Dummy on a noose distracts Las Vegas drivers.

Maximum Carnage

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Mar 23, 2005
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Billboards with dummy on noose shock Vegas drivers

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Even by Las Vegas standards, it was a shocking billboard: A mannequin dangling on a hangman's noose below a black sign with the ominous words "Dying for Work."

Nevada Highway Patrol Trooper Jeremie Elliott says the 911 calls started coming in as the sun came up early Wednesday, with drivers worried the stiff, black-suited dummy swaying at the end of a rope along Interstate 15 near Bonanza Road was a real person.
"It's a publicity stunt, obviously done in bad taste," said Elliott, adding that officials were focused on getting it down quickly to avoid distracting drivers during the morning commute.
The graphic display along the interstate was one of at least two unauthorized signs spotted Wednesday morning in the Las Vegas area. Another found on Highland Avenue and Desert Inn Road was white with black lettering that read, "Hope You're Happy Wall St.," and a similar mannequin hanging off the edge.

A woman who answered the phone at Lamar Advertising Co., which owns one of the billboards, labeled the act vandalism and said the display was being removed. She did not provide her name.

Clear Channel Outdoor, which owns another sign that was affected, said they pulled the display immediately and plan to work with law enforcement to punish whoever is responsible.
"We condemn the destructive behavior against one of our billboards because it is illegal and punishes our advertisers," Clear Channel Outdoor spokesman Jim Cullinan said in a statement. "This is not an innocent protest, but it is illegal and dangerous behavior that Clear Channel Outdoor and the industry will not accept."
Although the billboard alarmed drivers, it's unclear whether regulations in the area ban roadside signs with graphic depictions of suicide. A spokesman for the Nevada Department of Transportation said there didn't appear to be state regulations on the matter, and a spokeswoman for Clark County was also not aware of rules against the subject matter.
While nobody has publicly claimed responsibility for the signs, the Occupy Las Vegas group, which is affiliated with the larger Occupy Wall Street movement, posted photos of the displays on its website. Its caption says the Nevada governor's budget has slashed social programs and aid to suicidal adults.
Sebring Frehner, an Occupy supporter who posted the photos, told The Associated Press he didn't know who put the hangmen up, but applauded the message behind it.
"People saying it's in bad taste are living sheltered lives and don't pay attention to what affects the working class," he said.

That was in poor taste regardless of the message.
I think it's funny. If you wanted to pull off an underground marketing campaign that would be the way to go. Las Vegas gets 11 million visitors a year through tourism and it would be a great place to get publicity even if it's very morbid.
It may have been in poor taste, but I kind of feel like not arresting the people who caused the financial crisis is in much poorer taste. Some folks just need to be shocked out of apathy.

Not to mention politicians who take the country to war under intentionally false pretenses and torture detainees in secret to get what they consider to be accurate military intelligence information.
The sheep...i mean, the people dont seem to care unless it is shocking enough to distract them from their own mundane lives. This succeeded and it is truth. People took their own lives, there were cases of people killing their families and themselves so they wouldnt starve (crazy but people do crazy things when they get desperate), and a number of other things took place as a result of wall street's criminal activities.
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Damn! I'd imagine that might be distracting.
It may have been in poor taste, but I kind of feel like not arresting the people who caused the financial crisis is in much poorer taste. Some folks just need to be shocked out of apathy.

True but stuff like this won't work.
I see both sides. It certainly wakes people up.. and is effective. But... it could also cause an accident... so....
Dummy.....yes...let's go with that....
This advertisement was done in very poor taste & whatever it's purpose was is irrelevant.
Brings to mind both

"Will the real Batman please stand up?"


"And hang them...for the world to see.."

Is it weird that my mind just leaps to similar Batman instances in almost any situation?
You really think so? Why?

Well for starters what if a small child saw a lifeless body hanging from a noose? That would be an interesting question filled car ride for the kid's parent :p
Well for starters what if a small child saw a lifeless body hanging from a noose? That would be an interesting question filled car ride for the kid's parent :p

"Well Billy, just like those skeletons we hang for decorations at Halloween, that's not real either..."
You really think so? Why?

I just think it's not appropriate to use "someone" hanging, or getting hung , for a mere advertisement. I'm sure they could've gotten their message across in some other way.
I just think it's not appropriate to use "someone" hanging, or getting hung , for a mere advertisement. I'm sure they could've gotten their message across in some other way.

Well, advertisement implies they were selling something, which isn't the case here. This was a political protest, specifically against unscrupulous financial practices that, indirectly, led to actual deaths.
I just think it's not appropriate to use "someone" hanging, or getting hung , for a mere advertisement. I'm sure they could've gotten their message across in some other way.

"Some other way" likely wouldn't have generated this much publicity...and that's kind of the point.
"Well Billy, just like those skeletons we hang for decorations at Halloween, that's not real either..."

Billy: "But why put a hanging man? Would a man really hang himself like that? And if so why?"

Mom: "Well Billy, some men reach a point i ntheir life where they realize the cowardly way to die is by letting nature get the upper hand and give you cancer or to shrivel up and die alone as an old man and that life's day to day monotony and never-ending pitfalls can become things of the past if you simply man up and take your own life via a swift hanging. We're all dying every second anyway and healthy people who are good to others die every day unfairly, as do young children who were born into poverty and sickness. The world is a cruel, merciless place Billy and at a certain age suicide becomes one's only sane option to end the torment. Imagine where you were before you were born. You were nowhere. You didn't exist. You knew no pain. No frustration. No sadness. Now imagine going there again. Escaping this rat race called life. Becoming one with the earth. Leaving your corporeal body and rotting in the soil like nature. Nature after all Billy is the only beautiful thing in this horrible world...and man continues to abuse and destroy it. Do you want to live to see the day when nature is completely raped by industry? Or do you want to end your pain with rope around your neck and swing silently in the breeze...lifeless...cold...and at peace?"

Billy:......."What I want is to go to Chuck E. Cheese."

Mom: "You can go to Chuck E. Cheese when you're dead you worthless little mongrel. Your father and I were going to abort you, you know."
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Hahahahah!The people in this place were all pissed off! i was like come on! just 3 weeks ago 2 chimpanzee escaped outta someone's back yard and ran amok at a busy intersection in the north part of town.The cops had to shoot one of em. Hanging dummies aint nothing! it's Vegas! ( Florida still us has beat though! They have zombies!:cwink:
That is sick. I hope they find whoever did this and give them a large fine.

Strangely, on that same freeway near San Diego, I actually saw a real person hanging from a bridge who had committed suicide. It was a very dramatic experience for me...and nothing to joke about.
That is sick. I hope they find whoever did this and give them a large fine.

Strangely, on that same freeway near San Diego, I actually saw a real person hanging from a bridge who had committed suicide. It was a very dramatic experience for me...and nothing to joke about.

Well, this wasn't intended to be a joke.
That is sick. I hope they find whoever did this and give them a large fine.

Strangely, on that same freeway near San Diego, I actually saw a real person hanging from a bridge who had committed suicide. It was a very dramatic experience for me...and nothing to joke about.

So, can we fine the news too? Because I remember watching tv one day and then regularly scheduled programming was interrupted to follow a police chase that ended with the driver being cornered finally and then getting out of the car and running, and then being shot to death on live tv.

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