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Deathmatch Hype Deathmatch: The Reimagining/Retelling/Remix R1 M5 - terry78 vs Majic Walrus

BATTLE of the two pretty normal guys!!

  • terry78

  • Majic Walrus

Results are only viewable after voting.


Apr 13, 2002
Reaction score
Welcome to...


The Reimagining/Retelling/Remix.


What is a Hype Deathmatch? They are bloodsoaked battles between Hypesters that usually result in dead bodies and cheating*… BUT NO CHEATINGor I’ll give JAL your home phone number. They are a Hype tradition that has almost been forgotten, but I remembered… so you all benefit. So let me Michael Bay this franchise out and we’ll have some nice looking sex-plosions and stuffs.

These Deathmatches carry on the tradition started by Toven/Holly > Doug Lips > Erzengel > Shadowboxing. All of them long gone except for the Asian/German mistress.

How are the participants chosen? Through mass kidnappings, first 5 pages of the Members List, well-known posters/posters with high post counts/mods/trolls/Bamfer, etc. Since this takes place in the Community, these are primarily people who post regularly in Community. If you do not see your name, don’t be discouraged. There’s always Hype Deathmatch: Direct to DVD.

Each match will last 2 days will get it’s own thread. Whichever poster has the highest votes gets to move on to the next Round.

*multiple votes by the same user on different screen names is cheating.

Game Outline:
Round 1: 52 players/ 24 matches => 24 winners move onto Round 2.
Round 2: 24 players/ 12 matches => 12 winners move onto Round 3.
Round 3: 12 players/ 6 matches => 6 winners move onto Round 4.
Round 4: 6 players/ 3 matches => 3 winners move onto Final 3-Way Match.
Final 3-Way Match: 3 players/ 1 match => 1 winner

Round 1
Match 1. Gilpesh vs chaseter
Match 2. The Apatow Crew vs EnterTheMadness
Match 3. Lightning Strykez! vs C. Lee
Match 4. KenshinAtrain vs The Ace of Knaves vs Johnny Drama
Match 5. terry78 vs Majic Walrus
Match 6. Karebear vs ComicChick
Match 7. DOG LIPS vs CConn
Match 8. Immortalfire vs Showtime
Match 9. StorminNorman vs The Original Bamfer
Match 10. Mdizzle vs Star
Match 11. Spider-Man Luvr28 vs katie_girl09 vs Catman
Match 12. Prison Mike vs Two-Face vs JP
Match 13. DBella vs AndThePickles
Match 14. Colossal Spoons vs Drakon
Match 15. Marx vs SuBe
Match 16. Spider-Fan vs CrashNburn
Match 17. Lunar_Wolf vs Morg
Match 18. Matt vs BlackLantern vs Sarge 2.0
Match 19. The Spawn vs SuperFerret
Match 20. Hunter Rider vs Cmill216
Match 21. redmarvel vs Kel
Match 22. TheCorpulent1 vs Dew k. Mosi
Match 23. Eggyman vs Wiseman
Match 24. Erzengel vs Darth (Don't ****ing Care) phere
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Learn to post the full articles instead of just the links, terry. :cmad:
Voted for Terry even though I don't know you that well.

Walrus - I don't know you either. :o
Walrus, because he tickled me with his mustache ;)
Walrus. Gotta support my fellow anthropomorphic Hypesters.
I voted for Terry because I love all the articles he posts (even if it's just the links)
I would have voted for Terry, but SolarTiger did. I can't vote for someone who SolarTiger voted for. Sorry, T. :csad:
Walrus, of course I voted for Terry. Sorry.

And how did I get on this list? I didn't join anything!
I confuzzle... did you mean to say, "I voted for Walrus of course. Sorry Terry"?
No, I was just messing with him like usual. But really... Sorry Terry. I know you're in tears right now.:(
Oops. I guess I understand the qualifications for the list now. Sorry. :o
Poor Terry. The guy's not getting any love. :csad:
I voted for Walrus. The Teen Wolf reference won me over.
Walrus. Because I love things that are magical.
I'm going to do the same thing here as I do for any contest where I like the posters equally. I'm gonna Switzerland that motha. :o


Learn to post the full articles instead of just the links, terry. :cmad:

He's saving his own ass. When AP sues people for copying their links, he'll be sitting pretty. :o
Wow, this is a hard one because the both of you are massive pr**ks. J/K ;)

Terry takes this one for me.
I understand Lunar Wolf, but you haven't even dreamed massive pr**k yet. ;)
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