my primary suits....


Jul 3, 2008
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My primary costumes are a Dead End inspired batsuit as well as an incomplete Keaton hybrid.



the cowl for both is a Rubies/Morris Clooney cowl.... soon to be upgraded to an 89 Keaton cowl.

gloves are Rubies begins, going to be resized and modded to work for both suits

boots are ankle-high Faded Glory "Harness" boots with custom facades

belt for the DE suit is a custom job,
the belt for the Keaton is a Rubies begins belt... also soon to be upgraded.

cape is a Rubies cape with hand-cut scallops. I'm working on a new satin cape that can be used for both.

they're not perfect, but I've used both for multiple appearances in my area and everyone loves it.

I have a set of Returns legs on the way and I'm going to make a new set of facades specifically for the Keaton.

so... this is me:woot:

'brat :brucebat:

edit: how do I upload an avatar? I can't find the right thing in my CP
Looks great, but you need to work your pecs some more.
Yea, I've got to hit the weight bench downstairs some more....

onec thing that is (thankfully) hidden in these shots is that I have a bit of a belly... the armor on the Keaton and the belt on the DE hide it well. :D
been ages since I posted, so I'm going to share the current batsuit setup.....
I got a set of leg armor from a guy out in Cali.... the belt, boots, and gloves are the same. the cowl has been upgraded to a Bronze Armory Begins cowl. I also comissioned my aunt to make me a new satin cape... came out a little short, but the 9-foot wingspan makes up for it :D





these pics were taken at a local toy drive.... it was the debut of the BA cowl and I've very pleased with it. Feels like it was made just for me :)

Just wanted to share


How do I get an avatar and sig banner? I can't find it in my control panel.
that cowl is awesome! and from these latest pictures, it looks like you're a bit more in shape. great job
Thanks :)
I've been trying to work out a little bit here and there.... I've been doing more physical labor around the house lately, so that had something to do with it :)
I like the cowl and the cape. The second to last picture is unintentionally funny because it looks like you can't turn your head, lol.
The second to last picture is unintentionally funny because it looks like you can't turn your head, lol.

that would be because I can't. :O

as shown here, the "tail" of the mask extends pretty far down my back, preventing most mobility aside from a slight nod:

I'll say this... this mask is one of the more accurate Begins cowls I'd seen and I love it :D
I was bored and talked mom into taking some new pics of the suit. I've done so many repairs to this thing over the last 6 months (especially the boots) that I feel like it's part of me







and some good old fashioned backdrop boredom
it's on the list of things to do :)

I was actually going to contact batguano about a hybrid belt he did a while back...


it would point me toward keaton while keeping a bit of the Begins feel :)

it all depends on what kind of budget I have in the near future :)
If his prices didnt chnage much, that'll run you about $100 - $150 unfinished as a kit.
I can do you a latex Keaton, yellow or gold, for $50. I actually just let one go for $40 a couple days ago in the trade forum.
been ages since I posted, so I'm going to share the current batsuit setup.....
I got a set of leg armor from a guy out in Cali.... the belt, boots, and gloves are the same. the cowl has been upgraded to a Bronze Armory Begins cowl. I also comissioned my aunt to make me a new satin cape... came out a little short, but the 9-foot wingspan makes up for it :D


My gosh, that expression either screams "Keaton" or "Thug". I can't decide which, because of how you've got your lip in that picture. Closer to "Keaton", though, I think.
If his prices didnt chnage much, that'll run you about $100 - $150 unfinished as a kit.
I can do you a latex Keaton, yellow or gold, for $50. I actually just let one go for $40 a couple days ago in the trade forum.

I'll keep it in mind :) Right now I'm stuck on which to get next:
Belt, legs, or Boots.

My gosh, that expression either screams "Keaton" or "Thug". I can't decide which, because of how you've got your lip in that picture. Closer to "Keaton", though, I think.
I was actually trying to channel Bale's look in this pic:
Love that cowl in the recent pics! You wear it well too! :yay:


"And this... is my... living room. Or the 'MANCAVE...' as I like to call it. Sorta like the Batcave... except I watch footballll, have some beeeeers, you know. Guy stuff. Oh, and I have my Pinocchio collector's doll over... here... on top of my TV. It's a very rare collectible. You know, Disney... they, uh... only made 50 of these in the world. Ha, found it at a flea market. Down in uh... was it Pottsville? I think...? Well, anyway... lucky, I know, right?"


"And here's my... massive entertainment system. Got the old... VCR right there. Two, actually. So I can... tape shows, like I watch 24... a lot. I love that show, but... you know, sometimes I work late, sooo.... gotta see what... old Jack Bauer's up to this week, ya know? Oh there's my dog... he's busy, I guess. His name's Joey."


"Hey, Joey! Heeeyyyy! Joey! Joey... JOEY LOOK AT THE CAMERA. JOEY! HERE BOY! JOEY!!!! LOOK UP!!!"






"OOOH, ****. Uh......... oh, wow..........."


"Uh... I think I just killed my dog..."


"........................................................... fffffffuuuuuck ........................"


"Okay, so follow me and I'll show you where the 'MAGIC' happens..."


Credit to Shoemeister. holla
Haha, okay well it looks like Bunker took the liberty of posting my MTV CRIBS: BATMAN post from a SECRET board elsewhere. So thanks, haha.

I hope you enjoy. :word::up:
that was.... different

And I don't watch 24.... I watch "Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles" :p
Hmmm. Definitely need a new belt, one that doesnt go in the upward angle. It does not look well with your body type. You need one that goes around the waist like a normal belt. Also some new leg armor. Those look like glued on garbage bags. Everything else looks good.
I agree with The Riddler? That belt doesn't really fit the suit as a whole, something along the lines of a ammo pouch belt, or better yet an '89 belt, there are some on ebay. The cowl is probably the best part of the suit, I myself am currently putting together a comic book version with the cowl from the batman on steroids costume XP.Also can someone tell me what happened to KMD Theatrics, I can't find it anywhere, a link I clicked on is broken or something D:. Also lol at the MTV Cribs:Wayne Manor XD

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