Hey guys, lookie what i got!


Dec 24, 2007
Reaction score
check out what my boss gave me today at work!

what horrifying and perverted thing did he demand in return?
well it wasnt so much that i earned the poster as it was me saying i wasnt leaving the theatre without one....

I got one of those as well. That's definitely one of the perks of working at a theatre. One of our managers who is also a batfan put one on display outside of the theater among the other "Now Playing" posters, and every time people passed it they actually stopped to examine it, it was pretty cool.
I got one of those as well. That's definitely one of the perks of working at a theatre. One of our managers who is also a batfan put one on display outside of the theater among the other "Now Playing" posters, and every time people passed it they actually stopped to examine it, it was pretty cool.
Oh tell me there was someone who asked for tickets.
Not to my knowledge, they probably noticed the date that was on the poster. But there were many turned heads.
I got one of those as well. That's definitely one of the perks of working at a theatre. One of our managers who is also a batfan put one on display outside of the theater among the other "Now Playing" posters, and every time people passed it they actually stopped to examine it, it was pretty cool.

indeed it is, and once the cardboard standie comes and goes ima try a fit it in my place :p might not workout to my advantage but its worth a shot.
ive yet to find the perfect spot in my room for it though.
ive thought about putting it above my bed, like all fancy like and everything, but the only problem is i already have a classic retro portrait of batman there already.
That's such an awesome poster. I have the same one on order from a marketplace seller on Amazon.
i know, gaaaawd i love it, and i got it for free muwahaha
I kinda like this poster better. But both are good.
i hope to get that and the one of batman eventualy, my theatre doesnt have them though, atleast not yet. but they do have the teaser poster of the jokers face on a wall and his mouth is the batsymbol, i hope to hunt that one down and bring it to my bat-room.

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