Dust 514


Utter Smeghead
Dec 18, 2009
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Weird how no one's made a thread for DUST 514 yet, so here you go. They just announced today that it's gona be free to play when it comes out, meaning that you can download it on PSN for 100% FREE with no strings attached. Basically, it's gonna be a FPS done MMO style. Looks fun.

Source: http://www.ccpgames.com/en/public-r...-514-to-be-the-first-true-free-to-play-fps-on

And here's the trailer from E3 last year:

that's good i just hope the game is fun haven't really seen any gameplay footage.
I've been keeping up with my self on my own. But I'll try and post any new video's or news if I run into it. so far they put up a few guns and some vehicles and drop suit designs and had a pod cast talking about the war barge and those weapons so far.
Starting of which
DUST 514 Vita version is companion app, not full game

(12 hours ago)
Sci-fi, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play, Mobile, MMOFPS, DUST 514, Sandbox

If you were hoping to play a mobile version of CCP's upcoming DUST 514 shooter, you might want to adjust your expectations just a bit. The EVE Online-inspired MMOFPS will be making an appearance on Sony's PlayStation Vita device... but as a companion app rather than a full-blown game.

CCP's Brandon Laurino explained the details to Eurogamer in an interview over the weekend. "At the most basic level, you can do transactions on the market, equip and customize your character, your vehicles, set up strategies with your friends and corporation members -- all of these sort of companion functions on the go," he says.

Laurino also says that the DUST Vita launch date has yet to be determined but that gamers should keep an eye out for further iterations of the app after its initial release. "As we continue to explore what the possibilities are between Vita and PS3, of which there are many, we'll keep updating the app with stuff like that over time," he explained.

Wasn't there a Private Beta as well? I Tried sigining up for that never got a response back.
GDC 2012: CCP talks DUST 514 PC possibilities and World of Darkness development

l (2 hours ago)
Sci-fi, EVE Online, Interviews, News items, World of Darkness, DUST 514, Sandbox

GDC 2012 is now in full swing, and today we had the chance to sit down with CCP's Hilmar Petursson, Halldor Fannar, and David Reid to chat about the studio's upcoming FPS title, DUST 514. When asked about the studio's primary goal with DUST 514, the team had a simple reply: Make the best AAA free-to-play shooter possible. But is it coming to the PC?

While many EVE Online players aren't thrilled with DUST 514's PlayStation 3 exclusivity, there may be hope for a PC release yet. And while the devs weren't ready to make any official statements on the spot, a bit of wink-nudging indicates that a PC release may still be in the cards. As the devs note, mouse and keyboard controls are already supported in the PS3 version of the title. "I wonder why we did that," Hilmar joked during the interview. Continue Reading

source: massively

I wish they released gameplay footage that shows how the game plays.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What's this talk about DUST 514 is coming to PC? No way!

Grideris: Over the last day or so, I've been been bombard by people talking about how CCP said there might be a potential for a PC version. From time to time, you get people talking about how there should be a PC version (and sometimes even a Xbox 360 version). So why all of the chatter all of a sudden?

This is why. Basically, Massively says there is a bit of wink-wink nudge-nudge from the CCP devs when asked if there is there is a PC version still on the cards. To quote:
As the devs note, mouse and keyboard controls are already supported in the PS3 version of the title. "I wonder why we did that," Hilmar joked during the interview.
People have started jumping over this big time saying that this means there seriously could be a PC version in the works. But what do I think?

I think we are exactly where we were before the interview. That is, I do not believe that there will be a PC version of DUST 514 in the near future.

There is a theoretical possibility that CCP could release DUST 514 for PC. But I don't think they will. Not for a while yet or unless DUST 514 tanks on the PS3. Heck, even the comment about Mouse and Keyboard support can easily be construed to be in regards to making it easier for PC players to adapt to playing DUST 514 on the PS3, not making it easier to port over if the time comes. So unless Massively is holding something else more substantial from the interview, I wouldn't be getting excited if the only thing holding you back from DUST 514 is the lack of PC support. Sorry guys.

Broadcastorm: CCP always planned DUST 514 to be a console game. If they ever do PC version it will be long long time from PS3 release and it will probably be completely optimized for PC and not just "port". That is rather far from us though. We may touch on this subject as well on CAST 514 Episode 3, but there is nothing much else to add, really. Game will be for a long time PS3 exclusive and if you really want to get into it straight away - fetch yourself a PS3 and come play with us straight from release!​

Posted by Grideris at 16:59 7 comments

source: DUST 514 Base

andd there's alot more on that site like new infor on shield for your drop suits and more.
Cool thanks the game looks much better than it did at E3 but i am not a big fan the way the you have look down the iron sight it feels to zoomed in. The Game looks great and i can't believe that it's free.
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Weird how no one's made a thread for DUST 514 yet, so here you go. They just announced today that it's gona be free to play when it comes out, meaning that you can download it on PSN for 100% FREE with no strings attached. Basically, it's gonna be a FPS done MMO style. Looks fun.

Source: http://www.ccpgames.com/en/public-r...-514-to-be-the-first-true-free-to-play-fps-on

And here's the trailer from E3 last year:


I'm having a hard time believing this is free.

Do they mean, you buy the game, but don't have to pay a monthly fee (like SW: The Old Republic makes you pay)?
DUST 514 driver's ed includes stealthing, siege mode, and power draining

(3 hours ago)
Betas, Sci-fi, Game mechanics, Free-to-play, Consoles, DUST 514

While the idea of piloting your own tank or drop ship in a virtual world may seem like a carefree joyride of devastation and destruction, think again: Turning on the engine in a DUST 514 vehicle may be the last thing you ever do if you're ignorant of the basics.

In a new dev post, CCP opens up the manual of vehicle operation in its upcoming title and tells it like it is. For starters, players will need to train up specific skills in order to even be allowed behind the wheel of any of these beasts, and even then, a clueless operator could find him or herself a sitting duck if attention isn't paid to power consumption (in DUST 514's terminology, capacitors). Equipped modules all draw power from capacitors during combat, and while capacitors do regenerate over time, they can be drained, both from a player's actions or an enemy's attack. As such, it's important to keep power demands in mind when modding a vehicle.

Two DUST 514 war machines are used as examples in the article. There's the Marauder HAV, a tank-busting tank that comes with an alternate siege mode, and there's the Force Recon dropship, which can clock, jam enemy sensors, and drain enemy vehicles' power. The post ends with a hypothetical battle scenario involving both of these, showing how they could be used out in the field.


DUST 514 beta starts in April!


Yes, you heard that right. According to the recent game trailers interview from GDC 2012, The beta will be starting in April.

You can see Hilmar mention the date after the 8:04 mark.

Yes, that's right, April. After Fanfest.

Stay tuned for more analysis and dissection for this video though. There's more to come.​

source: DUST 514 Base
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I'm having a hard time believing this is free.

Do they mean, you buy the game, but don't have to pay a monthly fee (like SW: The Old Republic makes you pay)?

they announced it a while ago it just wasn't put up cause there wasn't thread.

anyway here's a video that Explains it. butthe man speak gets to that poin near the end of this GT trailer.

E3 2011: EVE Integration Interview

Jun 9, 2011
We check out the many different mechanics that are being implemented to bring DUST 514 into the universe of EVE Online.

it was also talked about in this youtube pod cast from last months final week.

CAST 514 Episode 2 - MCC Barrel Roll

from the DUST 514 Base site.

Also from there which was put up to day.
GDC DUST 514 Video Interview Dissection (Image Heavy)

As many of you would have heard by now, Gametrailers have released an interview with Hilmar Pétursson (CEO of CCP Games) and David Read (CMO of CCP Games). And to make things better, it's packed full of snippets of combat from DUST 514. So let's do what we always do here at DUST514base and take a look inside shall we?

First off, we open with a Heavy dropsuit mowing down some other guys with an Autocannon that I'm sure you've all seen before.

Click for larger version
A couple of things we've seen before. The shield/armour gauge, the ammo counter and map all look similar to our ealier analysis from the PS Pulse video. Of course the weapon itself is new to us in action, so it's nice to see it tear through some enemy shields before they run away.

source: DUST 514 Base
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I mentioned some thing about shield this past week here it is

I see you Favour a Shield Extender on your Dropsuit.

Recently CCP revealed some details about a few more details in DUST 514's arsenal. However, what we haven't seen yet is the nitty gritty technical details of the dropsuits, and the many modules that you can fit them with. Well, that is until now.

May I present to you, the dropsuit fitting screen, courtesy of an Autodesk games show reel.

Click to see at full size
First off let's take a look at the left.


Here you can see a list of pre-made fittings that the play has created, as well as the option to make a new one. There looks to be a favourite column which looks to be handy considering you could have dozens of fittings and finding that special one could prove to be a chore. Other than that, it looks straight forward. (If you're wondering what's with the "Anti-Zombie" fitting, go check out CAST 514 Episode 1- it will explain what it's for).

in case you didn't go to the site and read it for you selves.

now in the news brought up to day.

Wait a moment. Bots? In my DUST 514?


Yes, you actually read that one right. According to an article by Gameinformer, AI controlled players will be making an appearance somewhere in DUST 514. To quote:
Teamwork-minded gamers can also upgrade their characters and hone their skills by engaging in horde mode-like battles against AI-controlled enemies.
So what exactly have CCP in store for us on this front? Maybe they decided to formalise the zombie mode they discussed in CAST 514 Ep 1 as part of training. I guess we will find out at Fanfest.

source: DUST 514 Base
This game is shaping up to be really good i hope it delivers. U can play this game on the Vita too right?
No it's completely free

It's probably going to be filled with micro-transactions, that's the Free2Play model. Hopefully that stuff will also be available via in-game xp/credit unlocks, but that's not always the case.
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here's what happened over the weekend

CAST 514 Episode 3 - Scary Capacitors

that's cast as in pod cast via youtube.

CAST 514 Episode 3 - Scary Capacitors

Downloads: Dropbox - mp3, iTunes - CAST 514, and CAST 514 RSS Feed

CAST 514 Episode 3 focuses on Free to Play model, microtransactions vs "pay to win", new dev blog about vehicles, EW, Capacitors, all sorts of modules, GDC footage dissection and more details we missed, bots, and fanfest preparations! We hope you will enjoy this cast as much as we did, and if you did, you may want to follow Base on Twitter, Facebook or Google+ to keep up-to-date with all the latest news.

We mentioned: GDC gameplay footage dissection, recent vehicle dev blog, post about bots, CAST 514 Episode 1 - CCP Grand Opening, submit your questions here, EVE Uni lecture that Grideris did here, and also live chat that you can join right here! Oh, and Hilmar's tweet about S153 and his reply that it is ASCII code...

Huge thanks to HaZaR (creator of EVE Online: Crucible trailer music) for making CAST 514 intro music! You should definitely check his work on his dedicated Soundcloud page as well!

And some chat over the weekend

In-Game ISD Seminar: DUST 514 Q&A Session!


Right now ISD in-game Seminar ended - that covered DUST 514 Questions and Answers! There is some really cool information given by CCP and it is definitely worth your time. Full transcript is right here - where questions asked are cyan and answers red from CCP Devs! Also, huge thanks to the Base supporters - Ashra Tesh, Ferria and Rhapsodyy for asking awesome questions! :)
CCP Nothin > Good morning!
CCP Nothin > Just a sec, we're waiting for our dear community manager to hop in
CCP Nothin > Starting in a moment, I'd expect
CCP Wolfman > Im in
CCP Cmdr Wang > hi
ISD Athechu > Hello everyone and welcome to our ISD Seminar on Dust514. As you can see we have some special guests here in the house today. I would like to welcome CCP Cmdr Wang, CCP Wolfman, and CCP Nothin.
CCP Cmdr Wang > Hello
CCP Nothin > Good day!
CCP Wolfman > HI there
CCP Nothin > And no, we're not bots althought it might seem like it
CCP Nothin > Honest
CCP Wolfman > clones not bots
ISD Athechu > As many of you are Dust514 will be a ground based planetary FPS (first-person shooter). But I won't speak more on it I will let those who are working on the project speak more about it.
CCP Nothin > Let's give short introductions, shall we?
CCP Wolfman > Hi, I’m the design producer on the DUST based out of Shanghai
CCP Nothin > I'm a game designer/local economist here in Shanghai. Kinda like Dr. EyjoG, but getting more fluent in Chinese than he is.
CCP Cmdr Wang > And I am CmdrWang, the community manager for DUST
ISD AeolusWind > Thank you CCP, for your introductions, players in Seminar Q&A we'll be taking questions posted in the channel and relaying them to devs, so keep them coming.
ISD AeolusWind > First question, and one I believe lots of players are interested in: Ryuki Kado > When will this game be released?
CCP Cmdr Wang > Beta will start IN April, and then we will slowly let more people in
CCP Nothin > Well, the beta is already up, but we'll be expanding it in April
ISD Athechu > Rhapsodyy asks: Will you be able to tell the differance between dust mercs and eve pilots if we are sharing chat channels, i.e a differant type of color tag?
CCP Wolfman > Yes you will, players are tagged differently
ISD AeolusWind > Multiple Players ask: How will DUST affect current EVE soverignity mechanics.
CCP Wolfman > The exact mechanics behind planetary conquest will be revealed at a later date once we’re totally satisfied with them.
CCP Wolfman > and of course how it impacts the wider universe
ISD Athechu > Kenpachi Viktor asks: will there be artillery or air strikes in the absence of orbital support?
CCP Nothin > I'd like that, but we've been having heated arguments with Wolfman about it. We'll see where we end up ;)
CCP Wolfman > well you can get some pretty significant aerial support from dropships
CCP Wolfman > Nothin just wants everything to be too powerful so he can win every game
CCP Nothin > I guess it all depends on the whole combat cycle and if 'mortar strike' mechanics end up fitting into it
ISD AeolusWind > Monkey D Dragon asks: is eve and dust on the same server and if so will they be able to handle the extra load without causing lagg?
CCP Nothin > We'll be on TQ, yes
CCP Wolfman > but the matches are run on battleservers
CCP Wolfman > so don't worry
CCP Nothin > TQ also scales well, since it's a modular system
CCP Nothin > So in short: I think we should be fine :)
ISD Athechu > Kiyl asks: Will EVE players have some sort of incentive for playing DUST?
CCP Cmdr Wang > You get to shoot me in the face! :P
CCP Wolfman > again and again
CCP Nothin > (he's not very good)
CCP Cmdr Wang > Thanks Wolfman, I really feel the love
CCP Wolfman > np
CCP Wolfman > well it depends on how involved you want to be in planetary conquest. Do you want to initiate it and mastermind it or do you also want to get your hands dirty on the surface of the planet.
ISD AeolusWind > Akelica asks: will there be a market between eve players and dust players? I.e. eve players manufacturing vehicles and dust players buying them?
CCP Nothin > To put it shortly, that's definitely a direction we'd want to eventually take it, but we're still discussing the exact details of this interaction and how much of it we want in the beginning.
CCP Nothin > There's a valid argument for starting out conservatively and then relaxing the constraints once we see how the interaction performs.
CCP Nothin > And to add to this:
CCP Nothin > ISK will flow. That is all.
CCP Wolfman > The thing to remember is that the game will grow over time as we see how it works and what the community want from it
ISD Athechu > Grideris asks How does the War Barge move from planet to planet? Is it controlled by an EVE Player or a DUST 514 player? Can it be attacked while moving? Also, MTACS and Fighters - yes or no?
CCP Nothin > What is an MTAC?
CCP Wolfman > oh that's going to get you hate
CCP Wolfman > Like I said, we’re not quite ready to reveal the specific mechanics surrounding planetary conquest. I can say that we already have new vehicles in the pipeline…
CCP Wolfman > Well... I might have seen a fighter somewhere... can't be sure
ISD AeolusWind > Rhapsodyy asks Will you be able to salvage the battlefield, for any reusable materials? Similar to salvage drones in the chronicles?
CCP Wolfman > There will will be a looting mechanic in the game, but Im going to continue to annoy you by saying that we'll be revealing more details on it further down the line.
CCP Wolfman > we need to be happy with how things work first or we just end up talking about things we end up changing
ISD AeolusWind > Ashra Tesh asks: The devblogs reveal dropships with cloaking devices. Will players be able to fit cloaks on their dropsuits as well, or is it simply for specialized vehicles?
CCP Wolfman > There is an infantry claoking module on the raodmap, I'm really looking forward to that one
CCP Wolfman > although I'll probably regret it
CCP Wolfman > when I keep getting stabbed to death by cloaked scouts
ISD Athechu > Kiyl asks: Will the DUST rules be as nonexistant as they are in EVE?
CCP Wolfman > The rules will depend on which security level you play in
CCP Wolfman > so you can expose yourself as much or as little as you like
CCP Wolfman > of course nothing is going to stop you getting shot
CCP Wolfman > especially if you're commander wang
CCP Nothin > He used to be Major Wang
CCP Nothin > I think he has gotten cockier since the promotion
CCP Cmdr Wang > :)
ISD Athechu > Rhapsodyy asks: Will Dust be relevant in Wormholes, or only K-Space?
CCP Wolfman > I can quote what the creative director just said to me on that "we have cool stuff to say about wormholes, just not yet"
CCP Wolfman > why do I have to give all the "I'll tell you later" answers?
ISD AeolusWind > Redragon asks Will there be Killmails? If so will there be an API for it? (Or any API at all?)
CCP Nothin > We have a design for killmails, but we don't know when they're going in just yet
ISD Athechu > Ashra Tesh asks Roughly how long will it take to train into an MCC? Can players fly them off the bat, improving as they go or is it something they will need to train into before they can fly?
CCP Wolfman > You do need to train skills to use the MCC, you can't just fly them off the bat. You start with L plates on them. As for how long it takes, that's really hard to say until we've done more testing.
CCP Wolfman > we chnage and tune training times often based on what we see people doing in the game
CCP Wolfman > which reminds me that we need to fix it for one of the dropsuit types...
ISD AeolusWind > Ferria asks: Will planetary conditions affect Weather and will there be Day/night Cycles?
CCP Wolfman > The type of planet will impact the type of environment
CCP Wolfman > there will actually be a presentation at fanfest about this
CCP Wolfman > so I'll not piss on their fireworks here :-)
ISD Athechu > Kenpachi Viktor asks Will you get a beta key with a purchase of the HD FanFest live stream?
CCP Nothin > Good question, actually
CCP Wolfman > Not that I'm aware of.
CCP Nothin > We'll put this forward to marketing
ISD AeolusWind > Rhapsodyy asks Though know you wont tell us much (till fanfest), please tell us there is something in the works for the EvE-Dust link OTHER than just PI!?
CCP Wolfman > Yes but we can't talk about it :-)
CCP Wolfman > me being the killjoy again
ISD AeolusWind > I hear there's a question the devs are dying to answer about ammo, who wants to take that one? :)
CCP Cmdr Wang > So about different ammo types...
CCP Wolfman > Ammo isn't seperate from the weapon, different weapons do different types of damage. You do not have to buy ammo,
CCP Wolfman > however
CCP Wolfman > ammo is replenished when you die, but if you run out you and are alive you will need a nanohive to replenish it
CCP Wolfman > ok, nice typo
CCP Wolfman > nanohives replensih ammo and in some cases can also repair dropsuits
CCP Wolfman > they're deployable
CCP Cmdr Wang > And damage types?
CCP Wolfman > no the enemy cant use them
CCP Wolfman > but they can blow them up
ISD AeolusWind > Alright, That concludes the formal question and answer session. Before we wrap up is there anything you guys are dying to share? :)
CCP Wolfman > lots but there's that gun to our head!
ISD AeolusWind > Anyone else?
CCP Wolfman > and with fanfest just around the corner they'll be plenty more info soon enough
ISD AeolusWind > Well that concludes the formal question and answer session for our ISD Seminar on Dust514. I would like to thank CCP Cmdr Wang, CCP Wolfman, and CCP Nothin for attending. They'll be sticking around for a (brief) while in Seminar Q&A. Thanks everyone...

Also, some additional info post-Q&A:

CCP Wolfman > no throwing of knives right now
CCP Wolfman > it's a back up weapon for the most part but some do use it heavily when fitted with melee modules
CCP Wolfman > you can make yourself pretty damn tough but never invincible
CCP Wolfman > going heavy in one direction will leave you vulnerable in others
CCP Wolfman > but you do see shield and armour bars when you shoot at a target
majormattxx1 > you see the health bars all the time?
CCP Wolfman > no not with no LOS (line of sight)

and most recent of all.

PSN Restrictions removed for DUST 514


It seems that new article on develop is talking about PSN Restrictions that were in place before for all other PSN games. They essentially were there preventing developers to push patches every day, but now with DUST - things are changing. You can expect during the beta almost at any time patch to drop and after the release itself if needed!
Sony worked with Dust 514 developer CCP to completely remove certain PSN policies for its upcoming free-to-play MMO shooter, the studio has revealed. Read more about it here.

source: DUST 514 Base
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So when the beta launches in April will it be available to everyone or just PS+ members first then everybody else?
So when the beta launches in April will it be available to everyone or just PS+ members first then everybody else?

I think the way those things have been going lately, is that PS+ gets it early but it eventually opens for everyone.
But wait, there's more DUST 514 from GDC 2012!
<iframe src='http://theverge.vid.io/v/cd34d4a2-6da9-11e1-90dc-1231391e54ce' data-vidio-id='cd34d4a2-6da9-11e1-90dc-1231391e54ce' width='640' height='360' frameborder='0' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe><script src='http://assets.theverge.vid.io/player/src/vidio-bootstrap.js'></script>

damn embeds.
watch the video here.

Seems that Gametrailers wasn't the only bunch to get their hands on the footage of DUST 514 at GDC 2012. The Verge also got it, but unlike Gametrailers, they didn't cut it up so much.

Now what does this mean, you ask? We already saw all there was to see, right?

Well, not quite as it would seem. While nothing mind blowing, there are a few extra frames we've been able to pull from the video that we didn't see before.

Click for larger image First off, we have the weapon switch screen. While nothing particularly special, it's nice to see. However, it does have an awful lot of empty slots there. Might be a sign of just how much gear you can bring?

DUST 514 "Learn the Basics" IGN Video

Dust 514: The Basics
Free-to-play combat in the largest interactive sci-fi universe to date.
Shooters Come in 3s

Nothing new the latter part with IGN, but I guess it is worth the post. if you missed their previous video dissections that have in-depth analysis? Check them all out right here.

source: DUST 514 Base
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I love all this content that we have been getting Thanks Zenith for giving all the latest info
your welcome it's getting hard to be keeping with almost all of it.( I gotta work out side of mein doing this. I a usually come back home tired.) and other i'm posting. but it's worth it if it's making other that need to know certain info that makes them happy.
info from over the weekend

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Brace yourselves. DUST 514 at Fanfest is coming

We all know that DUST is about to hit us on Fanfest and that you will be able to see it on live stream for absolutely free. Now, a little bit about your expectations and about some realism...​


and more on this
Special DUST 514 Event Comes to PlayStation Home

This just in - keynote will be streamed on PlayStation Home as well. Get your t-shirt by entering Backstage Pass event thing!

DUST 514 – Come watch CCP Games’ first public unveiling of its upcoming sci-fi shooter DUST 514, exclusive to PlayStation 3 as we stream the DUST 514 keynote of the annual EVE Fanfest live into the special “Backstage Pass” event space in PlayStation Home this Thursday, March 22nd at 9:00am PT (12:00pm ET).


Following the keynote, there will be a Live Q&A session with PlayStation Home users, fielding questions via Twitter using the hashtag #DUST514. Bonus: All users who enter the Backstage Pass event space will be rewarded an exclusive DUST 514 t-shirt for their avatars! You can visit this special event space by using the New and Recommended section on the PlayStation Home Navigator or by approaching the DUST 514 relocator in the Hub. See you there!


UPDATE: No purchase necessary to enter the event for the shirt :)


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