
Hunter Rider

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Oct 24, 2004
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Set in the near-future, Overstrike follows a team of four elite agents obliterating enemy strongholds using fringe-tech gadgets and lethal teamwork. The members of Overstrike 9 are comprised of an ex-mercenary, Interpol’s most wanted thief, a gifted young scientist and a decorated detective. Collectively, they are the agency’s outcasts. But a shadowy organization threatens to wipe out humankind. Thanks to each agent’s unique talents and a tendency to completely ignore protocol – Overstrike 9 is the only option left. Overstrike blends developer Insomniac Games’ flair for exotic weaponry and immersive storytelling with a touch of humor in this 4 person co-op action game.

E3 2011: Official Trailer

So its a third person shooter?
I really liked the tone and aesthetics of the trailer, if they can translate that into a good game I think this could be a really fun game.
This could be interesting. Need to see in-game footage and the gameplay though to give it a fair judge. The style they're going for reminds me a bit like Brink.
It looks fun.
All over this game. Curious as to how the 4 player co-op will work.
Here Are Overstrike’s Toys

Insomniac’s made big moves these last few months, pulling away from PlayStation exclusivity and declaring that they won’t be making any future Resistance games. You could argue that the future of the highly regarded developer is more independent but more risky, too. One thing’s certain: toys are on the way. More »

Source: Kotaku.

Nothing on the game so far yet. But they did come out with these action figures. hopefully we'll see some game play from the actual game soon.

Enjoy and discussion in session.
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ah crap. Ok I'll have mod merge these 2. and wait til we see game play trailer then.
I've waited too long to hear about news on this. I think we all have.

Insomniac's Overstrike Becomes Fuse

on Aug 31, 2012 at 01:31 PM

During Ted Price's PAX Prime keynote, the Insomniac co-founder announced an all-new intellectual property, Fuse.
... More

source: GI
Well at least it's still a live and kicking, if not in it's original name. Besides I think there was another game with that name as a title. Not that it really matters it's hard to come up with that these days.
Finally, there's some news on this. I hope at least they keep the distinctive art style that was in the first trailer. But judging by that screenshot (which is not a lot to go by), it seems that they done away with that style. Hopefully, I'm wrong about that.
Yeah if the Pixar-y art style/tone is gone I am not interested sadly.
If Overstrike turned into Fuse, then I'm out as well.
Like upset spidey said I'm gonna wait and see if they kept the art work or not. It's too early to just jump ship.
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It's the co-op that drew me to this game. As long as that's still there(not like Fall of Cybertron), I'm still hangin w/ it.
Anyway "Fuse" in a way kinda makes sense at least two quarters of the agents have Short fuse's hens the word Fuse. It can mean co-op or some of the characters temperament when pushed to a certain point. Well ,, I better let the dev's tell us that , to be sure though.
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Insomniac's 'Fuse' likely to be a reworked 'Overstrike'

http://www.joystiq.com/2012/09/04/insomniacs-overstrike-and-fuse-are-almost-certainly-one-in/ (4 hours ago)


With Insomniac president and CEO Ted Price obliquely teasing an unknown project called "Fuse" during his PAX Prime 2012 keynote last week, it wasn't too difficult to put together the teaser image he produced and the teaser video released last year (above) for EA Partners project Overstrike. Price wouldn't admit as much to us during a followup interview last week, but he didn't really need to.

"I'm gonna point you to Fusegame.com," Price answered when asked about Overstrike's long absence from the public eye. Is it still a current-gen game (it was originally announced for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3)? He wouldn't say. When directly asked whether Overstrike and Fuse are the same game: "I'm being cagey here because I want to be consistent with how we're answering these questions," he said, deferring to his PR manager.

The PR man offered a bit more than Price would. "We're very deliberate in what we're showing right now, and that's why we're just pointing people to the website and saying, 'Hey, this is a process. We're going to share more information with you, stay tuned.'" That said, why in the world would the two guys be pointing us to a website for Fuse when we're asking about Overstrike? The answer seems pretty clear to us.

Price additionally refused to answer whether Fuse is an EA Partners project – Overstrike is an EA Partners-published four player co-op game.

Unsurprisingly, Game Informer is also positing that Overstrike is now named Fuse, calling it a "reworking" of the originally announced concept (what that means is up to your own interpretation). We'll presumably find out for sure when the Fuse website's countdown clock runs out in another seven days.

And wouldn't you know it, there's an upcoming Insomniac press event offering hands-on time with an unannounced game. Sounds like we'll find out what the mystery is all about soon enough.
source: Joystiq
More coverage: Game Informer
Hmm, sounds like they've rebooted whatever Overstrike was into Fuse. :( Hopefully not, but just the vibe I get from the language makes it sound like its undergone some pretty thorough changes.
Honestly, if the tone changed and they got rid of the crazy Buddhist Monk, there's already 1 reason less to buy the game.
If the tone is gone I don't see the selling point of this game honestly. The trailer pitched it as a wacky co-op comedy action game. Take out the wacky co-op and well... there's already a lot of co-op action games.
alot of news today from

Breaking free with your own IP: Insomniac's CEO on what's next (besides Ratchet & Clank)

(2 hours ago)

There's a big craze these days with independent developers, though the idea isn't all that crazy. Developers, as it turns out, like to own the stuff they create – Ratchet & Clank developer Insomniac Games is no different. And here's something you might not know about Insomniac: the studio owns virtually none of the iconic characters or worlds it's created. Not Ratchet, not Clank, not the world of Spyro the Dragon. That last one cuts especially deep considering the vast riches Activision's reaped from its Spyro-based Skylanders game. The former two are Sony-owned.

With Fuse (which we think used to be Overstrike) and Outernauts, Insomniac is pushing in a new direction. "For us, we're at the point in our growth as a company where we can own our intellectual property," Insomniac president and CEO Ted Price told us in an interview last week. "That's been gratifying for us because, as creators, controlling your own destiny – controlling the IP that you build – is important." Beyond its financial importance, owning IP also means unfortunate spin-offs of properties you created can't be farmed out to other studios (see: Resistance: Burning Skies).

It's important to note what Price says about his studio not being able to own its previous projects. When Insomniac started in 1994, it produced only franchises owned by its publishers. Quite literally everything the company created up until Outernauts and Overstrike/Fuse was owned by outside forces. That's why you will assuredly see more Resistance games, despite Insomniac outright stating it won't work on any more (at least any time soon) – Sony owns the IP rights to the Resistance franchise and can do with them as it pleases. Continue Reading

source: joystiq

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