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Geoff Johns at Newsarama - 8-8

Doc Destruction

Geaux Saints!
Jul 29, 2004
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Newsarama: Let's start with the Titans East news from this weekend. Cassie Cain is on the Titans East team that will be showing up in your Teen Titans comic later this year?

Geoff Johns: Yes!

NRAMA: Last time we saw her, she was in Robin, killing people and acting an awful lot like a villain. In Titans East, is she a good Batgirl?

GJ: We're going to go with what they've been doing, but with some twists.

NRAMA: And the other characters we have confirmed for Titans East are ... Risk?

GJ: Yes, Risk is on there.

NRAMA: He lost an arm in Infinite Crisis during the fight with Superboy Prime. What's he going to be like in Titans East?

GJ: You're going to meet him in the next issue and see where he is in his life. He's still missing an arm. And his attitude is like, at one point someone's going to say, "Why don't you get a cybernetic arm?" And he says, "I only need one arm." That's his attitude. He's just kind of gruff and at the end of his rope.

NRAMA: There was speculation that you were using Argent on the team?

GJ: No, Argent is not on there.

NRAMA: Then there's Inertia from the new Flash series?

GJ: Inertia will be on the team.

NRAMA: Can you tell us anyone else we'll see?

GJ: You'll meet Kid Devil's arch enemy.

NRAMA: And his name is..?

GJ: ... [smiles]

NRAMA: OK, no name. But you say we'll meet him. So he's part of the team?

GJ: He's on Titans East. Kid Devil is actually kind of excited when he sees that, because he likes to brag that he has an arch enemy.

NRAMA: That sounds like Eddie. But he hasn't really been around as Kid Devil long enough to have an arch enemy, has he?

GJ: Yeah! That's what the Titans say. [laughs] But apparently he does have one!

NRAMA: Anyone else you can tell us from the Titans East team?

GJ: There's a brand new character who, in a very strange way, is a pre-cursor to a character from the far future.

NRAMA: Far future? Gee ... wonder what that could be. OK, that's a good hint for one character. But can you actually name someone we haven't heard yet?

GJ: OK. I'll reveal one more. Just 'cause it's fun. Um... Joker's daughter.

NRAMA: Duela Dent?

GJ: Yeah. We're going to really get into her. Tony [Daniel] did an amazing redesign on the Joker's daughter for Titans East.

NRAMA: Let's talk about the main Titans team. In the last issue, it was implied they would be recruiting new members. Right now we've seen Cyborg, Robin, Wonder Girl, Kid Devil and Ravager. That's five. How many more are going to join?

GJ: By the time they meet the Titans East, the Teen Titans have eight members.

NRAMA: Before they meet the Titans East? This happens pretty quickly.

GJ: Yep. So they're going to get three members in the next few months.

NRAMA: As they travel around looking for Raven, right?

GJ: Yep. Looking for Raven. And the Titans East will have eight members as well, including their leader.

NRAMA: Fans of the Teen Titans title know there was a Titans East team in the Titans Tomorrow storyline from last year during which the Titans traveled to the future, but it was pretty clear that the future we saw in that arc was not a certainty. And with Conner having been part of that version of the future, it seems less likely to happen. So why is there a Titans East now?

GJ: The story reason is extremely specific. The Titans East want two things from the Teen Titans. I can't say much more than that. But the team has a very specific reason they're going after the Teen Titans.

NRAMA: Any other teases about Titans East?

GJ: They have their own tower.

NRAMA: Their own tower? Where are they based?

GJ: New York.

NRAMA: And eight members?

GJ: The team will evolve as the storyline evolves.

NRAMA: And then you're working on Justice Society of America, which will have a new #1 issue coming out in December. You revealed the cover to Issue #1 by Alex Ross over the weekend at the comic convention in Chicago.

GJ: Yeah.

NRAMA: Let's talk about some of these new characters on that cover. Who's the starry guy in the front? Starman?

GJ: That's Starman.

NRAMA: Can you tell us anything about him?

GJ: No, I'd rather not. But I can say he's very different than the other members.

NRAMA: Who's the colorful steel-looking guy in the front?

GJ: Commander Steel. A new Commander Steel.

NRAMA: Brand new one?

GJ: Brand new. New powers. You'll meet him in Issue #2.

NRAMA: Maxine Hunkel's in the back with the red hair. You told us her name in San Diego. Is her code name going to be Red Tornado?

GJ: No, it will not be Red Tornado.

NRAMA: Can you tell us anything else about her?

GJ: She's a very fun character. I don't really want to spoil anything else about her, because it's going to be so fun for everyone to meet her in the first issue.

NRAMA: Let's see, then there's Damage in the back, whom you've confirmed before. And then there are these glowing eyes in the background....

GJ: Ah yeah. The eyes. Everyone's been asking me who the eyes are. They're like, is it Obsidian? The eight ball says yes.

NRAMA: So does this cover include everyone who is on the new Justice Society?

GJ: That's not the final team.

NRAMA: So it's bigger than that?

GJ: Well, we're making it a real society, so the spotlight will rotate a bit. But we're going to make it a real society of heroes, so there's a few more who are going to come onto the stage that we just didn't want to get into yet.

NRAMA: But all the people who are in that picture are Justice Society of America members.

GJ: Yes.

NRAMA: Some of the more familiar, long-time members in this picture weren't around one year later. Can you tell us where they were during the missing year?

GJ: ... [smiles]

NRAMA: OK. Well, Hawkman's in the picture. We haven't seen him in a long time. He's obviously coming back.

GJ: Hawkman is coming back.

NRAMA: Where are we going to find out how he came back?

GJ: You'll find out in .... well ... he'll be back in the DCU very soon.

NRAMA: You won't say where?

GJ: Well ... the obvious book is Hawkgirl. [laughs]

NRAMA: OK. Moving on to Green Lantern, there are a lot of things being set up that look pretty bad for Hal Jordan. Angry Global Guardians, blood-thirsty bounty hunters...

GJ: Yes! Lots of bounty hunters.

NRAMA: Are we going to find out who hired them?

GJ: Yeah, we'll find out in Issue #14 who put that price on Hal's head. We'll find out why the Global Guardians are after him. We'll find out what happened to him when he was a prisoner of war.

NRAMA: All that in Issue #14?

GJ: Yeah. The next storyline is him dealing with what happened to him and his friends when he was a POW.

NRAMA: But in the last issue, he found someone right at the end that was kind of a shocker because we thought, and more importantly Hal thought, she was dead.

GJ: He found Arisia, who is like, his former girlfriend. In the next issue, they're reunited. And we'll actually learn a pretty major secret the Guardians are holding.

NRAMA: The Guardians? Did the Guardians know Arisia was alive and being held captive there?

GJ: The Guardians know a lot of things they're not telling the Green Lanterns.

NRAMA: Ouch.

GJ: The Guardians also have a very specific reason they let Hal back on the Corps. And it's not the best of reasons. And the ending has a pretty big twist that ties into the entire DC Universe.

NRAMA: The ending of this current storyline?

GJ: Yeah, Issue #13.

NRAMA: And you said in the DC Nation panel this weekend that we'll see more people getting yellow rings and yellow batteries?

GJ: Yes! The Sinestro Corps is coming soon. And you know how they used to do the “Tales of the Green Lantern” one-shots? We've been talking about doing a “Tales of the Sinestro Corps” one-shot. So we'd have little eight-page stories about members of the Sinestro Corps and how they got their rings, what they do, their M.O.s, stuff like that. I think that would be cool.

NRAMA: That does sound pretty fun. Can you tell us any members of the Sinestro Corps that people might recognize?

GJ: I really can't.

NRAMA: Well, we saw one.

GJ: This big guy called Arkillo in Issue #10. He's a new character who's like the drill sergeant of the Sinestro Corps.

NRAMA: But you can't tell us anyone else?

GJ: Hmmm. Sinestro's on it. [laughs]

NRAMA: Ha ha. Thanks a lot.

GJ: Oh! And, the Sinestro Corps has its own Oa-type planet, has its own Guardians, has its own oath.

NRAMA: A Sinestro Corps oath? What's the oath?

GJ: I can't tell. You have to read the comic for something! [laughs]

NRAMA: Awww. Just the first line?

GJ: First line? OK. In blackest day...

NRAMA: Ooooh!!!

GJ: [laughs]

NRAMA: Great tease. OK, let's talk 52. How's it going?

GJ: Great! We're on issue #33 or #34. We're cruising ahead. And we have it pretty much wrapped up. We know exactly where everything's going. It's still fun, but it's a challenge because everything's getting really big right now. So it's all climaxing. And J.G. Jones has been doing some great covers. There's a great Teen Titans/Infinity Inc. cover coming up. It's really cool.

NRAMA: Can you tell us something you're looking forward to in 52?

GJ: I'm really looking forward to the expansion of the Black Marvel family.

NRAMA: Black Adam! And that's all going to be written by you, right?

GJ: Uh...

NRAMA: Oh that's right. You can't say who's writing what parts, can you? Little agreement you have with Mark Waid, Grant Morrison and Greg Rucka.

GJ: We're all writing everything.

NRAMA: Riiiight. Favorite issue you've written so far?

GJ: Hmmm. I really like #26.

NRAMA: But you can't say who wrote it nor what happens. Big ending, right?

GJ: 52?

NRAMA: Uh-huh.

GJ: Massive.

NRAMA: Bigger than people expect?

GJ: Um ... no, I don't want to oversell it. It's actually a really quiet ending. [laughs]

NRAMA: Undersell and overdeliver?

GJ: It's boring. It does nothing. [laughs]

NRAMA: OK, what else do you have? Action Comics coming out in October?

GJ: Oh yeah, with Richard Donner. I'm really excited. Adam Kubert's drawing it. We're going to be touching on a lot of Superman villains. Parasite, Brainiac, Luthor, Metallo, Bizarro and Bizarro World...

NRAMA: Villain overdrive.

GJ: Yeah! It's really fun to work with Donner because he has a fresh eye for this stuff, so I literally went through the DC Encyclopedia with him. I'd go through the book with him, and I get to Bizarro and he's like, "Oh! I remember Bizarro!" and he's all excited, and he's asking, "Is Bizarro World still there?" And I say, "No." And he says, "OK, let's figure out how to make it cool." And then we get to Brainiac and he freaks because Brainiac is his favorite. And eventually we got to Doomsday ...

NRAMA: So you finished the "B's" and got up to "D"?

GJ: [laughs] Yeah. We get to Doomsday, and I said this guy is super popular and he killed Superman. So he asked why he killed him, and I thought about it, and I said he just didn't like him very much. He didn't really have a big motivation.

NRAMA: So are you going to give him a motivation?

GJ: Well, I like Doomsday, but I don't know if we can get around him. But that's just an example of the questions he's asking. Looking at it fresh like that.

NRAMA: Is this comic going to feel like the movies he made?

GJ: Not really. Well, I mean, it will probably have a touch of the movies because Donner brings a certain touch to the characters, but it will still be a comic book in continuity, which is what is really fun. But there are things we are going to do that might echo the movies a little bit. The cool thing is we have no limiting budget like he did with the movies, so we can get really big. And yet it's very, very character-based. It's very personal with Superman. 'Cause otherwise we wouldn't be telling these stories.

NRAMA: And you're working on Blade: The Series for Spike TV. Spike was here in a big way at Wizard World Chicago with a two-story booth and plenty of promotions for the Blade series. You're listed on the credits as a consulting producer and you've written a few episodes, including the pilot with David Goyer. How's the series going?

GJ: It's going great. We wrapped awhile ago, but this week's episode is awesome. It's like a Blade: Year One with flashbacks.

NRAMA: Did you write this week's Year One episode?

GJ: No, this week's is written by a guy named Chris Ruppenthal whom I've known for a long time. He started on Quantum Leap and went to a lot of other shows. It just turned out really good. You see him meet Whistler, you see how he's done a lot of things, you see how he's raised after his mom died or was turned, as she was in the movies.

NRAMA: So this would be a good one for people to try out and watch if they haven't checked it out before?

GJ: This is the episode to me that the crew and everybody else and the directing and all the actors kind of snapped into high gear. I'm really happy with the upcoming episodes. I wrote one of them that comes out three weeks from Wednesday. It's a pretty intense, freaky epsiode about a serial killer who's a vampire, who's been around a long time and is based on the serial killer from the 1500s.

NRAMA: Any word on a second season?

GJ: They want to do one. Our ratings are going up now, so we'll see!

Wow, LOTS to be excited about.
Cool, this may be what gets me into Teen Titans. I'm already sold on Justice Society (Who Isn't) but I'm still a little shaky on Action Comics but I'll check it out Adam Kubert's pencils looked amazing on it. Maybe it's worth picking it up for that alone.
Wow, I wasn't excited about anything in that, really. Obsidian being on the JSA is cool, but I already guessed that. The JSA reveals were pretty vague, and the stuff for the rest of the titles just sounds crappy for the most part.
it didnt do anything to increase my excitement nor did it decrease it... just informative...
The Sinestro Corps, TT East roster, and hidden agenda of the Guardians is pretty exciting stuff to me.
Yep, it was mostly informative. I'm kind of peeved that Damage will be wearing a costume that he really shouldn't be wearing, and now can apparently grow to a greater size. Glad Obsidian is on the team, and Maxine Hunkle sounds pretty fun, although I'm not too excited about a new Commander Steel. They were always pretty lame.

As for Titans East... bring it on. Sounds like fun.
Titans East sounds like the opposite of fun to me. Although, on the plus side, how Johns handles Batgirl will probably determine whether I finally drop TT, which I've been considering for a while, or keep reading. From the sound of it, I'll have an extra $3 a month to spend on other comics pretty soon.
nice interview

when I read the part about him and Donner as they were talking about the villains for the upcoming series it felt like he was babying him about the characters. I don't know.

I didn't know Johns was working on Blade is it good so far?
TheCorpulent1 said:
Titans East sounds like the opposite of fun to me. Although, on the plus side, how Johns handles Batgirl will probably determine whether I finally drop TT, which I've been considering for a while, or keep reading. From the sound of it, I'll have an extra $3 a month to spend on other comics pretty soon.
I've liked Titans OYL, so Titans East is perhaps a little more exciting too me. I'm not going crazy over it, but it sounds like a fun little arc, and maybe they can fix Batgirl.
The Ether said:
nice interview

when I read the part about him and Donner as they were talking about the villains for the upcoming series it felt like he was babying him about the characters. I don't know.

I didn't know Johns was working on Blade is it good so far?
so did i
Harlekin said:
I've liked Titans OYL, so Titans East is perhaps a little more exciting too me. I'm not going crazy over it, but it sounds like a fun little arc, and maybe they can fix Batgirl.
im hoping Johns at least makes all of this more plausible...
Yeah, it sounded like he was babying Donner, but it was probably necessary too, since I doubt Donner's read a Supes comic in the last decade or so. It came off a little wrong though.
Nice to see JSA was very discreetly pushed back to December.
The Ether said:
I didn't know Johns was working on Blade is it good so far?
Yeah, he's a creative consultant. I don't really know what that means. Probably that Goyer runs to him when his own tiny supply of talent runs out and he needs better ideas. But Blade the TV show is doing all right as a drama series. It's absolute s*** as an action series, though. The fight scenes are crappy. Sticky Fingaz isn't exactly the ideal choice to try and fill Snipes' shoes, either. He's even more stiff and stoic than Blade should be. All in all, I think it would've worked a thousand times better if the show were a prequel to the movies.
Darthphere said:
Nice to see JSA was very discreetly pushed back to December.
It was? Damn. Have to wait even longer for my JSA-fix.
Weak sauce. The one thing I'm actually looking forward to from Johns.
About the other stuff, Titans East could either be really cool or really lame. Cassandra Cain being on the team bothers me a bit considering how much theyve ****ed her up recently, and it seems consdieirng the other memebers of the team, shes going to stay evil, because most of those people last time I checked werent good guys, I said MOST. Green Lantern, I cant say that excites me at all and Sinestro Corps should be something done in the GL Corps book IMO. Not just another reason to make Hal Jordan look badass when he defeats them all single handedly eventually. Action Comics with Donner just seems like more of "Lets pretend the Silver Age never ended" type stuff. Though Kubert on art is promising, but the \S/ buckle needs to go, NOW.
Harlekin said:
Must have read over that.

NRAMA: And then you're working on Justice Society of America, which will have a new #1 issue coming out in December. You revealed the cover to Issue #1 by Alex Ross over the weekend at the comic convention in Chicago.

GJ: Yeah.

Unless theres a 0 issue im forgetting about.
Harlekin said:
Yeah, it sounded like he was babying Donner, but it was probably necessary too, since I doubt Donner's read a Supes comic in the last decade or so. It came off a little wrong though.
cool, at least I wasn't the only person who thought that
ahh all this news sounds great cant wait:)

TT,JSA, and GL are on my pull list for sure!!
GJ: The Guardians also have a very specific reason they let Hal back on the Corps. And it's not the best of reasons. And the ending has a pretty big twist that ties into the entire DC Universe.


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