Has Marvel made an outright "bad" movie?

Flint Marko

Bring me Thanos (P)
Oct 10, 2006
Reaction score
I think this is an interesting question to pose now that we are 14 films in. I'm fairly certain I know exactly how this poll is going to shake-up, but I'd like to see just how sizable the minority would be who say that Marvel has yet to make an outright "bad" movie . Not mediocre, not boring, not disappointing, I'm talking outright awful.

To the surprise of no one who is familiar with me, I'm confidently voting no on this one. I'd say Iron Man 2 & The Dark World are comfortably at the bottom of the pile in any given ranking, but I think they come closer to mediocrity than being outright awful. There's enough heart, charm, memorable action, and solid performances to elevate both films above so many other weaker superhero movies. I'd say The Dark World is easily the most reviled MCU film, but Loki and his relationship with Thor alone make it worthwhile.
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I would say no. Even its most controversial films whether its IM2 or TDW both had its moments. One thing about TDW is its importance in the overall story arc of the Infinity Stones. It introduces the Aether which will come into play heavily during the Wars. It also gives further character development to Loki.

If thats the worst of the MCU lot then the likes of Green Lantern or Fan4stic don't even register on any scale.
The closest is probably Thor: The Dark World. Easily the weakest film but Hiddleston hamming it up is enjoyable at least.
Objectively speaking, no. At worst, I'd call Thor: the Dark World a competent, but ultimately forgettable film, but it's competently made and coherent. I'll give it that.
I wouldn't say outright bad. Even IM 2 & TDW had some highly enjoyable moments (imo, anyway) and I don't think TIH is nearly as bad as a lot of people try to make it out to be. Out of the franchise, those three would probably have the most mixed reaction of the bunch, but I wouldn't call them 100% terrible, though.
Oh, don't be silly. Of course not. There are a couple of bad performances here and there *cough* Liv Tyler *cough* and IM2 and TDW might have needed another, more coherent draft written before shooting, but there's nothing outright bad. There's nothing on the Fant4stic, BvS:DoJ, AS-M 2, Green Lantern level of bad
Never. Weakest movie they do is Thor Dark world and still not bad film.
No, and the fact that I and many of us can say that speaks volumes. It says a lot that the weakest movie so far is T:TDW, which is a decent, though forgettable, film. Compare that to the DCEU and Fant4stic and the Amazing Spider-Man film series, which has a mixed to negative response.
Nope. Even their worst movies (Iron Man 2, TIH, Age of Ultron) are still enjoyable 6/10 type of movies.
Definitely not, that's Disney's and Marvel's incredible quality control. Still, most of the movies are on the "enjoyable but nothing special" category for me, and I'd like them to eventually make more risky moves and move away from the Marvel formula that most of these films follow more or less. The MCU is for sure one of the most well kept long-running film series ever made, very solid.
Not of the ones I've seen, but I didn't watch most of the ones that I had little interest in. Given that I'm not into the Hulk or "Thor in modern day" concepts and that the Avengers movies really only reinforced that (and that The Dark World isn't as well regarded as other MCU films), it wouldn't surprise me if I did find them bad.
Ant-Man, Thor 1, Incredible Hulk, Dr. Strange, Cap 1 aren't my favorites because I hate origin movies.

But they aren't bad I just wanna hurry up and get to the good stuff.

Marvel's just amazing only bad thing they've done is AoS & Agent Carter. Those are boring shows
Iron Man 2, for sure.

I'd accept arguments for both Thors.
Thor 2 was pretty bad, but even there you still had Hemsworth and Hiddleston playing off each other incredibly well. Ant-Man was kinda weak, but it still had good characters. The Incredible Hulk was kinda crappy but it was more forgettable than anything else.
No it hasn't, because;

1) All the films strengthened the brand and made the studio money. Even the Phase 1 films resulted in Avengers making 1.5 Billion.

2) All the Marvel Studios films are critically fresh, and have audience approval rates above 70% on RT.
Wow, 15 to 1. I'm not being coy when I didn't expect "no" to take the lead, let alone by such a landslide. The way some people around here talk you'd think the Thor movies and the Iron Man sequels were some of the worst in the genre :funny:
I voted no since I'm only considering the MCU. Has Marvel Studios itself ever made a bad film? Yes. Howard the Duck.
Wow, 15 to 1. I'm not being coy when I didn't expect "no" to take the lead, let alone by such a landslide. The way some people around here talk you'd think the Thor movies and the Iron Man sequels were some of the worst in the genre :funny:

Fanboys are in a bubble.

Look at the audience approval for those films on RT and you'll see they were well-liked.

Even Iron Man 2 that had a weak script due to the writers strike, was received well thanks to audiences loving and being entertained by RDJ.
Thor 2 was pretty bad, but even there you still had Hemsworth and Hiddleston playing off each other incredibly well. Ant-Man was kinda weak, but it still had good characters. The Incredible Hulk was kinda crappy but it was more forgettable than anything else.

I'd say Guardians and Civil War are A+ movies with the majority of the others being straight Bs.

That's the ultimate issue. How many "middle of the road" movies can they make?

I despise Iron-Man 3 personally, but objectively its not a bad movie.
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I'm gonna say no. The contenders in my opinion would be the Thor movies and Iron Man 3. I think there's no way I could consider any of them bad. They just incite a certain distaste for me and I tend to have the least interest in rewatching them out of any of the films.

But I still think they are decent.

On that note, even Batman v Superman (arguably the worst in the DCCU thus far and certainly my least favorite) isn't even an 'outright bad' movie. But merely an outright mediocre movie that needed to be good to compete with previous batman movies and other shared universes.

the only "outright bad" X-Men movie is Origins.
I'm gonna say no. The contenders in my opinion would be the Thor movies and Iron Man 3. I think there's no way I could consider any of them bad. They just incite a certain distaste for me and I tend to have the least interest in rewatching them out of any of the films.

But I still think they are decent.

On that note, even Batman v Superman (arguably the worst in the DCCU thus far and certainly my least favorite) isn't even an 'outright bad' movie. But merely an outright mediocre movie that needed to be good to compete with previous batman movies and other shared universes.

the only "outright bad" X-Men movie is Origins.

I don't know about that. X-Men 3 was also pretty bad.
X3 is borderline in my opinion. Arguably bad, but not "outright" bad. I know plenty of GA who like it just as much as the other two in the original trilogy. And I personally like a good portion of it.

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