Fruitvale Station


Jun 20, 2008
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The true story of Oscar, a 22-year-old Bay Area resident who crosses paths with friends, enemies, family and strangers on the last day of 2008.

Official Trailer
Love Michael B. Jordan. :up:

Kinda weird to see a film based on a story that's both so recent and so close to where I live, though. But I'm sure it's worth checking out.

Is Durand supposed to be playing Mehserle?
I think it looks good. It's going to be great seeing Michael B. Jordan in a lead role.
All the reviews have been really positive for this film. This is the movie that will put Michael B Jordan on the map as a go-to actor.

I smell Oscar nominations for Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress (Octavia Spencer who has already won it once), and Best Director. I cannot wait to see this, wish I could catch it back home in NYC this weekend.
I've seen this trailer a lot at Carmike theater but , it usually plays amongst the commercials before the lights go dim. I'm hoping they will have showings.
I heard this movie is fantastic and sad because its based on a true story. Rumor has it that people have left the theaters in tears or got choked up during the movie. This movie seems like it hits home with a lot if people myself included, and its timing is on point since the Trayvon case has been in the news a lot. Will definitely see this along with Wolverine this weekend.
Yeah this was a great film. I'd say this incident is waaay more deserved of the media that Trayvon Martin got. That case didn't deserve any attention at all. This is a crazy story and the movie is excellent in how it portrays the main character and Michael B. Jordan is phenomenal. As sad as the story is and as unbelievable as the cop's story is, if you watch the actual footage I totally believe parts of the story. His reaction is that of oh crap what just happened. Anyways, this movie was great maybe the best of the year. 9/10
I thought this was an excellent film. And it had even more resonance in light of the Zimmerman trial.
One of the best films of the year. A great character study about the troubles facing young urban youths, and how we shouldn't dehumanize people killed in these very public tragedies. These people had bills, flaws, people they loved, mundane concerns, and it's wonderful we are able to remember the life of Oscar Julius Grant III as well as the significance of his death.
Yeah this was a great film. I'd say this incident is waaay more deserved of the media that Trayvon Martin got. That case didn't deserve any attention at all. This is a crazy story and the movie is excellent in how it portrays the main character and Michael B. Jordan is phenomenal. As sad as the story is and as unbelievable as the cop's story is, if you watch the actual footage I totally believe parts of the story. His reaction is that of oh crap what just happened. Anyways, this movie was great maybe the best of the year. 9/10

The bold part is utter nonsense of course.

As for Fruitvale Station...I enjoyed it.
The bold part is utter nonsense of course.

As for Fruitvale Station...I enjoyed it.

It was a case of an unfortunate self defense that ended in death. Happens a lot more than one would think, why does that case deserve the attention it got. Oh that's right it didn't. This on the other hand deserved it. As bad as the cop's story is, I actually kind of believe him. His reaction when the shot goes off is that of wow what just happened
It's one that deserves attention. It's all the other cases that don't get attention that do deserve it. Whenever a police officer kills someone even in the line of duty, it should be given attention. Their job is to enforce the law and protect the people, even the criminals. When someone dies because of their actions, that warrants attention.
I just saw this tonight and its hands down one of the best movies this year. It resonates more with the Zimmerman trial being all over the news the past few weeks. Simply put this movie makes you want to fight for social justice or at the very least makes you think about society as a whole. Since this is a movie, I am sure they portrayed Oscar a little differently than what he may have actually been like. But for the most part he seemed like a guy genuinely trying to change his life around and it's sad his life ended so early.

Anyway, there are strong performances throughout the movie but hats off to Micheal B. Jordan who really shows of his acting skills. I know this movie will most likely be forgotten by Oscar season but I think it should at least be nominated for something and I would agree that Micheal B Jordan should get a Oscar nod for this role. Also, I know some fans are against Micheal for the role of Johnny in the Fantastic Four reboot because he isn't white, but I would be on board with the decision. He definitely has the charm and acting skills to do the role justice in my book. But yea, Fruitvale Station is definitely worth seeing!

This right now is the best movie I have seen all year, period.
This right now is the best movie I have seen all year, period.

Yea I have liked most of the summer blockbusters but this is the movie that really wowed me. Sadly, this movie decided to be released during the crowded summer season and will most likely be forgotten by the time Oscar season rolls around. I would have released this in one of the dry fall months.
Just seen it and dam I cried for 5 minutes at the ending. Great movie.

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