World Head Shell and Muscle Suits



Greetings everyone :)

I am looking for sources of a head shell and subtle musle suits like used in the fil for my spidey.

I've seen the suit and it is a little excessive and they don't have a head shell either.

Anyone have ideas on this?

Have you contacted them. I recall reading they were out of business unfortunately.
I'd prefer to spend the time and money on the real thing getting my body into shape...
I keep trying to work out and lose all will-power. I'm thinking of making my own muscle suit using a combination of methods I've learned on here.

1. Create a duct-tape mannequin - that's right, wear a shirt, wrap yourself or have someone wrap you in duct tape until the frame of it is rigid. Then cut it up the back to get out of it.

2. I'm going to take that and cover it in Chevant clay (just a light layer), building up the parts I want to look like muscle

3. Do a silicone overlay or a plaster mold (I havent decided which)

If the torso turns out well, I'll do the arms and legs too :)
hey guys ! im new to the board, im a huge spidey fan, i was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction on costume shopping.. ive been searching over and over again for Spidey suits.. especially the black suit, although i dont have a huge budget i am willing to spend anywhere between 300-800 dollars. I have a costume in mind, but im not sure if its worth buying.. here is the link
anyways thanks for the help :D
Do not do the duct tape body cast mold. They NEVER work as people say they will, and you will just end up with a big clusterf**K. Use Alginate, or plaster bandages to do this type of thing.

If you want legit information from people with various levels of tested experience, go to this board and ask questions.

Also, heres a company the place I work for is affiliated with that offers help, and sells product...

These are not newbs using redneck mold making techniques. They will steer you right. I'm a mold making technical consultant, I know what works and what doesn't.
You're right about Smooth-On. I've used their Alja-Safe stuff to do lifecasts before.

I also hang out over at the League of Heroes forum.

Full of tutorials, convention information, and comradery. Thanks for the help. I actually might pm you about some other stuff Im doing since you're the mold expert :)
(LOL) Mold expert, Duct tape mannequins, work ok if your budget is low. Redneck mold making techniques, Dude you would make a hell of a Promoter for your company, if I was you, I would put in for an advertising agent with your company. Don't knock duct tape, they say you can fix anything with it. (lol)

Do not do the duct tape body cast mold. They NEVER work as people say they will, and you will just end up with a big clusterf**K. Use Alginate, or plaster bandages to do this type of thing.

If you want legit information from people with various levels of tested experience, go to this board and ask questions.

Also, heres a company the place I work for is affiliated with that offers help, and sells product...

These are not newbs using redneck mold making techniques. They will steer you right. I'm a mold making technical consultant, I know what works and what doesn't.
Maximum Spider, i may sell you a very great looking polu lycra spiderman suit for 300
email me at [email protected] for information & pictures
thats like $275 for you cause i will have to ship it.

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