Here's the trailer for Hamlet 2: . Please watch it carefully and let me know when they state that the purpose of the film...Hamlet 2...was to offend as many people as possible, because I don't think that's ever said. In fact, what happens in the film (and in the trailer) actually parallels what has happened in real life. The play that the teacher decides to put on does offend many parents and causes an uproar, which is shown in the trailer. However, if you'd take the time to see the film rather than making baseless comments about it, you'd see how it all plays out and you'd understand the message of the film. The play not only brings together the students and the community, but the theme of the play Hamlet 2 (which does, in fact, feature Jesus) echoes the theme of the film itself. I really don't need to explain the film the you, because it speaks for itself, but because you have a closed mind, you'll never experience it.
Hamlet 2 was received with such a positive reception at Sundance that it prompted an all-night bidding war. Little Miss Sunshine was bought for $10.5 million, while Hamlet 2 was purchased for $10 million, nearly breaking the record LMS had set for Sundance. Apparently, there's something good about this film.