Germans. Still Evil?


Veritas veritatum
Feb 18, 2001
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I ask that question facetiously. I'm one of those odd people that enjoys other cultures, especially the Germans. I like their culture, aspects of their history, the language and the countryside. Naturally, this is not a popular opinion. I respect their strength to overcome obstacles and to owe up to the atrocities committed during the Second World War. I respect that so many modern medical inventions were created in German institutions in the late 19th century that are still in use today.

So is it fair to only remember an entire nation of people purely by the barbaric acts of 12 years of insanity?
No, of course not. Most of the people who committed those atrocities are long dead, why should following generations be judged on the foolish acts of their ancestors?

If someone's going to judge an entire nation based on what occurred in history, how far back do you go? 100 years? 1000? With that logic everyone should be mad at everyone, pretty much.

Also, even during WW2 there were plenty of German people who weren't down with what the Nazi's were selling. Germany is as fine a nation as any other.
Absolutely not. The German people of today and future generations are not Nazi's. Same as American's today are not the same people that commited genocide against the Indians. We can't help what our bigoted racist ancestor's did.
It's not fair to only acknowledge the wrongs that were committed, but at the same time, you never forget the history or downplay it.
Germany has done a far better job owning up to its past atrocities than Japan, or for that matter IMO the United States.

Also, Germany has throughout its history been a cradle of culture and civilization and a technologically-advanced nation. Its history hardly begins in 1933 and ends in 1945.

This "collective guilt" nonsense that some believe in, acting like all Germans are somehow morally responsible for events that happened decades before they were born, is just racist.
Is this a troll thread?

Are we going to play the game of 'which country in the world has a spotless history of non violence'?
Why is it not a popular opinion to be mindful and respectful of the German culture and way of life? Yea, they ****ed up in the 1930's and 40's (and I'm not 100% on the actual timeframe, but probably the 20's as well), and unfortunately were responsible for one of the greatest atrocities in world history.

But how many of those Germans who were responsible are alive today?


Sure, I make jokes about the Germans due to their history, but my blood is also a majority German, so I feel I can get away with it. I identity mostly as German and Irish, although there are probably some other bloodlines that are a bit stronger than Irish in me. Like someone else in this thread said, you can't forget about what happened, but we can't blame the Germans of 2013 for what the Germans of 1930 did. We're seriously going on 100 years now. There is absolutely nothing wrong with admiring the Germans and their culture.
Why is it not a popular opinion to be mindful and respectful of the German culture and way of life? Yea, they ****ed up in the 1930's and 40's (and I'm not 100% on the actual timeframe, but probably the 20's as well), and unfortunately were responsible for one of the greatest atrocities in world history.

But how many of those Germans who were responsible are alive today?


Not quite, but the remaining ones are all pretty old by now. Estimates on exactly how many Nazis are left is anyone's guess, but I can't imagine the numbers are too high.
Is this a troll thread?

Are we going to play the game of 'which country in the world has a spotless history of non violence'?

You're safe, because America will somehow get blamed for all the problems of the world.
Why is it not a popular opinion to be mindful and respectful of the German culture and way of life? Yea, they ****ed up in the 1930's and 40's (and I'm not 100% on the actual timeframe, but probably the 20's as well), and unfortunately were responsible for one of the greatest atrocities in world history.
It is a popular opinion, either way i won't be respectfull of their ways of life as long as they aren't respectfull of Portugal's way of life :o
I think the Nazi era tainted the German identity irreparably.

And the Germans were never exactly, cute and cuddly to begin with (Barbarians, Goths, Prussians, etc) but the Nazis put other fascist movements to shame.

It's going to take a few centuries for the image of Germany and its people to be rehabilitated.

The only positive note is that Germany's crimes during World War II were so terrible that it made all of Europe reevaluate its views on morality.
The "good guys" in that war had reservation where Indians were being held at gunpoint on horrible land without basic necessities, interning Japanese and killing those who tried to escape and lynching black people...all while they were fighting Hitler for, well basically the same crap but against the Jews.

Funny story, Hitler admired Jesse Owens and congratulated him but FDR snubbed him and wouldn't invite black Olympians to theWhite House.
NeilToThaIzzay... 0? Yeah, no... There's a few old Nazis still kicking around (as incapacitated and senile as they may be). Don't make claims that aren't true.
I ask that question facetiously. I'm one of those odd people that enjoys other cultures, especially the Germans. I like their culture, aspects of their history, the language and the countryside. Naturally, this is not a popular opinion. I respect their strength to overcome obstacles and to owe up to the atrocities committed during the Second World War. I respect that so many modern medical inventions were created in German institutions in the late 19th century that are still in use today.

So is it fair to only remember an entire nation of people purely by the barbaric acts of 12 years of insanity?
I'm german...I'm not evil
NeilToThaIzzay... 0? Yeah, no... There's a few old Nazis still kicking around (as incapacitated and senile as they may be). Don't make claims that aren't true.

Okay, well we can argue semantics and avoid the actual point I was trying to make, which is that Germany is no longer controlled by, nor under any sort of influence from, the Nazi party.

My bad that there's a couple old Nazi's left out there. They have no influence over Germany today, 80 something years later.
Lol.. It's not arguing semantics. It's the difference between saying something that's true and saying something that's not true. Your point, which I don't necessarily disagree with, would have been better served by fact-checking a little.
I don't think modern-day Germans are evil.

But as for Germany as a nation, its national identity, not a lot of happy thoughts.

Great cars though. Many of them with Nazi ties... but give the devil his due.
I love my 25 years old Mercedes 300E.
*scrolls up and down thread*

Oh, that's right. Shemtov got banned.

Although a lot of people like to joke or make broad generalizations, I think most people are aware the average German today isn't part of the Gestapo. Similarly, I don't know anyone who thinks the Japanese are still up to anything devious (well, nothing more devious than a few weird sexual kinks).
I don't think modern-day Germans are evil.

But as for Germany as a nation, its national identity, not a lot of happy thoughts.

Great cars though. Many of them with Nazi ties... but give the devil his due.

You could say the same about the USA.
The evil Germans were the minority then and they are the minority now.

The only difference is the evil German minority of long ago were able to gain power and brainwash the public. It could happen to any country.

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