Eagle Awards - The Winners


Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
This just furthers the proof that every vote-based award system is based strictly on popularity or past works. Alex Ross can't paint a woman to save his life anymore, Mignola doesn't do anything other than cover work, and All-Star Superman is far from the best American book.

Although, Warren Ellis cleaned up, so that's cool. :up:

Favourite Comics Writer
Warren Ellis
Favourite Comics Writer/Artist
Mike Mignola
Favourite Comics Artist: Pencils
John Cassaday
Favourite Comics Artist: Inks
Paul Neary
Favourite Artist: Fully-Painted Artwork
Alex Ross
Favourite Colourist
Laura Martin
Favourite Letterer
Chris Eliopoulos
Favourite Editor
Matt Smith
Favourite Publisher
Favourite Colour Comicbook - American
"All Star Superman"
Favourite Colour Comicbook - British
"2000 AD"
Favourite Black and White Comicbook - American
"The Walking Dead"
Favourite Black and White Comicbook - British
"Hero Killers"
Favourite New Comicbook
Favourite Manga
"Blade of the Immortal"
Favourite European Comics
"Asterix and the Vikings"
Favourite Comics Story published during 2006
Favourite Comics Cover published during 2006
"Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall"
Favourite Original Graphic Novel
"Pride of Baghdad"
Favourite Reprint Compilation
"Absolute Sandman" Volume 1
Favourite Comics Character
Favourite Comics Villain
Dirk Anger
Favourite Magazine About Comics
Favourite Comics-Related Book
"Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comcis, Manga and Graphic Novels"
Favourite Comics-Based Movie Or TV
Favourite Comics Related Website
Favourite Web-Based Comic
"Penny Arcade"
Roll of Honour
Warren Ellis
Nextwave for Fav Comic Story of 2006?Not digging at the book or anything,I just find that surprising.
This just furthers the proof that every vote-based award system is based strictly on popularity or past works.

Reeeeaally? The HELL you say! What next...politicians actually don't keep their campaign promises?

Scientologists are wacky?

Children like candy?

Okay, I know, being sarcastic. But all voting based awards are based on popularity. Duh. That should've been made obvious when Wolverine beat Lobo. BONE CLAW WOLVERINE at that. :whatever:

Some of the catagories amused me. Of COURSE Wizard was going to win the Best Comics Magazine award; is there any viable competition? Outside the internet, anyway? Same with Painted Comics, is there anyone else within the past year who's actually done one besides Alex Ross? No? Well, duh.

It's amazing that NEXTWAVE won all those awards yet it couldn't sell within the Top 100 for more than a year. Lord, off the top of my head I can name 4 Marvel books better than that.

But, seriously, who ever bought a comic because it won an award? Nearly every book at some point in the last 15 years has been WIZARD'S BOOK OF THE YEAR but has that ever boosted sales? I mean, ALL-STAR SUPERMAN sells well every 2-3 months it ships, anyway. Store ridiculously overorder it.
Who was it who said "There's a difference between damn good music and really popular music"?

I think we all know what's good and respectable...

...what kind of comic fan wouldn't?

(Glad to see "1001 Nights of Snowfall" on there, Gaiman's reprints win awards now [daaaaymn son!], Ross< Del' Otto)
Some of the catagories amused me. Of COURSE Wizard was going to win the Best Comics Magazine award; is there any viable competition? Outside the internet, anyway?

These are British awards, its completely possible they have more than Wizard over there.
These are British awards, its completely possible they have more than Wizard over there.

Yes, the Jolly Good Old Comics Journal Monthly is a fine publication and was overlooked in these awards.
Yen, your people have some serious explaining to do. You may begin whenever you're ready.
I, urm, well, I'm just sorry on behalf of Britain really.

Nextwave is utter ****. I thought my people knew this.

Plus I don't understand why the Darth and Leaguer thread didn't win Favourite Comics Related Website. It must have been fixed.
Some of the catagories amused me. Of COURSE Wizard was going to win the Best Comics Magazine award; is there any viable competition? Outside the internet, anyway? Same with Painted Comics, is there anyone else within the past year who's actually done one besides Alex Ross? No? Well, duh.

Seriously? Uh...Ben Templesmith? James Jean and Ashley Wood? It's not like Ross has the market cornered, Dread.

It's amazing that NEXTWAVE won all those awards yet it couldn't sell within the Top 100 for more than a year. Lord, off the top of my head I can name 4 Marvel books better than that.

But, seriously, who ever bought a comic because it won an award? Nearly every book at some point in the last 15 years has been WIZARD'S BOOK OF THE YEAR but has that ever boosted sales? I mean, ALL-STAR SUPERMAN sells well every 2-3 months it ships, anyway. Store ridiculously overorder it.

Nextwave is the anomaly. It's definitely not the most popular, and while I like it, it wasn't the best of bunch. I'm not sure how that one swept.
This a message board. The people log on here to discuss things, in this case, comic books. If that's too much for much for to handle, then go away. Lord knows, there's a host of us that'd like you to.

Besides, you're the one that posts "Man do you ever stop crying?" What exactly are you doing there, but *****ing about *****ing. Seriously, you've got to be one of the dumbest posters I've seen ever post on these boards, and I'm counting all the Hulk fanboys, too.

I really just do not think a message board is the place for you, man. You really should think about leaving and never looking back. You're completely incapable of an intelligent discussion, and you're too close minded and stupid to realize any of that.

Do us and yourself a favor: go away.
This a message board. The people log on here to discuss things, in this case, comic books. If that's too much for much for to handle, then go away. Lord knows, there's a host of us that'd like you to.

Besides, you're the one that posts "Man do you ever stop crying?" What exactly are you doing there, but *****ing about *****ing. Seriously, you've got to be one of the dumbest posters I've seen ever post on these boards, and I'm counting all the Hulk fanboys, too.

I really just do not think a message board is the place for you, man. You really should think about leaving and never looking back. You're completely incapable of an intelligent discussion, and you're too close minded and stupid to realize any of that.

Do us and yourself a favor: go away.

Want a tissue to wipe away the tears? :csad:
With every reply you prove my point further and further. :up:
Seriously? Uh...Ben Templesmith? James Jean and Ashley Wood? It's not like Ross has the market cornered, Dread.

Nextwave is the anomaly. It's definitely not the most popular, and while I like it, it wasn't the best of bunch. I'm not sure how that one swept.

Touche' on the artists. I still like Ross' work but I'm not some devoted fan and I can surely see better painters out there.

As for how Nextwave swept...um, the British invasion? They tend to "get" their own. Kind of like how cross-dressing over there are like fart jokes here.

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