

Banned User
Aug 16, 2002
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I had the 3 rings of death on my 360 and I sent it in. I got it back today and everything's working fine, until I noticed that the damn eject button isn't working.

WTF? I can go through the Dashboard and open the tray, but now that there's a game inside, how can I get the tray to open again?

How come the eject button itself isn't responding at all anyway? When the console is off and I press the button, isn't it supposed to power up and open the tray? What have they done?!

:cmad: :bh: :boba:

When the console is off and I press the button, isn't it supposed to power up and open the tray? -TNC
To tell you the truth, i never pressed the eject button with the console off...
Mine returned from the "field hospital" earlier this month (it´s a war out there), and works fine.
Mine still works. Received it back in less than a week.

Although, got to admit, everytime I start playing COD4 ... I wonder how long it'll take to get another RROD. But, looking at the positive things... they thing now :

- Generates less heat
- Makes less noise
Ok, I got the button to work now.

I had to press it about ten times before it responded.

I have the same problem on mine, except when there's a game in it, it opens fine...and when theres not, I have to go and you know, press the tray itself slightly to the right to get it to open...I would call it in and get another one, but I dont want to wait another 3 weeks.
I'm almost thinking about selling my 360 now.

Only because I play mostly third party games on it... :( I have all three systems. Pretty much my Wii and PS3 do all of the "specialty" work. I mean, the last games I bought for 360 were Smackdown 2008, NBA 2K8, and the Simpsons Game, all third party games.

I could use that money towards upgrading to a new TV or something...Hmmmm.

Selling your 360?

Are you crazy!? Sell that PS3, it has less exclusive games for 2008 than the 360.

If you sell the 360, youll miss out on GTA
Pffft...My PS3 is my primary source for watching DVDs...etc
GTA is a 360 exclusive?

Pffft...My PS3 is my primary source for watching DVDs...etc
GTA is a 360 exclusive?


No, but GTA is getting Exclusive downloadable extra episodes. 2 of them I think. So you'll miss out on a couple hours of gameplay.
I think I'll be safe from RROD. My 360 is barely ever hot & I always have the fan (house) on.

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