Transformers First Transformers Set Pictures

this guy claims he's from nyc and he can't even spell "Bensonhurst" lol. What a joke.

I saw a few of the art snippets from the Movie forums. I'm a bit concerned about Optimus' colors...anyone got any confirmation on that?
Won '08 said:
I think you meant BENSONHURST kid. and I'm from Flatbush and live in Bed-Stuy. I suggest not assuming things about people you don't know. Especially grown ass men. Step off *****e.

this guy claims he's from nyc and he can't even spell "Bensonhurst" lol. What a joke.

Yah... NYC... as in Manhattan. Where you bridge & tunnel folks come to have fun. Big deal I misspelled Bensonhurst in one post and spelled it correctly in another. I grew up in Bushwick and I don't even know if that's how you spell it..... who gives a f*.

Won '08 said:
I saw a few of the art snippets from the Movie forums. I'm a bit concerned about Optimus' colors...anyone got any confirmation on that?

Oh yea... Prime's colors!... now that's SUBSTANCE.
WalkingDead said:
F***ing' did I ever say TF's never had substance? When? Do you think I'd be such a huge fan, and know and follow TF's for years if it was just cause I like to see robots fight? That's stupid. I love TF's for a lot more than robots beating the crap outta each other, to me that's just icing on the freaking cake.

And did you not read???...I said you made a valid point. Jeez. My point was at it's base Transformers is not remembered for important subtext and substance at's remember for the 5 points I said.

You've just taken this "Bumblebee is a Camero so all of the entire themes of Transformers is being ignored and everything about what makes TF's great is being shoved away just because BB can't be a small compact car" really far man. That is ridiculous, that is what I've been saying to you. Your point of not destroying the world is valid and was a subtext of TF's, and has been from the start. But you go on and on about how the fact Bumblebee can't be understood or relatable just because he's got a new muscle car for an alt. mode. I'm sorry but that's crap. BB can still be the human liason who is relatable and who shows humans what the Autobots are all about. He can still be the friendly buddy-to-everyone who always tries hard and pushes to prove himself to Prowl, Prime, Jazz, Wheeljack, and the other older, more experienced 'bots.

I capitulate.
Apparently I'm the only idiot that cares about Bumblebee, who I saw as the main symbol (alt mode included) of the literary subtext of Transformers. Yah, the hot-rod BB thing is a huge slap. But, times do change... that subtext isn't relevant nowadays (is it?) and nobody cares about it anyway (not here anyway).

Let's move on to discussing more substantive deeper things. Like Optimus' colors and whether or not he wears a faceplace.
CFlash said:
I capitulate.
Apparently I'm the only idiot that cares about Bumblebee, who I saw as the main symbol (alt mode included) of the literary subtext of Transformers. Yah, the hot-rod BB thing is a huge slap. But, times do change... that subtext isn't relevant nowadays (is it?) and nobody cares about it anyway (not here anyway).

Let's move on to discussing more substantive deeper things. Like Optimus' colors and whether or not he wears a faceplace.
Listen, I'm not trying to say you can't care for have every right to. I love the little guy for being the weak, inexperienced guy who never wanted to give up and was everyone's pal (and that to me is who Bumblebee is, not his alt. mode).

My whole thing was that you kept saying changing BB's alt. mode is basically changing the core themes of TF's, when it really doesn' only changes the theme of BB himself to a point, but even then...almost all of BB's character arcs, themes, ideals, and personal traits can still be carried over to this new incarnation of Transformers...including him being the human liason and being a voice/persona for kids to follow the TF story.

The one subtext you're thinking of, might not be present in the movie...but I'll bet it will be and I'll bet Bumblebee, camero and all, will be one of the 'bots that shows that subtext you care so much for. That has been my point this whole time...that just because he's a camero, doesn't mean those subtexts and substances you care so much for won't be present. I bet you almost all of them will be.

What about the subtext of preserving life, even if it is inferior or weak? That is another huge subtext of that I always identified with...helping other and even saving them when you can. I bet that will still be in movie, and probably still shown through the conflict of Optimus Prime and Megatron.
WalkingDead said:
Listen, I'm not trying to say you can't care for have every right to. I love the little guy for being the weak, inexperienced guy who never wanted to give up and was everyone's pal (and that to me is who Bumblebee is, not his alt. mode).

My whole thing was that you kept saying changing BB's alt. mode is basically changing the core themes of TF's, when it really doesn' only changes the theme of BB himself to a point, but even then...almost all of BB's character arcs, themes, ideals, and personal traits can still be carried over to this new incarnation of Transformers...including him being the human liason and being a voice/persona for kids to follow the TF story.

The one subtext you're thinking of, might not be present in the movie...but I'll bet it will be and I'll bet Bumblebee, camero and all, will be one of the 'bots that shows that subtext you care so much for. That has been my point this whole time...that just because he's a camero, doesn't mean those subtexts and substances you care so much for won't be present. I bet you almost all of them will be.

What about the subtext of preserving life, even if it is inferior or weak? That is another huge subtext of that I always identified with...helping other and even saving them when you can. I bet that will still be in movie, and probably still shown through the conflict of Optimus Prime and Megatron.

Let's forget about BB. OK?

WalkingDead... I'm not trying to be combative.... but, "Preserving life" or "good vs evil" is not a literary subtext of TF. It is one of the subjects of Transformers (and pretty much every cartoon ever). There is a difference.

1)TF was not a commentary on humans hunting weaker animals just because they are weak.
2) The Decepticons weren't here for the express purpose of killing humans. They couldn't care less about humans.

Why were they here again?... on Earth? To do what?
CFlash said:
Will the same be true of Transformers? Despite being a children's cartoon, Transformers had a solid theme of environmental protection and energy issues (even more relevant today!). Based on the script reviews I'm not sure if this movie has those same "heady" themes. It's a shame if it doesn't. It may just turn out to be eye candy... I don't know

Heady themes...Transformers? Transformers was, is and always will be a series of scavenged robot figures from different companies forced together into a flimsy mythology constructed around them and not inspired by them and then mass marketed to kids. Optimus Prime and the original series bots died in the 86' movie not because the writers were aiming for a more adult story with lasting themes but because the toy company had a new series of toys to usher in and sell. It has always been an advertisemnt for toys. It has always been eye candy. That is why Michael Bay is an inspired choice for this film. His whole career is based around cool car chases, eye candy, explosions and huge budgeted F/X driven summer blockbusters. Which is exactly what a live-action transformers movie should be. Heady themes?!....Jesus wept and then transfomed into a manger.

Transfomer purists may well be the most delusional fanboys the internet has produced in some time.
CFlash said:
Let's forget about BB. OK?

WalkingDead... I'm not trying to be combative.... but, "Preserving life" or "good vs evil" is not a literary subtext of TF. It is one of the subjects of Transformers (and pretty much every cartoon ever). There is a difference.

1)TF was not a commentary on humans hunting weaker animals just because they are weak.
2) The Decepticons weren't here for the express purpose of killing humans. They couldn't care less about humans.

Why were they here again?... on Earth? To do what?

Okay, sure I'll give you that...

But also remember this, 90% of people (my guess) that will see thsi movie will NOT care, think about, or remember any literary subtext of Transformers. They will only care about robots fighting, good action, cool characters, and the toys.

While I think the subtexts and subjects of Transformers will all be there in some form or another, they will not be what draws most people in. Most people won't care as long as it has cool robot scenes, good action, and decent acting. I hope you can understand that, because it's really the truth. People aren't gonna get worked up over those deeper themes.

It's all about the marketing, toys, and selling products but doing it with a nice movie that will showcase cool robots and awesome fights.

EDIT: Note -- This isn't all that I want out of the movie...but I know that most people just don't care about deeper meanings with Transformers, and in all honesty, why should they? It was just a cartoon, toyline, comic from the 80's to most people...why should they look for something deeper in that?
WalkingDead said:
Okay, sure I'll give you that...

But also remember this, 90% of people (my guess) that will see thsi movie will NOT care, think about, or remember any literary subtext of Transformers. They will only care about robots fighting, good action, cool characters, and the toys.

While I think the subtexts and subjects of Transformers will all be there in some form or another, they will not be what draws most people in. Most people won't care as long as it has cool robot scenes, good action, and decent acting. I hope you can understand that, because it's really the truth. People aren't gonna get worked up over those deeper themes.

It's all about the marketing, toys, and selling products but doing it with a nice movie that will showcase cool robots and awesome fights.

EDIT: Note -- This isn't all that I want out of the movie...but I know that most people just don't care about deeper meanings with Transformers, and in all honesty, why should they? It was just a cartoon, toyline, comic from the 80's to most people...why should they look for something deeper in that?

I think you're 100% correct.... unfortunately.
To answer your last question, I can only say: because it makes "good sci-fi."
I know that you guys may disagree with Bay's vision but it's so early in the game that we still don't know enough about the production, you know?

IT's like people dissing Spider-Man 3..I'm like why?
Octoberist said:
I know that you guys may disagree with Bay's vision but it's so early in the game that we still don't know enough about the production, you know?

IT's like people dissing Spider-Man 3..I'm like why?

Because hopefully chatter and buzz will give the writers clues about what direction they should take the franchise in..... a counter-weight to the studio "suits."

For instance studio suits might be pushing for a certain bright and cheery Spidey 3 (why mess with the formula?). But I think Spidey 2 was a perfect set-up for Spidey 3 to go 'dark' (a la everything goes wrong... symbiant storyline). If it's more of the same it'll just be booooring IMHO.

And, Raimi would be so perfect in making a 'darkish' Spider-Man. This is the guy that gave us Evil Dead, possibly best horror movie ever next to Excorcist, (not just my opinion- it's almost universal consensus ;) ) and Darkman.

Chatter, buzz, and debate... although sometimes childish... can be a good thing. And, it's fun.
I hate people that make "wait for the movie" posts... if you feel that way, get off the forum.
whoh there partner. Not trying to create a fuss. I know what you're talking about and debates are fun.

But dont' go "Get off the forum". Calm!
Octoberist said:
whoh there partner. Not trying to create a fuss. I know what you're talking about and debates are fun.

But dont' go "Get off the forum". Calm!

Everything's zen here, man. Make an argument as to why you think Spidey 3 debates are dumb and like-minded debates here about TF are also.
CFlash said:
Because hopefully chatter and buzz will give the writers clues about what direction they should take the franchise in..... a counter-weight to the studio "suits."

For instance studio suits might be pushing for a certain bright and cheery Spidey 3 (why mess with the formula?). But I think Spidey 2 was a perfect set-up for Spidey 3 to go 'dark' (a la everything goes wrong... symbiant storyline). If it's more of the same it'll just be booooring IMHO.

And, Raimi would be so perfect in making a 'darkish' Spider-Man. This is the guy that gave us Evil Dead, possibly best horror movie ever next to Excorcist, (not just my opinion- it's almost universal consensus ;) ) and Darkman.

Chatter, buzz, and debate... although sometimes childish... can be a good thing. And, it's fun.
I hate people that make "wait for the movie" posts... if you feel that way, get off the forum.

I also wonder why someone comes to a forum and talks about only 1 topic and yet seems to hate everything about it,not having a go just puzzled as to why you waste any time on this movie given your clear feelings on the subject and most that support it
There's the extremist who would saying that Spidey 3 will be the black sheep of the trilogy, and blah blah.

I'm worried about it too, but there's people who are stating it as fact while we don't know crap about it. IT's fun to read and respond to what they're saying but sometimes people are so narrowminded it's incredible.

Not to say that I won't judge a movie before its released. I was very patient with X3 and I participated in my disagreements with certain things with that movie.

If you want to hear what I have to say about TF , here you go:

There two things that I'm worried about with Transformers:

1. MIchael Bay and his habits of 'over-doing' everything.

2. The fear of an adaptation of a live action "Iron Giant", where the humans become the central characters not the robots.

I've got those fears but I'm waiting until they shift to LA with the production, or until we find out more gossip.

But I never stated that you should STOP the 'ill-minded debates' here.
hunter rider said:
I also wonder why someone comes to a forum and talks about only 1 topic and yet seems to hate everything about it,not having a go just puzzled as to why you waste any time on this movie given your clear feelings on the subject and most that support it

I haven't only spoken about 1 topic. And the answer is because I care about Transformers. I've always thought it had great sci-fi potential.

Not sure if I care about it in the same way you care about the gazillion other things you post on... also don't understand why you feel the need to "instigate" rather than post well-thought out topics.
Octoberist said:
I know that you guys may disagree with Bay's vision but it's so early in the game that we still don't know enough about the production, you know?

IT's like people dissing Spider-Man 3..I'm like why?

I agree 100% I think it's now pointless to argue or get upset over little things, before even the teaser trailer is out yet. However, voicing opinions some times makes the writers and director change things...but in all honesty, I don't think it really matters that much right now.

Stuff has to change for this to be a good new translation of Transformers, I just hope that they will nail the characters' personalities and traits right.
CFlash said:
I haven't only spoken about 1 topic. And the answer is because I care about Transformers. I've always thought it had great sci-fi potential.

Not sure if I care about it in the same way you care about the gazillion other things you post on... also don't understand why you feel the need to "instigate" rather than post well-thought out topics.

I meant you only post in the section of a movie that you seem to despise
and also how was that "instigating" ? i asked a perfectly civil question that's all
hunter rider said:
I meant you only post in the section of a movie that you seem to despise
and also how was that "instigating" ? i asked a perfectly civil question that's all

Made some posts post in Batman (lack of detective emphasis) and voiced my opinion on X3. Two things I care about. But, yeah, I joined the Hype to talk about Transformers. Big deal.

I would post on Spidey, but I have absolute faith in Raimi. In terms of moviemaking (camera-work, editing, vibe, character), he makes Bay look like a schmuck.

And I don't despise the TF movie... um, probably because I haven't seen it.
CFlash said:
Made some posts post in Batman (lack of detective emphasis) and voiced my opinion on X3. Two things I care about. But, yeah, I joined the Hype to talk about Transformers. Big deal.

I would post on Spidey, but I have absolute faith in Raimi. In terms of moviemaking (camera-work, editing, vibe, character), he makes Bay look like a schmuck.

And I don't despise the TF movie... um, probably because I haven't seen it.
Well ok,i didn't do a back trace on you it's just everytime i see you in this section except for the poster thread you seem to be full of doom and gloom to the point i'd have figured you would have just given up on this project

Pity you don't post in the SM-3 section if you like debate as there are many there that feel the complete oppisite on Raimi and his spidey movies
CFlash said:
Yah... NYC... as in Manhattan. Where you bridge & tunnel folks come to have fun. Big deal I misspelled Bensonhurst in one post and spelled it correctly in another. I grew up in Bushwick and I don't even know if that's how you spell it..... who gives a f*.

Oh yea... Prime's colors!... now that's SUBSTANCE.
Real Cute. NYC as in New York City, not as in the borough capital. You're from Bushwick and acting like a spoiled brat from Long Island? Pompous trash. Really.
Won '08 said:
Real Cute. NYC as in New York City, not as in the borough capital. You're from Bushwick and acting like a spoiled brat from Long Island? Pompous trash. Really.

Now we're dissin L.I.? Where will it end?

For the sake of peace, I apologize for perpetuating the Bensonhurst Camaro IROC Andrew Dice Clay cliche.
Umm? When did this become the "discuss what you think of bay directing the transformers movie" thread?

Seriously guys, you want to argue or discuss the state of this movie, please do it in a different thread. I was really hoping this thread would be spam free, and stay on topic. We are just not starting to get decent pics of things from the movie, don't ruin it.
toddly6666 said:
Anthony Anderson selling some Transformers at a car dealership!!!!!
Wesyeed said:
is that from the movie or from one of those barbershop movies.

This is from the Movie "Cradle to the Grave" with Jet Li and DMX

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