BvS How do you top the Superman/Zod battle?

Bruce Malone

May 23, 2009
Reaction score
I'm not saying in the next sequel we need to see another epic 1 on 1 fight but i assume before this current series is done we'll be having another 1 on 1 battle between superman and some other powerful bad guy.

How do they go about making that battle more epic than the one between Superman and Zod?

Not that that battle can't be topped in visuals but in terms of scale and destruction, with it taking place in metropolis and the fate of the world in the hang how do they top it? what are some scenarios? also who would you want fighting superman in said battle?
You don't try to top it. You just tell another great story with great action.
You don't try to top it. You just tell another great story with great action.


Though I would recommend they get civilians involved next time around. It would be awesome to see Superman trying to prevent them from getting hurt while at the same time trying to fend off the enemy.
I assume what could be done would be something similar to the Spider-Man 2 doc-ock train battle (still one of the best comic movie fights). Where not only was spider-man fighting ock, he was also zipping around trying to catch civilians as doc was throwing them around like rag-dolls.

It would arguably be a good response to those who criticized supes for not "caring" in his fight with zod.
You could...have pirates in it maybe?
You could have them do more then toss each other around and punch/kick each other through empty buildings.
Superman fights a giant spider. You're welcome, David and Zack.
the only way is to have a clone army with a million zods

and a death star
Superman fights a giant spider. You're welcome, David and Zack.

Kevin Smith in his podcast said he thought the tentacles in that world engine were suspiciously close to spider legs...
  • Show Superman getting hurt more
  • Give more reason to hate the villain, perhaps by showing the villain killing civilians directly
  • Make the villain stronger (slightly) then Superman so Superman has to use more strategy to beat him
  • Have the environment play a bigger role in the battle. Have them fight underground around subways, or around and in a large cruiser or battleship, or have them fight at an exotic location, perhaps the Grand Canyon or Yosemite
  • Have a villain with unique, interesting powers, instead of a clone of Superman (Zod)
  • Have them fight twice, with Superman losing the first battle at the midway point in the film, so the second battle is like a revenge rematch
  • Fight with the moon, the sun, or another planet as the backdrop. Or fight on the moon or Mars.
  • Have the military hit the villain with a nuke or a barrage of missles and bombs and show him survive it before Superman fights him

Thats it for now
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Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Boom. (drops mic)
I wouldn't top it in scale, but I would make it more personal, beat bad guy, or watch helplessly and defeated as Lois Lane dies. Or something like that.
  • Show Superman getting hurt more
  • Give more reason to hate the villain, perhaps by showing the villain killing civilians directly
  • Make the villain stronger (slightly) then Superman so Superman has to use more strategy to beat him
  • Have the environment play a bigger role in the battle. Have them fight underground around subways, or around and in a large cruiser or battleship, or have them fight at an exotic location, perhaps the Grand Canyon or Yosemite
  • Have a villain with unique, interesting powers, instead of a clone of Superman (Zod)
  • Have them fight twice, with Superman losing the first battle at the midway point in the film, so the second battle is like a revenge rematch
  • Fight with the moon, the sun, or another planet as the backdrop. Or fight on the moon or Mars.
  • Have the military hit the villain with a nuke or a barrage of missles and bombs and show him survive it before Superman fights him
Thats it for now

Pretty good suggestions. Except the moon thing because this Superman needs to breathe but there is an idea there. maybe an alien planet could be involved.
I wouldn't try, frankly. Instead I'd go for making the climax of MOS2 contrast that of MOS as much as possible, and putting Superman in a situation where brute force isn't going to work as well as it did in Metropolis:
* Instead of leveling a city, I'd go back to a more "enclosed" scale like a small town or thereabout, either on the Kent farm in Smallville (destroying it completely) or some other small town (maybe Midvale).
* Also, instead of daytime going into sunset, I'd start the final battle at night going into the dawn.
* In addition, I'd probably toss in a rainstorm, going easy on the lightning and thunder; there'd be enough spectacle in the fight.
* And I'd also put Superman at a physical disadvantage by injuring him somehow...
* well as give him TWO villains to face off against in the end instead of just one.
A little OT but I just saw Chronicle for the first time and it actually struck me at how there were some similarities between the two finale battles. 1 on 1 super-powered beings fighting it out in a city with a good deal of destruction etc. A little ironic seeing as the screenplay writer was a big MoS critic?
By not "topping" it per se. Zod vs Superman battle was one of my least favorite sequences of the film. It looked nice, but I didn't feel it. Give me something more balanced, with more purpose and better character moments.
Simple, you raise the stakes.
Make Superman vulnerable.
I think a really compelling fight in the sequel would be Lex having kryptonite-inhanced gloves or suit. You make superman hurt.
I give Returns crap all the time but when Lex had a beat down on Sup on the Kryptonite island, and stabbed him in the back, that was awesome.
A little OT but I just saw Chronicle for the first time and it actually struck me at how there were some similarities between the two finale battles. 1 on 1 super-powered beings fighting it out in a city with a good deal of destruction etc. A little ironic seeing as the screenplay writer was a big MoS critic?

Yeah I made the comparison elsewhere as well. The Supes-Zod fight was easier on the eye but feel the Chronicle fight was more compelling.
While I think they'd have a hard time topping it in terms of scale (it is the whole word that's in danger after all), I do think it would be easy to top it in terms of tension, drama and a bit more thought/intelligence.

There is a sort of 'zod/superman smash' vibe going on sometimes.

All it takes is a villain with a bit more of an intricate 'scheme'. Someone who really is trying to mess with Supes head. Someone who is methodical and cruel and intending on much more than a simple beat down.

Someone like Lex Luthor :)
Simple, you raise the stakes.
Make Superman vulnerable.
I think a really compelling fight in the sequel would be Lex having kryptonite-inhanced gloves or suit. You make superman hurt.
I give Returns crap all the time but when Lex had a beat down on Sup on the Kryptonite island, and stabbed him in the back, that was awesome.

I hated that with a passion. No thank you. I loathe Kryptonite. Just let him face a worthy foe who can damage him like Mongul, The Cyborg Superman, Atomic skull, or Brainiac ( save Darkseid for Justice league but a new god is possible)
There's only one way....

Superman vs an act of god. Makes total sense. It should be his life mission to fight all tornadoes anyhow, to avenge his pa.

And suddenly Superman 3 somehow feels legit.

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