In person, that Silver Surfer cut-out on the Eye looks really cool. We only saw it after it had been erected, as we drove past on the way to the premiere, and then only on the way back this evening in the dark. We'll try to get some more photos of it tomorrow, during the day.
We've got some neat, on-the-carpet photos of the actors which we'll be putting on Flickr to show everyone.
We saw a whooole bunch of fans out there tonight, so if you a) stood behind the barriers in Leicester Square or b) actually went in to the see the film, you probably walked right past us by the doors, and we probably saw you!
Sorry for the lack of complete updates on the trip so far, but we've been very busy and time just gets away from you. We've got more to do tomorrow and still need to get our video content edited and ready for the web.