled on AIM with vibeke_T.
When I come home drunk I usually go to bed.
Also when I am drunk which is quite rare, there is no way I can operate a computer. I'll just bash the keys and random typos will come up.
I guess I gotta say yes because I'm still a little drunk from the Superbowl last night. Ugh, being at work drunk from the previous night sucks really, really bad.

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