This is quite clearly a cultural practice.
Which then brings into question what real right does one country have to have problems with another countries culture.
I know i know, i haven't actually had my genitals 'mutilated' but my genitals have indeed been surgically altered in most probably was a very painful experience at birth.
This wasn't my choice but it is something that i have to live with.
So for me it all comes down to the age and safety of such an operation carrying place.
as to whether it is just or not is really a matter of perspective and the majority of us who have a westernised thought process tends to condone what we deem as babaric practices however our views 'potentially' aren't the right ones, only the majority in this forum.
YOu have to understand that those who practice things like this aren't from areas which perhaps abide to national laws and rural laws, superstitions and tradition is what rules.
meh, i dunno