Help fund THE GOON

Fincher doesn't have $400K lying around he can drop on this? His reps must've screwed him over bad on Benjamin Button . . . The Social Network . . . The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

Just saying, Mel Gibson used all his own money to make Passion of the Christ himself. For better or worse. It was his movie and he did it all without studio interference and it made gajillions basically on a low budget. I mean sure he blew all that money later on his girlfriends and mistresses.

Don't see why if a director has a passion project he wants to do why he doesn't just make it himself. I mean these guys are like millionaires. So where does all that money go?
This isnt funding a film even, its just funding the making of basically storyboards...
Fincher should still fund that himself I think.

Gore Verbinski put together a team and they worked out the story and and boarded a whole version of Rango themselves before they got Paramount/Nickelodeon involved. Spent 16 months on it. Now granted he already got Johnny Depp involved before they took it to Paramount so that probably sweetened the deal. But I can't see why Fincher couldn't do something similar.

But Verbinski already had like a whole animation, story, and artist team assembles before he started making Rango. So he had his whole vision assembled without studio involvement and just did it all himself on the side after Pirates.
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Why doesn't he ask the storyboards to work on the storyboards for free and when/if the movie is green lit they will get paid. I used to be a storyboarder (now I'm a games artist) if Fincher asked me to do a 100 storyboards for the Goon I would definately do it.

With that said, Fincher MUST be able to come up with 400 grand, he's an A list director for pete's sakes.
Fincher should still fund that himself I think.

Gore Verbinski put together a team and they worked out the story and and boarded a whole version of Rango themselves before they got Paramount/Nickelodeon involved. Spent 16 months on it. Now granted he already got Johnny Depp involved before they took it to Paramount so that probably sweetened the deal. But I can't see why Fincher couldn't do something similar.

But Verbinski already had like a whole animation, story, and artist team assembles before he started making Rango. So he had his whole vision assembled without studio involvement and just did it all himself on the side after Pirates.

to be fair i am sure the combined total of over 2.6 billion + of his pirates films helped

fincher hasn't really made a lot of money with his films
David Fincher is a prestige director. He's not made anything that's done as big as the Pirates films but he's made some considerable hits. There's a reason why Sony/MGM shelled out big time to get him on Dragon Tattoo series. He's definitely got some clout these days.

I just find it hard to believe he's not rich enough to fund the board work himself.

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