Cory Burton - Shockwave, must be done.
Why? Did he do the voice in the cartoon?
I would like to see the ones from the cartoons to reprise their roles. That would be great. I like that they got Prime and Starscream for the movie.
I like Liam Neeson for Ultra Magnus, and Robert Patrick for Prowl. Hot Rod needs a young, strong voice. I could see Chris Evans do the role justice.
Wasn't the voice of Starscream done by someone else for the movie?
Yes, it was but Starstream voice in the 2007 movie was original voice too but played another robot in the series. Namely, Silverbolt.
Are you saying that the guy who did the voice of the original Starscream back in the 80's cartoon is the same guy who did the voice for Bay's movie Starscream??????
If thats what your saying you couldnt be more wrong.
Chris Latta did the voice of the original Starsream and he died back in 1994.
Charles Adler provided the voice of the 2007 movie and he also provided the voice of Starscrean in the one episode the character appeared in the Beast Wars show [and a few different characters aswell].
I think he ment something else but just didn't word it correctly, english may not be his native language. I think he ment that Adler is an original voice actor from a past TF series ie Silverbolt from Beat Wars, he didn't mean the original Starscream from G1.
Charlie Adler voiced Silverbolt in G1. Beast Wars Silverbolt was voiced by Scott McNeil. G1 Starscream's appearance in BW was done by Doug Parker.
Just giving people their due.
Phil LaMarr should do Jazz this time
I agree with Susan Blu as Arcee.
But in future TF movies, if there is an Elita-One appearance, Marlene Aragon should reprise her role, if she's up to it.
Same thing with Chromia. have Diane Delano do her voice. she should be as tough as Ironhide.