Hellboy vs the Universal Monsters????


Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score

Holy crap this would rock. In fact I'd be in favour of scrapping the slightly silly army of fairys idea for the sequel and going straight for this.

I would love for this to happen...GDT is an amazing filmmaker, whos passion and love is obvious...the only problem he has is that he has too many cool ideas to possibly get them all done (the videogame sundown, hellboy 2, hellboyv s UM movie or animated project, and the much wanted and needed atthe mountains of madness)
"Of course the original creatures from the original films would be the designs the man would go with, rather than a Sommers-style "re-imagining", because we all know that’s just how del Toro rolls."

One of the many reasons why Del Toro rocks :up:
He's a better filmmaker than 50% of Hollywood's directors combined.
I would love to see this. Del Toro is awesome.
Cool idea. Could be thrilling, yet funny in a way similar to the wacky Mexican wrestlers vs Monsters movies of the 1960s.
could be a very interesting idea, but i dont agree with toally sticking to the orginal design, there classics and shouldnt really be used out side of there respective film, by all means use them as your starting block but to redesign aspects of them
the_ultimate_evil said:
could be a very interesting idea, but i dont agree with toally sticking to the orginal design, there classics and shouldnt really be used out side of there respective film, by all means use them as your starting block but to redesign aspects of them

I agree. I think that a redesign is in order, I think Sommers just took it 10 steps to far.
I actually loved the redesigns for the monsters in Van Helsing. Monster Dracula was bad ass (Rich Roxinborough dracula, not so much)
Horrorfan said:

Holy crap this would rock. In fact I'd be in favour of scrapping the slightly silly army of fairys idea for the sequel and going straight for this.

I would love for this to happen...GDT is an amazing filmmaker, whos passion and love is obvious...the only problem he has is that he has too many cool ideas to possibly get them all done (the videogame sundown, hellboy 2, hellboyv s UM movie or animated project, and the much wanted and needed atthe mountains of madness)

Yes! Let's see it.
They'd have to be redesigned. None of them are as hard-ass as the monsters Hellboy fought in the first movie.
I hate this idea. It's basically the same as giving Jesus a mullet in an eighties made for TV movie.

Wilhelm-Scream said:
They'd have to be redesigned.

Eh, I don't know about that. At most, it wouldn't require anything more radical than what's already been done, just given an extra 'classic' twist:

The Gill-Man still looks pretty good for a design that was executed in the 1950s; they could easily realize that with modern-day FX knowhow without really having to alter his 'look' in any other way.

The Mummy, you could pretty much mash together "Bandaged Karloff" with "Decomposed Vosloo" to get something that's both creepy and nostalgic at the same time.

The Wolf Man would definitely have to be more canine than the original look. But that version of the Wolf Man still wears clothes, so I'd just tatter them up Bruce Banner-style.

The Invisible Man, pfft. This is no challenge at all, considering half the time you wouldn't even see him anyway. Just give him a hoodie, a rubber mask, and some shades, a la Kevin Bacon.

Frankenstein's Monster could probably look more stitched-together and ragged, like he's had to be patched up several times over the years, a la Seven Soldiers. And I liked that sheepskin coat from "Son Of Frankenstein".

Dracula...I like the human-sized bat angle, but I also like in "Bram Stoker's Dracula" where he looked like 'Vlad' as opposed to 'Mr. Burns'. If you could find a way of meshing that with Lugosi's look, I'm sold.
I'm not talking about aesthetics.
I'm talking about the fact that he's already been established fighting monsters that are way more powerful than the classic monsters.

After fighting the resurrecting egg-hatched things with dreadlocks and the giant tentacled thing at the end of Hellboy, Dracula and the mummy and Gill-Man, etc. .......he could snap em 'em in two over his knee.:huh:
I don't know... Could work...
Wilhelm-Scream said:
I'm not talking about aesthetics.
I'm talking about the fact that he's already been established fighting monsters that are way more powerful than the classic monsters.

After fighting the resurrecting egg-hatched things with dreadlocks and the giant tentacled thing at the end of Hellboy, Dracula and the mummy and Gill-Man, etc. .......he could snap em 'em in two over his knee.:huh:

Interesting point. BUt Dracula, The Mummy, Wolf Man, and the Frankenstein Monster all have intelligence (in a manner of speaking) could be the deciding factor.

Plus, I definately do not want to see Frankenstein monster protrayed like he did in the Universal movies. He was protryaed much better in Van Helsing minus alot of the extra redesign stuff.

Leave Hellboy out of their franchises.
Wilhelm-Scream said:
I'm not talking about aesthetics.
I'm talking about the fact that he's already been established fighting monsters that are way more powerful than the classic monsters.

After fighting the resurrecting egg-hatched things with dreadlocks and the giant tentacled thing at the end of Hellboy, Dracula and the mummy and Gill-Man, etc. .......he could snap em 'em in two over his knee.:huh:

I wouldn't put money on that. Most versions of Dracula (even Lugosi's to an extent) portray him as a centuries-old mastermind on the same level that Rasputin was at least; Imhotep is about the same (Karloff and Vosloo); and in "Son Of Frankenstein" it's revealed the monster was given life via cosmic rays which make him pretty much immortal and able to take anything you throw at him. Between just the three of them THEY could certainly put a few nicks in Hellboy as easily as those Sammael things did.
I really want this project to happen, but it probably never will :(

Even animated, or a video game, it would kick ass with all the right talent.
Bad Superman said:
Uhh...they already are/have. The Mummy movies, Wolfman move that's coming out in '08, etc.
I'd absolutely love this. I just hope that they nail the designs if they do indeed try to stick to the originals. No one as of yet has been able to even match Jack Pierce's make-up from those movies.
I think this would be a stupid route.

What Universal should do is remake Dracula, Frankenstein, the Mummy, the Invisible Man, Wolf Man, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Have them be faithful, R rated, scary remakes. And for Dracula and Frankenstein have them be a blend of both the movie and the book.

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