Heres the complete play,as One and refined.
enter Thor Odinson
Thor odinson: it well known on the hype
that two lovers be,
and there names were spoons and ATP
but in a far off-universe
a twist of fate hath occured.
spoons belonged to the oldbies,
and ATP to the coalition of welling
in the other-verse these groups are foul rivals
that will fight to the banning
and members shalt not frantezize.
these star-crossed lovers are doomed to be banned.
this is there story:
Spoons: I am in love
Immortal:You have been proclaiming your love for DBella for years
Spoons: Yet,she rejectes my
Immortal: she is Meh.
Spoons: she is not meh!
Hush: guys, if you could read this file for me, my computers acting. up.
Spoons: what is it?
Hush:a guest list to a party
Spoons: let me see the file:
a fine party.....were will they be gathering?
Hush: these are the exalted guests an members of the coalition of the welling. if you are not an oldbie please come
Spoons: 'fire did you here that? dbELLA IS GOING TO THE PARTY. YOUR A MOD SNEAK ME IN.
scene II
the party
enter ATP CMill prisonMike DBella Hush doglips Spoons
spoons: There is DBella. DBELLA!
ATP: hello, doglips fair prince of the hype!
spoons: but wait! be still my beating heart! there is an archangel in the room and tis not Erzengel. it be ATP! ATP! ATP!
Spoons :ATP thou art a dove. inter-webz kiss me babe.
ATP: yes! for you are handssome.
*they kiss*
PrsionMike: that be spoons and he is an oldbie. father CMill, eject him at once!
CMill: stay thy hand PrisonMike. the prince of the hype doglips is here to-dAY
PrisonMike: he kises one of our own members!
ATP: spoons, meet me at mid-night in the balcony of my profile.
Spoons: sure, babe.
scene III
fire: hmmm its a fine day no-body is misbehaving. i'm bored. maybe i'll restart today on the hype or the price is hype especially that nutter, thor odinson has benen naggin' me about it......and-
Mike: ah, looky-looky here it be a lost oldbie! fight me now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fire: this is....madness
Mike: madness?!
Fire: stop or i'll ban you! ow ow ow! you're ban-
Lips: ban him not 'fire, but if anybody oldbey fights a welling in the street you will surely be banned.
MIKe: (to 'fire) one of these days i'll get you.
Scene I
Enter ATP
ATP: its midnight and spoons has not shown up.
ATP: what is that noise? Could that be spoons? I can’t see anythng in this dark.
ATP: *raps* Oh Spoons! ya! yo! Oh spoons! Ya! YO! Wherefore art thou spoons? YA! YO!
Spoons: By soft! what light through yonder Hyperlink breaks? It is the east, and Pickles is the sun! arise fair sun and cast out the jealous moon so my loves avvy may be seen by me!
ATP: come love and marry me!
Spoons: no, for tho my feelin’s be tender toward thee thou art a welling and I be an oldbie.
ATP: 'Tis but thy group that is my enemy; — Thou art thyself though, not an Oldbie What's an oldbie ? It is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other classification ! What's in a classification ? That which we call a rosa, in any other Genus would smell as sweet; So spoons would, were he not spoons call'd, Retain that dear perfection which he owes. Deny thy grouping and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a welling. .
Spoons: fine my love but daWN breaks! I must go.
ATP: Good-night, good-night! Parting is such sweet sorrow
That I shall say good-night till it be tomorrow.
Scene 2:
enter Prison MIKE and IMMORTALFIRE:
MIKE: tell spoons I challenge him to a duel! And that as the rules of fair play state, I must remind him of the rules of a Hype duel:
That We two entwined in battle are given the power by a mod to ban the other if we still live. Thus, we chant to each other "Banned"- And he who hesitates is lost.
Thank You.
'Fire: Uh....OK.....
Exuent Mike
Enter Spoons
"Fire: PrisonMike just challenged you to a duel!
Spoons: I am not here to talk to you. I am waiting for someone.
Enter DBella.
Spoons: There she is- DBella.
'Fire: I Thought you over with your infatuation for her.
Spoons: Marry, But She has a message for me.
Bella: Spoons, ATP wants you to meet her at the profile of Morg.
Scene 3:
Enter Pickles Spoons
Pickles: The wellings wish me to join in a hype union with Lunar Wolf.
Spoons: And that a Hype unioun would exist between you and someone else- For only one hype unioun can exist for each person - that is, they are sworn to defend the other.
Enter Morg
Morg: Ah, I will make you two in union using my Mod-powers.
AndThePickles, Do you swear you will defend Colossal Spoons if he is insulted.
Pickles: yes.
Morg: Colossal Spoons, Do you swear you will defend AndThePickles if she is insulted.
Spoons: YES!
Morg: and that you will accpt upon yourself all infractions, bans, and probations that the other gets?
Both: Yes.
Morg: and That you will not Unionate yourselves with anybody else without getting this ceremony repealed and undone.
Both: YES!
Morg: Then, By the powers invested in me as a mod, by the admins of the fair hype, I proclaim you A Hype Union!
Scene one:
enter ImortalFire, Spoons
'Fire: Mike seems to feel you kissed ATP at the party.
Spoons: that is correct.
'Fire: he feels it insults the honor of his group. Why did you do't? The risk of an oldbie kissing a welling....this deed is't most foul in the eyes of both parties. Did thou not think once that CMill might have banned you? That he would have felt that your very presence there was an offense? and then- You kissed ATP.
Your blood- 'twould be on your own head.
Enter MIKE
Mike: Fight me, Spoons!
Spoons: No
Mike: a coward you are, just like the fullness of the house of oldbies.
'Fire: Mike, you have called all oldbies cowards. I must defend our honor. I chllenge you to a duel. You have power to ban ME if you still live.
'Fire and Mike (chanting together) : You're Banned (x7)
Mike: You are banned!
'Fire: o I'm Banned! Spoons,avenge me, i give you the power.
Spoons: PrisonMike, Thou art Banned!
Enter Doglips
Doglips: did I not promise thta if any oldbey fights a welling in the street they will surely be banned? And Mike is banned!
Spoons: please, sir he killed Immortalfire.
'lips: in that case I will ban you in 48 hours and not immediatly. Now go make your peace.
Spoons: Alas, I am Fortune's fool!
exit all.
Scene 2:
Enter Pickles and Morg:
ATP: Morg, was Spoons not to be here today as i requested.
Morg: Marry, But he will be banned in 48 hours. He is making his peace.
ATP: Alas, at least let him carry me off to another forum. For tonight is my union with Lunar Wolf.
Morg: it must be done stealthily, so that you do not leave the hype in shambles by the war thy groups are engaged in- if your proposal is followed through 'twill flare up. Thus, I know of a way to make't look like you are banned....but after 24 hours it shall be lifted. No other Mod or admin can detect't. Then, I will PM Spoons to carry thee off to to the other forum.
ATP: Do thy method now. I am "banned" hard, but in peace am I "Banned".
Exit Pickles.
Morg: i'll PM spoons ........wait a second.....My finger slipped....and I pressed "Probate Morg for a week " button by mistake.... NOOo!
Scene 3:
Enter Spoons
Spoons: Pickles is banned- I cannot even say goodbye. Oh, i am Fortune's fool! Alas, I am Fortune's fool! From now till forever I am Fortune's fool!
Enter Dew K. Mosi
Spoos: Dew, Give me the power to prematurly ban myself. there is a deed i wish to do, and then relieve myself of the temptation to go here any more.
Dew: Thats Against the Rules. I will be banned if i do this for you.
Spoons: never fear, no one will ever know.
Dew: Fine. The power is yours. And any man who disturbs thee on thy mission, thy can ban 'im too.
Exit Spoons, dEw
Scene 4
Enter Spoons
Spoons: here is pickles profile. Oh, where is her ringed avvy? Her Glowing Sig?
and yet this does not feel like the prof'oe of a banned one.
The melancholy must've struken me hard.
LW: What, Spoons here. I'll tell CMill who will ban thee.
Spoons: It must be on my own time. Thy art banned.
And 'tis my time. I am banned.
Enter Pickles:
ATP: What's this? Spoons is banned and cannot carry me off to My othersite. I have no porpose here. I will Get banned by spamming up the site!
Enter CMill
CMill: What is this? how many people have been banned here?!
Enter Matt.
Matt: Look, Cmill, Both ImmortalFire and Spoons have been banned. Let's make peace.
CMill: Marry, for so has Pickles..
Enter Doglips
DoGLips: Look, they make peace,
All with blame are punished, Justice is done.
There was never a tale that more hearts did PWN,
Then Pickles and her Collasal Spoon.