
The Joker_1000

Jul 29, 2007
Reaction score
I hope some of you can help me.

Well, first off my Xbox 360 controller isn't working properly. All that happens when I turn on the system is the center button keeps blinking until the system is turned off. Everything else works perfectly so all I'm able to do is watch movies. Does anybody have any clue as to why my controller may be doing this or how I could fix it?
Try "reconnecting" the controller, you know the button that is on the controller and the system it self.
I have the charger on the controller so there aren't any batteries in it.
I have the charger on the controller so there aren't any batteries in it.

Maybe the charger is low.. or the charging battery is dying. Mine started **** up so I just threw it out and went back to batteries.
My charger sucks. Thing doesn't even work. I just use it as a wired controller now. :(
Maybe the charger is low.. or the charging battery is dying. Mine started **** up so I just threw it out and went back to batteries.

I don't know, I put the regular batteries back in & that didn't work, the center button just keeps blinking & it won't do anything else. I've left it off for the last few days so I don't know how it's acting now, I kind of gave up on it, especially since a new controller should be coming in the mail anyday now. All in all, I'm still grateful that this is the only problem I've ever had with my Xbox 360.
Dude, the center button just blinks if the batteries are low. Your controller won't explode.
No stuff, Einstein, I'm just saying that it's not working period. I never said it'd explode.
Someone is not getting any answers now that he tried reporting WHF....
Is it not synced? Take out the batteries, lick them, and stick it back in :rolleyes:
I know exactly how to help!

Until you reported WHF. :(

...this is a lie, I have a PS3, there's not even space for 3 red lights!
Awww, you all really love WHF? Huh? Well, I don't care & most of you didn't know how to fix the problem anyway so I really don't care.
Apparently you do care, since you're still coming in here looking for answers. :dry:
I love you Blas, and I want to have your babies.

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