Dont cry, my dear
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Hello and welcome to my fanfic. First things first, this is not an original idea,its like a remake of an Indian movie. This is my first real fanfic. Hope you guys like it.
what do you think?
It was a cold evening, windy and raining. People walked on the sidewalk with their umbrella's up and the cars went by slowly. A man ran across the road, he looked to be in his late late 30's and didn't look like he ran very much judging by his size. The cars braked and swerved to avoid the man. People in the sidewalk stopped and looked at the sound of car horns and people yelling from inside their cars. He managed to get to the other side without being run over and stopped to look at where he just came from, his mind relaxed for a second thinking he got away with it. F**k, that was close he thought. He didn't have anymore time to think, a dark figure on the other side of the road jumped on the hood of a car that had stopped. He jumped from to another, the drivers now really angry, got out of their cars and yelled at the man. Telling him to go f**k his mother and die.
The man in his 30's turned left and ran. 50 meters down the road he saw the road split 3 ways, straight, left and right. Because he was already on the right side so he chose right. He ran at full speed around the corner and didn't have time to see the kids. He ran chest first into the first kid and tried to stay up, but stepped on the skateboard of the second kid and fell ass first. He didn't feel anything for a couple of seconds, when the pain finally came, it wasn't his ass that hurt the most, it was his lower back. He struggled to his feet, he heard the kids say something but he was too busy running for his life to care.
When he finally got to his feet he tried to stand straight, no can do, his back seemed locked and the more he tried the more it hurt. He slowly took 2 or 3 steps and then tried to run, he took one step and collapsed in pain, holding his lower back, he screamed in pain. He was on his stomach and heard footsteps behind him, he could just make it out, the rain seemed to be harder now. With every heart beat it seem to hurt more, using his left hand, rolled over on to his back and looked at the man who would take his life.
Large hands took a hold of his left leg and started dragging. He couldn't see where he was going, rain drops falling on his face were the seize of marbles now. He forgot about his back and tried to grab a hold of something, anything that was near by. Nothing there, he finally gave in and started to scream. “HELP!!!” he yelled, “Somebody PLEASE!!!” , he repeated the later once, twice and he felt his left leg drop. He looked up and a swinging boot collided right at the center of his face. He could tell the instant it connected that his Jaw was broken, nose too and for good measure , all his front teeth were missing.
He tried to scream again but only ended up swallowing half of his lose teeth and nearly choking. He gave up, he was out of energy with the running, the back was slowly killing him and he could speak, this is how its going to end, a voice inside his head told him and another asked why this was happening, this kind of thing doesn't happen to a guy like him. He stopped moving, the man was gone for a sec and he tried to role onto his stomach and take advantage, he looked around and saw that it was dark here, he couldn't see the road from where he was, the cars sounded distant and he could smell urine, I'm going to die in a f**king alleyway he thought, he smiled, Irony at its finest .
Hands grabbed a hold of his color and in one swift move, yanked him up on to his feet. His back and his face were killing him, he couldn't stand straight, bending his back was the only way to lower some of his pain but the man wouldn't let him. Now they were face to face and both had one final good look at each other and the old man recognized the attacker. “YOU!?!” he said, surprised and disappointed at the same time. This little **** is who i was running away from? he asked himself. His ego kicked in and helped him, but there was 3 of them, it told him. The man he was looking at was 25, ft 10 and muscular. What was his name?...Bobby something.
“I know what your thinking, you cant believe you ran from me, with you being the almighty Hades and me just being the waiter boy” he said, breathing normally, there pure hate in his eyes, only one of them was going to live through this night, I'm F**ked he thought. Bobby was nearly back to full strength. “Tell you what Mr Hades, I'm not going to kill you, I'm just going to break both you legs and leave you right here.” . He did just that, he found a small wooden box, it was a square box, even on all sides, about 15 inches wide, long and tall. He placed the leg over the box, side ways (the box going from his knee to around half way down his shins). He placed his right leg on Mr Hades's left knee, jumped up and brought down his left leg hard on Hades's lower shin. Hades screamed as loud as he could but the rain canceled out his screams. It took 3 attempts, 1st attempt only dislocated his ankle and the other one weakened just enough for the third strike. He repeated the same for Hades's right leg, after finishing it, dragged him further down the alleyway and left him to die.
what do you think?